IBM Personal Computer G544 5774 01 User Manual

Infoprint Server for iSeries  
Introduction and Planning Guide  
Ve r s i o n 5, R e l e a s e 2.0  
Infoprint Server for iSeries  
Introduction and Planning Guide  
Ve r s i o n 5, R e l e a s e 2.0  
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information in  
Second Edition (August 2002)  
This edition applies to the IBM® Infoprint® Server for iSeriesVersion 5 Release 2 Modification 0 licensed program,  
Program Number 5722–IP1, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new  
editions or technical newsletters. Be sure to use the correct edition for the level of the product.  
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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002  
vi Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
About Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning  
Guide (G5445774)  
This publication provides an overview of Infoprint Server for iSeries Version 5  
Release 2 (licensed program number 5722IP1). The term iSeriesrefers to the  
system formerly called AS/400®. The term OS/400®refers to the operating system  
of the iSeries.  
This introduction includes an overview of Infoprint Server for iSeries, explains its  
benefits, describes how you can use Infoprint Server for iSeries, describes how  
Infoprint Server for iSeries works, and introduces some products you can use with  
Infoprint Server for iSeries. This publication is organized into chapters to help you  
obtain the information you need about Infoprint Server for iSeries. Instead of  
reading the entire publication, you can read only those chapters that apply to you:  
and system administrators. The chapter describes the overall benefits that  
Infoprint Server for iSeries provides and lists the hardware and software needed  
to use this product.  
v Chapter 2, Using Infoprint Serveris intended for managers, operators, and  
system administrators. It provides a number of scenarios that show how you can  
use Infoprint Server for iSeries in various printing situations.  
system administrators who want to understand how Infoprint Server for iSeries  
works. The chapter describes the component parts of Infoprint Server for iSeries.  
v Chapter 4, Related Productsdescribes some IBM products that you can use  
with Infoprint Server for iSeries.  
Who Should Read This Book  
This publication is intended for people who need to understand the benefits and  
capabilities of Infoprint Server for iSeries.  
Prerequisite and Related information  
Use the iSeries Information Center as your starting point for looking up iSeries  
technical information.  
You can access the Information Center two ways:  
v From the following Web site:  
v From CD-ROMs that ship with your order:  
iSeries Information Center, SK3T-4091-02. This package also includes the PDF  
versions of iSeries manuals, iSeries Information Center: Supplemental Manuals,  
SK3T-4092-01, which replaces the Softcopy Library CD-ROM.  
The iSeries Information Center contains advisors and important topics such as  
Java, TCP/IP, Web serving, secured networks, logical partitions, clustering, CL  
commands, and system application programming interfaces (APIs). It also includes  
links to related IBM Redbooksand Internet links to other IBM Web sites such as  
the IBM home page.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002  
With every new hardware order, you receive the iSeries Setup and Operations  
CD-ROM, SK3T-4098-01. This CD-ROM contains IBM Eserver iSeries Access for  
Windows and the EZ-Setup wizard. iSeries Access offers a powerful set of client  
and server capabilities for connecting PCs to iSeries servers. The EZ-Setup wizard  
automates many of the iSeries setup tasks.  
The Printing Systems iSeries Products Web page contains information about this  
product. See this Web page:  
For other related information, see the Bibliographyon page 37.  
iSeries Navigator  
IBM iSeries Navigator is a powerful graphical interface for managing your iSeries  
servers. iSeries Navigator functionality includes system navigation, configuration,  
planning capabilities, and online help to guide you through your tasks. iSeries  
Navigator makes operation and administration of the server easier and more  
productive and is the only user interface to the new, advanced features of the  
OS/400 operating system. It also includes Management Central for managing  
multiple servers from a central system.  
You can find more information on iSeries Navigator in the iSeries Information Center  
and at the following Web site:  
viii Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
Summary of Changes  
Summary of Changes for Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and  
Planning Guide, G544577401  
This publication contains additions and changes to information previously presented  
in Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide, G544577400,  
which supports Infoprint Server for iSeries Version 5 Release 1.0. The technical  
additions and changes are marked with a revision bar ( | ) in the left margin.  
These changes have been made throughout the book:  
v For OS/400 5.2, the product name Operations Navigator has been changed to  
iSeries Navigator. In this document, the term iSeries Navigator refers to both  
Operations Navigator and iSeries Navigator unless otherwise noted.  
v For OS/400 5.2, the product name Client Access Express has been changed to  
iSeries Access. In this document, the term iSeries Access refers to both Client  
Access Express and iSeries Access unless otherwise noted.  
v The PDF transform is now referred to as the PDF subsystem.  
The following information is new or updated:  
v A section that describes the enhancements included in version 5.2 has been  
v A section that describes the hardware required to run Infoprint Server 5.2 for  
iSeries has been added. See Hardware Requirementson page 8.  
v A section that describes the software required to run Infoprint Server 5.2 for  
iSeries has been added. See Software Requirementson page 8.  
v A section that describes what Infoprint Server 5.2 for iSeries is compatible with  
v A new chapter has been added that describes other IBM products you can use  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002  
Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
Chapter 1. What Infoprint Server Can Do for You  
Infoprint Server for iSeries (hereafter referred to as Infoprint Server) is a separately  
orderable program for OS/400 5.1 and higher. Infoprint Server focuses on the  
network, extending the considerable capabilities of the iSeries beyond printing to  
the management and dissemination of output. As business applications are  
re-engineered into e-business applications, the output of those applications might  
need to change and flow electronically to the consumer of that output.  
For enterprise printing requirements, Infoprint Server delivers improved efficiency,  
improved reliability, and lower overall printing costs. It does this by applying iSeries  
printing management and iSeries-attached printers to the task of handling all of the  
essential printing generated across the network.  
This chapter describes how output and printing requirements are changing. It  
explains how Infoprint Server fits into this changing environment and how  
implementing Infoprint Server can benefit you.  
How Output Requirements Are Changing  
With the advent of a fully electronic computing environment, which includes local  
area networks and the Internet, standard server-centric business applications are  
being re-engineered into e-business applications. In many cases, this has  
ramifications for the output that those applications produce. For example:  
Companies require more electronic output  
Businesses need to implement business-to-business and  
business-to-customer applications that have electronic output distribution  
instead of paper creation. The traditional output model of print and  
distributeis changing to one of distribute (electronically), then (maybe)  
print. Electronic output reduces costs, decreases cycle time, improves  
competitiveness, and increases customer satisfaction.  
Network-centered printing is inadequately managed and costly  
Many key applications within an iSeries extended environment now reside  
outside the iSeries server. Printing to personal or LAN-attached printers is  
usually far costlier and far less reliable than printing from the iSeries.  
Companies would like to apply iSeries print management and iSeries  
printers to this task. In addition, many new applications that are  
client-server in implementation, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP)  
and Independent Software Vendor (ISV) solutions, create ASCII output  
because it is a common denominator across clients and servers.  
Transforming these data streams to AFPenables robust iSeries print  
Output applications need to be portable across different systems  
Many line-of-business applications, such as statements, invoices, and  
policies, need to have the flexibility to print on servers other than the server  
where the data resides. In order to do this, the print file needs to be  
packaged with all of the resources, such as fonts, overlays, and images that  
are needed for printing.  
New output formatting on iSeries needs additional printing and viewing  
While the majority of iSeries output applications are formatted with Data  
Description Specifications (DDS), the iSeries also offers an  
application-independent formatting approach: iSeries page definitions and  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002  
form definitions. This separates page formatting from the line-of-business  
application. In addition, with Infoprint Designer for iSeries, you have a  
graphical design interface for these applications. Infoprint Server addresses  
the requirement to take print applications with page definition and form  
definition formatting and transform them into final-form AFP. This lets them  
be easily printed and viewed by downstreamprocesses.  
Workstation users want to integrate Web and client images into iSeries  
Workstation users want to be able to use images from the Web or their  
workstation in GIF, TIFF, and JPEG format in their OS/400 documents. This  
saves time by allowing the user to create the image in only one format.  
How to Handle the Changing Output Requirements  
Print server consolidation is the best way to handle the changing printing  
requirements. Why? One central print server in a network is more cost effective  
than a distributed solution with printers attached to many different LAN servers or  
local desktop computers. Consolidating onto a central print server lets you use the  
right printer for specific print jobs. OS/400 5.1 and higher with Infoprint Server lets  
you consolidate your print workload from many servers to a central OS/400 print  
server. OS/400 handles high volume printing, logs accounting histories, and  
provides data security and recovery. With OS/400, you can control host and LAN  
printing. You do not need to continually upgrade your server so it can handle more  
print requests.  
How Infoprint Server Fits in with OS/400 Printing  
Infoprint Server significantly expands the possibilities of print and electronic output  
in an iSeries environment, integrating new capabilities within the existing print  
framework. Lets take a closer look and see how. The existing output subsystem is  
generally print-centric. Figure 1 on page 3 depicts the flow within this subsystem.  
Any OS/400 application that creates print uses a printer file to provide job-level  
control information as the data is written to the output queue. DDS keywords can be  
used to define how application and static information is placed on each page. With  
these instructions, the application places print data (a spooled file) on an OS/400  
output queue. The print data on the queue is usually either SCS (SNA Character  
Set) for simple line-mode output or AFP with graphics. With AFP print data, there  
are frequently embedded references to external print resources, such as fonts,  
overlays, and page segments.  
Once the print data resides on the OS/400 output queue, there are three drivers  
that can route the print data to a printer. The driver is automatically selected based  
on the type of target printer. Base OS/400 print management includes the driver for  
printing to SCS printers. Host Print Transform is the driver for ASCII printers,  
principally PCL printers. When a PCL printer is selected by the print writer, the print  
file (either SCS or AFP) is passed to Host Print Transform. Host Print Transform  
then transforms the print data into ASCII and sends it to the printer. When an  
Intelligent Printer Data Stream(IPDS) printer is started, Print Services Facility™  
(PSF) for OS/400 is automatically invoked and interactively manages the entire  
printing process with the printer. When PSF for OS/400 manages AFP print data, it  
ensures that any external resources required, such as fonts, overlays, and images,  
are in printer memory when needed.  
With OS/400 3.2 and 3.7, two additional types of external resources appeared on  
the scene: page definitions and form definitions. These resources are a standard  
Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
part of the AFP architecture and enable the pages to be formatted independently of  
the application program. Infoprint Designer for iSeries is a fully graphical output  
composition system that uses these resources to design new applications or  
re-engineer existing ones.  
OS/400 Print  
AFP Resources  
Page Segments  
Page Definitions  
(PSF only)  
Form Definitions  
(PSF only)  
PSF for  
Figure 1. iSeries Printing without Infoprint Server  
Infoprint Server opens up this print architecture. Figure 2 on page 5 shows the  
functional elements that Infoprint Server adds to the picture. The Infoprint Server  
components are shaded. The general focus is in two major areas: (1) projecting  
OS/400 output to the network, and (2) incorporating the network into the OS/400  
print functions.  
Infoprint Server has five functional components:  
v PDF services  
v E-mail iSeries output  
v PDF, PostScript, and PCL to AFP datastream transforms  
v Create AFP Data command for AFP indexing and creation of portable AFP  
v Image transforms for GIF, TIFF, and JPEG to iSeries format  
Lets go through the Infoprint Server functional elements one by one. First,  
transforms have been built into OS/400 that convert several types of input data to  
image-based AFP and place it on an OS/400 output queue. The input data can be  
Printer Control Language (PCL), PostScript, or Portable Document Format (PDF)  
print data. This enables most ASCII output created in the OS/400 or on the network  
to be put in native OS/400 format (AFP), which lets users take advantage of the  
OS/400 print management capabilities. These transforms are managed by  
Transform Manager.  
A central component of Infoprint Server is the PDF subsystem. This subsystem  
enables the conversion of any standard OS/400 output (SCS, AFP, mixed data,  
IPDS, or OfficeVision/400) to Adobe PDF. The conversion process is highly  
Chapter 1. What Infoprint Server Can Do for You  
integrated and creates a native, text-based ASCII PDF data file when the input to  
the transform is non-image. This PDF file can then be routed to one of three places:  
an integrated file system directory, an output queue, or outbound by e-mail. In  
addition, you can use AFP Toolbox for AS/400, the Create AFP Data command, or  
DDS keywords to logically segment a print file. This logical segmentation carries  
forward to the PDF transform process. This provides the ability to create a single  
PDF file with indexing information or multiple PDF files from a single input file. PDF  
files stored in the integrated file system are available to any client, network, or Web  
Automatic e-mail distribution is a key additional function integrated into the PDF  
subsystem. For any standard print file in an OS/400 output queue, you can specify  
that the data be converted to PDF and sent as e-mail. A user exit has been added  
to further customize the e-mail process. For example, you can select an input file  
with logical segments that are built in. Each logical segment is transformed into a  
PDF file and the user exit lets you link to an address database for the e-mail  
addresses for each PDF file.  
PDF is one industry-standard approach to electronic distribution of output. AFP is  
another. There is an AFP Viewer application built into iSeries Access and an AFP  
Viewer plug-in is available for Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer. Because  
AFP files can have external resources, it is important that any portable AFP data is  
sent with those external resources. For Web use, Infoprint Server provides the  
ability to convert an AFP input file to fully portable format. The resources are  
embedded within the data. In addition, Infoprint Server with its Create AFP Data  
command, can add indexing within this portable file. This facilitates easy navigation  
by the person viewing the data.  
Another element of Infoprint Server is its image transforms. These transforms,  
which execute on the client, convert industry standard image formats (GIF, TIFF, or  
JPEG) into AFP page segments or overlays on your PC. You can use the AFP  
Manager component of iSeries Navigator or OS/400 commands to create the page  
segment or overlay on your OS/400. This lets you use an image in a client or  
network application and then embed it in an OS/400 application.  
Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
Client Networking  
and iSeries  
OS/400 Print  
AFP Resources  
Page Segments  
Page Definitions  
(PSF only)  
Form Definitions  
(PSF only)  
Page Segment  
or Overlay  
iSeries Access  
AFP Viewer  
AFP Viewer  
or TIFF  
Figure 2. iSeries Output Management with Infoprint Server  
See Chapter 2, Using Infoprint Serveron page 9 for examples that show how you  
can use the Infoprint Server components in different printing scenarios. For more  
detailed information about the Infoprint Server components, see Chapter 3,  
| Whats New in Infoprint Server Version 5.2?  
Infoprint Server 5.2 provides these enhancements:  
v Use an SMTP server to send e-mail:  
Previously, the only way to send e-mail from Infoprint Server was through the  
SNDDST command. With Infoprint Server 5.2, you can specify that Infoprint  
Server uses an SMTP server to send your e-mail.  
v Individualize e-mails that are sent by the PDF subsystem:  
With the prior version of Infoprint Server, you could only use a PDF mapping  
program to map mail tags when you specified a keyword, such as a customer  
Chapter 1. What Infoprint Server Can Do for You  
number, for the mail tag. Now you can use the PDF mapping program to interpret  
mail tags, specify the subject text, and add a customized message to the  
beginning of each e-mail. If you use an SMTP mail server to send the e-mail, you  
can also specify a file to be used in the body of the e-mail, add carbon copy (cc)  
and blind carbon copy (bcc) recipients, specify an address for the recipient to  
reply to, and add attachments.  
v Use fonts from your Mac when transforming PostScript data to AFP:  
With Infoprint Manager for Windows® or Infoprint Manager for AIX® along with  
Infoprint Server Font Downloader, you can upload DBCS fonts from your Mac to  
the iSeries. You can then use these fonts with the PostScript to AFP transform.  
v Transform enhancements:  
The PDF, PCL, and PostScript to AFP transforms that are shipped with Infoprint  
Server 5.2 have been enhanced for better performance. The PCL to AFP  
transform now supports PCL 6.  
v Indexing for PDF files:  
When transforming a file to PDF, Infoprint Server can now place index tags at  
group boundaries and return one PDF file. This lets you easily navigate the file  
when viewing it on your workstation.  
v Smaller PDF files:  
Infoprint Server 5.2 lets you generate a PDF file without the fonts embedded.  
This lets you produce smaller PDF files.  
v Enhancements to Create AFP Data:  
Easier file management: Create AFP Data (CRTAFPDTA) now lets you tell  
Infoprint Server to delete the output stream files after it merges them together.  
Two new parameters make it easier to identify the input file.  
v Interactive access to PDF and e-mail functions  
Infoprint Server for iSeries, together with iSeries Access 5.2, lets you use the  
fully graphical iSeries command interface to run PDF and e-mail functions  
interactively. Send output by e-mail in one step. Write single or multiple output  
files to the integrated file system.  
v Support printing with new iSeries Web Access  
Infoprint Server for iSeries, when installed with iSeries Access, enables direct  
PDF printing from your browser.  
Benefits of Using Infoprint Server  
Users and applications in the typical iSeries enterprise environment can take full  
advantage of Infoprint Servers many benefits, including:  
Create Electronic Output  
In order to stay competitive, companies need to cut costs and decrease cycle time  
by creating electronic output instead of all paper creation and distribution. The PDF  
subsystem component of Infoprint Server lets you create PDF output from any file  
that can be input to PSF for OS/400. The PDF file can be e-mailed to one or more  
recipients, stored for later use on the Web, stored for archival purposes, or sent to  
a PDF printer.  
The PDF subsystem can also add indexing tags to logically divide a document into  
sub-documents such as customer statements, or physically divide a document into  
separate files. A logically divided file is easily navigated with a viewer. If the  
Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
document is physically divided, each file can be sent to a different e-mail address,  
retrieved, or printed individually, which replaces the need for a manual burst and  
Better Access to IPDS Printers  
In todays network environments, workstation users are often limited to personal  
and LAN printers. Infoprint Server lets any user in the network send print jobs in a  
wide range of formats from OS/400 and LAN clients to IPDS printers attached to  
Handle Print Jobs Effectively  
Infoprint Server increases the types of jobs you can print through your OS/400.  
Because print jobs are managed by the OS/400 spool, they are secure and  
recoverable. OS/400 accounting information for print jobs is logged automatically.  
Detect and Transform Job Data Streams  
Image Print Transform, a component of OS/400, automatically detects the data  
stream for PCL, PDF, and PostScript jobs that LAN clients submit. Transform  
Manager then uses the appropriate transform to convert the data stream for printing  
on an IPDS printer.  
Support Common Printer Languages  
Infoprint Server provides support for those output languages common in both  
iSeries and network environments, including SCS, AFP, line data, PostScript, PCL,  
and PDF. Infoprint Server protects your investment in printing applications and  
hardware while providing the extensions critical to re-engineer printing and output  
business functions.  
Create AFP Output from Images on Windows  
Infoprint Server lets you convert the most common image formats (GIF, TIFF, and  
JPEG) to AFP. This simplifies graphics maintenance by letting you use the same  
graphics in your OS/400 documents, workstation documents, and Web presentation.  
External Formatting Flexibility  
Many applications ported to OS/400 output line data. Through the Create AFP Data  
command, Infoprint Server gives you more ways to use this output without  
modifying the application. It lets you view the line data before printing, packages the  
data with the resources needed for printing, and lets you print it on PCL printers.  
This benefit lets you use Infoprint Designer to easily specify document and report  
page formatting while maintaining the flexibility of viewing and printing your output  
almost anywhere.  
Easier Navigation of Large Files  
As businesses increase electronic file use, it becomes necessary to be able to  
quickly navigate those files. For example, an application might create customer  
statements. Infoprint Server gives you the ability to index the statement file so that  
customer service representatives can quickly find and view a customers statement.  
It can also package the statements with their resources. This lets customer service  
representatives view the statement on their workstations in the same format as the  
customers copy. This also makes archiving more manageable because it lets you  
to retrieve an individual statement when you need it.  
Chapter 1. What Infoprint Server Can Do for You  
The PDF subsystem lets you use the indexing information to break a large file into  
smaller files, such as customer statements, then store, e-mail, or print the smaller  
Print to PDF Printers  
When IPDS printers are not required, businesses need access to ASCII printers.  
Without Infoprint Server, OS/400 supports printing iSeries output on PCL printers. A  
new generation of printers, such as the IBM Infoprint 21, IBM Infoprint 45, and IBM  
Infoprint 70 support printing PDF directly. Infoprint Server lets you print to these  
printers. This can increase performance over printing to PCL printers because the  
PDF output is not converted to an image before printing, while PCL data is.  
| Hardware Requirements  
OS/400 5.2 runs on these iSeries systems:  
Model 150  
Model 170  
Model 250  
Model 270  
Model 6xx/Sxx  
Model 7xx  
Model 8xx  
The PASE environment requires an AS/400 or Eserver iSeries model 600 or  
| Software Requirements  
In order to run Infoprint Server for iSeries, you need OS/400 5.1 or higher. A PSF  
for OS/400 license is not required.  
To print the PDF output from the PDF subsystem requires Acrobat Reader 5.0. You  
can download it free from the Adobe Web site:  
The Font Downloader feature of Infoprint Server requires a PC running Infoprint  
Manager for Windows (Program Number 5639-N49), DBCS Font Downloader  
feature (LCD4-5884-00), or an AIX system running Infoprint Manager for AIX  
(Program Number 5765-E42), DBCS Font Downloader feature (LCD4-5884-00).  
In order to use the PCL, PDF, or PostScript to AFP transform, you need OS/400 5.1  
or higher with the PASE feature installed.  
The image transforms (GIF, JPEG, and TIFF to AFP) require a PC running  
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows NT® with service pack 4  
| Compatibility  
Infoprint Server 5.2 for iSeries is upwardly compatible with Infoprint Server 5.1 for  
Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
Chapter 2. Using Infoprint Server  
This chapter describes how you can use Infoprint Server in your particular  
environment to meet your printing needs. It includes the following scenarios:  
These scenarios are examples of printing situations, but do not represent all  
situations that exist. Each scenario includes a figure that shows which Infoprint  
Server components are used. The components are shaded in the figures.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002  
Publishing iSeries Output Electronically  
In this scenario, a company uses an iSeries to generate monthly reports. These  
reports are then distributed to the sales regions. Instead of sending out hardcopy  
versions of these reports, the company wants to make them available for Web  
Here is how this company can use the Infoprint Server components to meet its  
1. An OS/400 application creates the data and puts it on the spool.  
2. The data (SCS, IPDS, AFP, Line Data, or OfficeVision/400 data stream) is sent  
to print. The device description associated with the printer writer specifies a PSF  
configuration object.  
3. The PSF configuration object specifies that the data is to be transformed into  
PDF. Therefore, the data is sent to PSF.  
Note: Although the PDF subsystem interacts with PSF, you do not need a PSF  
license to use the PDF subsystem.  
4. PSF sends the data to the PDF subsystem. The PDF subsystem transforms the  
data into PDF and sends it back to PSF.  
5. PSF places it in the integrated file system in a specified location. You can  
specify the location in the PSF configuration object.  
You can put the PDF file in an area of the integrated file system that a Web  
client can access. If you put the file in a folder that your PC has access to, you  
can use your PC to access the file.  
Figure 3 shows how Infoprint Server lets you publish iSeries output.  
PSF Configuration  
Shared Folder  
PSF for  
File System  
Figure 3. Publishing iSeries Output Electronically  
10 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
Electronic Report Distribution  
In this scenario, a company wants to distribute its monthly sales reports to regional  
managers. Currently, the reports are generated on an OS/400, printed, manually  
separated, and sent to the managers. The goal is to electronically send the regional  
managers only the report for the area that they control.  
Here is how this company can use the Infoprint Server components to meet its  
1. A sales report application uses a tool to generate statements that contain group  
tags and puts the file on the output queue. Some tools the application could use  
are Data Description Specifications (DDS) keywords, AFP Toolbox, or the  
Infoprint Server Create AFP Data (CRTAFPDTA) command  
2. The data is sent to PSF. In order to call the PDF subsystem, the device  
description associated with the printer writer specifies an appropriate PSF  
configuration object.  
Note: Although the PDF subsystem interacts with PSF, you do not need a PSF  
license to use the PDF subsystem.  
3. The PSF configuration object specifies that the data is to be transformed into  
multiple PDF files and e-mailed, so PSF sends the data to the PDF subsystem.  
4. The PDF subsystem uses the group tags to segment the statements by regional  
office and creates a PDF file from each segment, then sends the files back to  
5. If the file specifies a keyword, such as a regional ID, instead of an actual e-mail  
address, the keyword has to be mapped to a valid address. PSF uses a  
user-created PDF mapping program to map the keyword to the appropriate  
e-mail addresses. If the file specifies valid e-mail addresses, you do not need  
an PDF mapping program.  
6. PSF uses the SNDDST command or the SMTP mail server that is specified on  
the PSF configuration object to send the reports to the managers.  
Figure 4 shows how Infoprint Server lets you send multiple PDF files as e-mail.  
PSF for  
Figure 4. Electronic Report Distribution  
Chapter 2. Using Infoprint Server 11  
Printing Enterprise Print Output on IPDS Printers  
In this scenario, a business uses an enterprise resource planning software package  
to create and print its output in PCL format. They would like to direct their high  
volume print jobs to high-speed IPDS printers.  
Here is how this business can use the Infoprint Server components to meet its  
1. From a Windows workstation, a user submits the document for printing on an  
IPDS printer using a printer shared though NetServer.  
2. The document is put on the OS/400 spool and then directed to Transform  
3. Transform manager uses the PCL transform to transform the data to AFP.  
4. The transform sends the AFP data to PSF for OS/400.  
5. PSF submits the data for printing.  
Figure 5 shows how Infoprint Server lets you print PCL, PDF, or PostScript  
documents from your workstation on IPDS printers.  
PCL to  
AFP Transform  
PDF to  
AFP Transform  
Net Server  
Post Script to  
AFP Transform  
Figure 5. Printing documents from a Workstation on IPDS printers  
12 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
Integrating Web and Network Images into iSeries Applications  
A manufacturer has a drawing application on Windows NT that creates engineering  
drawings in JPEG format. The manufacturer wants to be able to use the same  
drawing on a work order, but the work order is a line of business (LOB) document  
produced by the iSeries.  
Here is how the manufacturer can use Infoprint Server components to meet its  
1. The user sends the JPEG file to the Windows-based image transform to create  
an AFP page segment.  
2. Next, the user could use the AFP Manager component of iSeries Navigator to  
create the page segment in the iSeries. Alternatively, the user could use a  
network drive mapped to an iSeries to put the AFP output file in a shared folder,  
then use OS/400 commands to create it as a page segment on the iSeries.  
3. A user application creates a spooled file that uses the new page segment.  
4. The spooled file can now be sent to an IPDS printer or PSF can send it to  
Infoprint Server. Through Infoprint Server, you can send the job to a PCL or  
PDF printer, e-mail the output, or create a stream file in the integrated file  
Figure 6 shows how Infoprint Server can transform images into AFP files.  
Network Drive  
File System  
Figure 6. Transforming images into OS/400 resources  
Chapter 2. Using Infoprint Server 13  
Indexing Data for Navigation  
A telephone company creates customer statements by using the external formatting  
capabilities on the iSeries (page definitions and form definitions) together with AFP;  
this is called mixed data. This company wants its customer service representatives  
to be able to view the statements in the same format that the customer receives  
them. The company also wants the customer service representatives to be able to  
use the customers name or phone number to quickly locate a customers  
Here is how this company can use the Infoprint Server components to meet its  
1. An application creates the data and puts it on the OS/400 spool.  
2. The Create AFP Data (CRTAFPDTA) command generates the document as an  
AFP stream file and puts the indexing information in an index object stream file.  
It then gathers all of the needed resources into a resource stream file. Finally, it  
concatenates all three stream files into a merged stream file.  
3. Users can now view the indexed file on their workstation.  
Figure 7 shows how you can use Infoprint Server to index data.  
AFP Merged  
Stream File  
Viewing on the Workstation  
Stream File  
AFP Stream  
Index Object  
Stream File  
Figure 7. Indexing line, mixed, or AFP data  
14 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
Distributing AFP Output Electronically  
A company creates complex documents that contain page segments, overlays, and  
bar codes. The documents are then printed and distributed to users within their  
network and external clients. This company wants to be able to distribute the  
documents electronically. However, the documents require those external resources  
to be available in order to print or view correctly.  
Here is how this company can use the Infoprint Server components to meet its  
1. An application creates the data and puts it on the OS/400 spool.  
2. The Create AFP Data (CRTAFPDTA) command generates the document as an  
AFP stream file and gathers all of the needed resources into a resource stream  
file. It then concatenates the AFP stream file and resources into a merged  
stream file.  
3. Users can now view the merged file on their workstation, use the file on another  
system, or archive the file.  
Figure 8 shows how you can use Infoprint Server to distribute AFP output  
AFP Merged  
Stream File  
Stream File  
AFP Stream  
Figure 8. Packaging AFP data with its resources for electronic distribution  
Chapter 2. Using Infoprint Server 15  
16 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
Chapter 3. Understanding the Infoprint Server Components  
This chapter describes the Infoprint Server components. It describes how each  
component works and lists some of the benefits obtained through the component.  
Figure 9 shows the Infoprint Server components and how they fit into your system.  
The Infoprint Server components are shaded.  
Windows Infoprint Server  
Image transforms: GIF,  
TIFF, and JPEG to AFP  
Applications (Lotus, Word...)  
PCL, PDF, Post Script files  
Printer Share  
Page Segments,  
or AFP Documents  
Post Script, PCL, PDF, AFPDS  
Net Server  
Post Script, PCL, PDF, AFPDS  
File System  
Os/400 libraries, PC or  
Unix-style directories,  
OS/400 shared folders  
Stream Files  
Post Script,  
Currently supported data streams:  
Line data (*LINE), Mixed data  
(*AFPDSLINE), OV/400, and  
SCS (*SCS)  
IPDS Printer  
Figure 9. Infoprint Server Components.  
PDF Subsystem  
Infoprint Server lets you use the PDF subsystem to convert any standard format  
documents and reports on your iSeries to one or more Portable Document Format  
(PDF) files.  
The PDF subsystem performs one of these functions with the output:  
v Stores the output as a stream file in the integrated file system. This allows the  
file to be accessed by the Web, by an application, or accessed by a workstation  
using NetServer or iSeries Access.  
v Prints it on a PDF printer.  
v Sends it as e-mail.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002  
Optionally, the PDF subsystem also works with group tags when they have been  
inserted into the data. You can use AFP Toolbox, the Create AFP Data  
(CRTAFPDTA) command, or DDS keywords to create group tags in the data. The  
PDF subsystem can process a file with group tags in one of two ways. It can  
convert the input data to one file with indexing tags at the group boundaries or  
break each group into a separate PDF file. This is essential, for example, for  
separating customer statements when they are all created from one job. After it  
goes through the PDF subsystem, each customer statement could be its own PDF  
file. Alternatively, you could use indexing information in one file to quickly navigate  
to each statement.  
The PDF subsystem can transform any of these data types:  
v IPDS  
v SCS  
v AFP  
v Line data (externally formatted with page definitions and form definitions)  
v Mixed data (line data that is mixed with AFP)  
v OfficeVision/400  
Note: Currently the PDF subsystem cannot transform 2D bar codes to PDF.  
To call the PDF subsystem, specify a PSF configuration object with appropriate  
values on the device you want to print to. You can use OS/400 commands or the  
AFP Manager component of iSeries Navigator to create the PSF configuration  
Some of the benefits the PDF subsystem provides are:  
v Avoid rewriting applications  
You can use existing applications to create documents in a new format. This lets  
you take advantage of the Web, e-mail, and a popular document format without a  
lot of costly overhead.  
v Searchable output  
The PDF output is actual text when the input file is text-based. This lets you use  
the standard Adobe Acrobat functions when you view the file, such as search and  
v Simple archival method  
You can save all of your documents in organized PDF directories. Because any  
data stream that can be input to PSF can be transformed to PDF, your archive  
can consist of a single data type.  
v Use ASCII printers when IPDS is not required  
You can use Infoprint Server to print to PDF printers. PDF printing can provide  
fidelity and performance advantages over PCL. PDF output preserves fidelity  
without converting to image.  
The PDF subsystem also enables e-mail support.  
E-Mail Support  
Using the PDF subsystem and PSF, Infoprint Server can e-mail PDF output. PSF  
uses the Send Distribution command (SNDDST) or an SMTP mail server (specified  
in the PSF configuration object) to send the e-mail.  
18 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
Note: Although the PDF subsystem interacts with PSF to send e-mail, you do not  
need a PSF licence to use the subsystem.  
The PDF subsystem can add index tags to the PDF file or convert the input data to  
multiple PDF files where you have inserted group tags. You can insert group tags  
with AFP Toolbox for AS/400, the Create AFP Data (CRTAFPDTA) command, or  
DDS keywords. Then you can use the e-mail support to send each output file to an  
e-mail address. This is essential, for example, for separating customer statements  
when they are all created from one job. PSF can e-mail each statement to the  
appropriate customer.  
To use automatic e-mail support, you must associate e-mail addresses with the  
input files. You must also specify appropriate values in the PSF configuration object  
you specify in the device description associated with the printer writer. You can  
specify e-mail addresses in several ways:  
v Specify e-mail addresses directly in the data.  
v Specify e-mail addresses in the device description associated with the printer file.  
v Specify e-mail keywords, such as customer IDs, in the data or in the printer file.  
Use an e-mail exit program (specified in the PSF configuration object) to map  
each keyword to one or more e-mail addresses.  
v Specify e-mail tags in the printer file and use an e-mail exit program to map each  
tag to one or more e-mail addresses.  
Some of the benefits the e-mail support provides are:  
v Re-engineer business process  
Infoprint Server e-mail support lets you substitute paper creation and distribution  
with electronic processes. This reduces costs and decreases cycle time. This  
also lets you implement new business-to-business and business-to-customer  
applications with output distributed in PDF format.  
v Sales and marketing advantage  
Businesses that use electronic output are easier to work with. This helps you  
remain competitive and increase sales.  
v Avoid rewriting applications  
You can use existing applications to create documents in a new format. This lets  
you take advantage of the Web, e-mail, and a popular document format without a  
lot of costly overhead.  
PCL, PDF, and PostScript Transforms  
Infoprint Server for iSeries can transform PCL 6, PDF 1.3, and PostScript level 3  
data to image-based AFP data for printing on IPDS printers. This lets you print data  
directly from the Internet, client PCs, and other server nodes within your network on  
your iSeries-attached IPDS printers.  
You can use LPR or NetServer to print the PCL, PDF, or PostScript file from your  
workstation on your OS/400 IPDS printer. NetServer lets you share an OS/400  
printer with your Windows PC, then you can send data from your PC directly to the  
OS/400 printer. The jobs are automatically transformed using the job characteristics,  
such as paper size, that you specify. This lets you use all of the benefits of IPDS  
printing with PC files.  
These transforms work just like an IPDS printer connected to your OS/400. To use  
them, you simply send a PCL, PDF, or PostScript job to the printer. Image print  
Chapter 3. Understanding the Infoprint Server Components 19  
transform and Transform Manager together determine the data stream and call the  
correct transform. Image print transform is already a part of your OS/400 system,  
but Transform Manager comes only with Infoprint Server for iSeries.  
Transform Manager specifies how many transform jobs to initialize upon startup and  
when a new transform job should be started. It also specifies how many transform  
jobs of each type can be active.  
In order to use the PCL, PDF, or PostScript to AFP transform, you need a 5.1 or  
higher OS/400, with the PASE feature installed. If you issue the STRTFMMGR  
command on a system that does not have PASE installed, a diagnostic message is  
issued and the Transform Manager does not start.  
Some of the benefits these transforms provide are:  
v IPDS support for ERP and ISV software output  
These transforms let you print the most common types of ASCII output on IPDS  
printers. By printing on IPDS printers, you can take advantage of high speed,  
higher service levels, enterprise-class management, and guaranteed delivery.  
v Reduce hardware costs  
You can consolidate printing on faster iSeries attached printers instead of an  
uncontrolled network of personal and LAN printers. Personal and LAN printers  
have higher operating costs than iSeries printers.  
v Reduce personnel costs  
Infoprint Server on iSeries manages the printing and gives you a single control  
point for print management across the enterprise. These transforms give you the  
ability to fully manage printing.  
Create AFP Data Command  
The command Create AFP Data (CRTAFPDTA) lets you convert a line (*LINE) or  
mixed (*AFPDSLINE) data spooled file to AFP for printing, viewing, or archiving. It  
also lets you convert an AFP file that references resources to an AFP stream file  
packaged with all of the resources needed for printing or viewing.  
Create AFP Data performs these functions:  
v Converts line data or mixed data to AFP.  
v Indexes a document to enhance your ability to view, archive, or retrieve individual  
pages or groups of pages from large documents.  
For example, you could index a customer statement application using account  
numbers and names, then you could view or retrieve one customers statement  
based on the name or account number.  
v Retrieves and packages all AFP resources needed for printing or viewing a  
v Creates a merged file that contains the AFP document, resources, and indexing  
information. This file can then be archived or used on other systems without loss  
of information.  
You can input the following types of print data to this command:  
v AFP  
v Line (externally formatted with page definitions and form definitions)  
v S/370line  
v Mixed mode (line combined with AFP)  
20 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
After Create AFP Data creates the output files, you can use them in these ways:  
v Send the merged file to another system for printing, storage, or viewing.  
v Use the AFP Workbench Viewer (a component of iSeries Access) or the AFP  
Viewer Plug-in to view the file. If the document references resources, view the  
merged file to guarantee resource availability.  
v Store the merged file in a document archival system, such as IBM OnDemand for  
iSeries or Content Manager Common Server.  
v Use your own retrieval system to access information in the files using retrieval  
information in the index object file.  
Create AFP Data has these benefits:  
v More flexibility with line data  
Once you convert line data to AFP, you can view the converted document using  
the AFP Workbench Viewer or the AFP Viewer Plug-in. This flexibility lets you  
use the Infoprint Designer for iSeries for page formatting while you maintain the  
ability to view and print.  
v Simple archival method  
You can save the AFP merged file in organized directories so you can print with  
fidelity to the original document.  
v Portable output  
Packaging the output with the resources needed to print lets you use the merged  
file on other operating systems.  
v Increased productivity  
When working with large output files, indexing lets you quickly locate the  
necessary information, whether the document is archived or is being viewed.  
Image Transforms  
The image transforms are a set of transforms that run on a Windows system and  
transform the following types of data into AFP or PostScript Level 2:  
v graphics interchange format (GIF)  
v Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)  
v Tag Image File Format (TIFF)  
You transform the data using commands on a Windows command line. You can  
have the transform create an AFP overlay or page segment. You can then use use  
iSeries Access or OS/400 commands to create overlays and page segments on  
your OS/400 from the output.  
Some benefits of using the image transforms are:  
v Use of images across platforms  
These transforms let you integrate current image formats into iSeries applications  
v Consistency  
You can use the same images in your iSeries documents, workstation  
documents, and Web documents.  
Chapter 3. Understanding the Infoprint Server Components 21  
22 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
Chapter 4. Related Products  
Following are some of the IBM products you can use with Infoprint Server:  
| Advanced Print Utility  
IBM Advanced Print Utility (APU) for iSeries (Program Number 5798-AF3) is a  
feature of AFP PrintSuite and Utilities for iSeries. It lets you transform your existing  
printed documents into dynamic electronic applications without making programming  
changes to your applications. APU is an application-independent tool that lets  
end-users convert SCS applications through a graphical interface.  
For more information about APU, refer to this Web page:  
about AFP PrintSuite and Utilities for iSeries, refer to this Web page:  
AFP Font Collection  
The IBM AFP Font Collection (Program Number 5648-B33) contains a wide  
selection of AFP fonts. It is the recommended source of AFP fonts for printing with  
PSF and Infoprint Server.  
AFP Toolbox  
AFP Toolbox (Program Number 5798-AF2 Feature 2703 for OS/400 V3R2 Program  
Number 5798-AF3 Feature 2803 for OS/400 V3R7) is a feature of AFP PrintSuite  
and Utilities for iSeries. It helps application programmers format printed output.  
Without requiring knowledge of the AFP data stream, AFP Toolbox provides access  
to sophisticated AFP functions through a callable C, C++, COBOL, or RPG  
interface. With AFP Toolbox you can accomplish these tasks:  
v Combine variable data with electronic forms, electronic signatures, and images.  
v Define variable length paragraphs.  
v Draw boxes that have fixed or variable depth and width.  
v Generate bar code objects.  
v Draw horizontal and vertical fixed or variable length lines.  
v Include indexing tags for use in viewing, archiving, and retrieving documents.  
v Accent printed output with color and shading.  
v Dynamically control fonts, including user-defined fonts.  
v Precisely position and align text anywhere on a page in a wide variety of fonts.  
v Create graphical data objects such as pie charts and bar charts.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002  
v Create tables of any complexity.  
v Draw circles, partial circles, ellipses, and partial ellipses.  
AFP Toolbox is available on OS/390®, z/OS, AIX, and OS/400 platforms.  
For more information about AFP Toolbox, refer to this Web page:  
about AFP PrintSuite and Utilities for iSeries, refer to this Web page:  
| AFP Utilities  
AFP Utilities for iSeries (Program Number 5769-AF1) can simplify the creation of  
advanced design documents. AFP Utilities is made up of three interactive,  
menu-driven utilities: Overlay, Print Format, and Resource Management. Overlay  
Utility lets you design AFP electronic forms directly on an OS/400. Print Format  
Utility lets you build AFP reports without any application program. Resource  
Management Utility helps manage electronic forms and image resources.  
For more information about AFP Utilities for iSeries, refer to this Web page:  
AFP Viewer Plug-in  
The AFP Viewer plug-in displays documents that are in AFP format, such as  
documents downloaded from the OS/390 host or from the Web.  
The AFP Viewer plug-in is available for Windows 95/98, Windows 2000, and  
Windows NT, and requires Netscape Navigator (Version 3.01 or higher) or  
Microsoft® Internet Explorer (Version 3.01, Level 4.70.1215 or higher). You can  
obtain the AFP Viewer plug-in at no extra charge from the IBM Printing Solutions for  
Infoprint Designer for iSeries  
Infoprint Designer for iSeries (Program Number 5733-ID1) is designed to create  
electronic output that optimizes customer and mission-critical communications such  
as statements, invoices, labels, and supply chain management documents. The  
product makes it easy to change documents and customer communications quickly,  
which helps you be responsive to customer needs. For more information, refer to  
Infoprint Designer runs on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows  
iSeries Access  
IBM iSeries Access for Windows (Program Number 5722-XW1) provides  
PC-to-iSeries connectivity. It provides a single solution to meet the desktop users  
needs, such as working with databases or other data stored on the server, running  
5250 applications, or administering the iSeries environment. Through the iSeries  
Navigator and AFP Workbench Viewer components, you can manage AFP  
resources and view AFP files. For more information, refer to this Web page:  
24 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
iSeries Access runs on Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000, Windows ME,  
Windows98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 95.  
iSeries Navigator  
iSeries Navigator, a component of iSeries Access, is the graphical user interface for  
managing your iSeries servers. iSeries Navigator makes operation and  
administration of the server easier and more productive. For instance, you can copy  
a user onto another system by dragging the user from one server to the other.  
Wizards guide you through setting up security, TCP/IP, and more.  
The AFP Manager plug-in to iSeries Navigator lets you manage your AFP  
resources, PSF configuration objects, and font mapping tables. iSeries Navigator  
gives you one-step access to the Infoprint Manager PDF subsystem. This lets you  
convert a spooled file to PDF and e-mail it, store it as a stream file, or put it on an  
output queue. For more information about iSeries Navigator, refer to this Web page  
iSeries Navigator runs on Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000, Windows ME,  
Windows98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 95.  
Chapter 4. Related Products 25  
26 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.  
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in  
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This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.  
Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be  
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All sample data is fictional. Any resemblance to actual parties or compainies is  
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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002  
IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes  
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The licensed program described in this information and all licensed material  
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IBM grants you a nonexclusive copyright license to use all programming code  
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All sample code is provided by IBM for illustrative purposes only. These examples  
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All programs contained herein are provided to you AS ISwithout any warranties  
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The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation:  
Advanced Function Presentation  
Intelligent Printer Data Stream  
Print Services Facility  
The following terms appear in this publication and are trademarks of other  
v Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft  
v UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.  
v Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc..  
28 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks  
of others.  
Notices 29  
30 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
This glossary defines technical terms and  
abbreviations used in Infoprint Server  
documentation. If you do not find the term you are  
looking for, refer to the index of this publication or  
view IBM Dictionary of Computing,, located at:  
v Synonymous with. Appears in the commentary  
of a preferred term and identifies less desirable  
or less specific terms that have the same  
Advanced Function Presentation(AFP). A set of  
licensed programs, together with user applications, that  
use the all-points-addressable concept to print on  
presentation devices. AFP includes creating, formatting,  
archiving, retrieving, viewing, distributing, and printing  
information. See presentation device.  
Definitions reprinted from the American National  
Dictionary for Information Processing Systems are  
identified by the symbol (A) following the  
Definitions reprinted from a published section of  
the International Organization for Standardization  
(ISO) Vocabulary—Information Processing or from  
a published section of Vocabulary—Office  
Machines developed by Subcommittee 1, Joint  
Technical Committee 1, of the International  
Organization for Standardization and the  
International Electrotechnical Committee (ISO/IEC  
JTC1/SC1) are identified by the symbol (I)  
following the definition. Because many ISO  
definitions are also reproduced in the American  
National Dictionary for Information Processing  
Systems, ISO definitions may also be identified by  
the symbol (A).  
AFP. See Advanced Function Presentation.  
AFP data stream. A presentation data stream that is  
processed in the AFP environment. MO:DCA-P is the  
strategic AFP interchange data stream. IPDS is the  
strategic AFP printer data stream.  
AFP Workbench Viewer. (1) An OS/2® or Windows  
IBM-licensed PC product that lets you see AFP output  
in a WYSIWYP (what-you-see-is-what-you-print) format.  
(2) An OS/2 or Windows platform for the integration of  
AFP-enabling applications and services.  
AFPDS. A term formerly used to identify the composed  
page, MO:DCA-P-based data stream interchanged in  
AFP environments.  
Definitions reprinted from working documents,  
draft proposals, or draft international standards of  
ISO Technical Committee 97, Subcommittee 1  
(Vocabulary), Joint Technical Committee 1 are  
identified by the symbol (T) following the definition,  
indicating that final agreement has not yet been  
reached among its participating members.  
anchor. The point in a document that signals to  
CRTAFPDTA the beginning of a group of pages, after  
which it adds indexing structured fields to delineate this  
architecture. The set of rules and conventions that  
govern the creation and control of data types such as  
text, image, graphics, font, fax, color, audio, bar code,  
and multimedia.  
Definitions that are specific to IBM products are so  
labeledfor example, In SNA,or In the 3820  
ASCII. American National Standard Code for  
Information Interchange data encoding, which is the  
normal (default) type of data encoding in an AIX  
environment. Contrast with EBCDIC.  
These cross-references are used in this glossary:  
v Contrast with. Refers to a term that has an  
opposite or substantively different meaning.  
v See. Refers to multiple-word terms in which this  
term appears.  
Bar Code Object Content Architecture (BCOCA). An  
architected collection of control structures used to  
interchange and present bar code data.  
v See also. Refers to related terms that have  
similar, but not synonymous, meanings.  
v Synonym for. Appears in the commentary of a  
less desirable or less specific term and  
identifies the preferred term that has the same  
BCOCA. See Bar Code Object Content Architecture.  
bin. A paper supply on a cut-sheet printer. See also  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002  
elements being transmitted, or intended for  
transmission, in character or binary-digit form, using a  
defined format.  
carriage control character. An optional character in  
an input data record that specifies a write, space, or  
skip operation.  
default. An attribute, value, or option that is assumed  
when none is explicitly specified. (I)  
cassette. In a cut-sheet printer, a movable enclosure  
for paper supply. See also bin.  
document. (1) A publication or other written material  
pertaining to a specific subject or related subjects. (2) In  
word processing, a collection of one or more lines of  
text that can be named and stored as a separate entity.  
character. (1) A symbol used in printing. For example,  
a letter of the alphabet, a numeral, a punctuation mark,  
or any other symbol that represents information. (2) A  
byte of data.  
double-byte coded font. A font in which each  
coded font. A font library member that associates a  
code page and a font character set. For double-byte  
fonts, a coded font associates more than one pair of  
code pages and font character sets.  
character is defined by two bytes, of which the first  
defines a coded font section, and the second defines a  
code point in that section. Double-byte coded fonts are  
needed for the support of languages requiring more  
than 256 graphic characters; two bytes are required to  
identify each graphic character. Kanji is printed by using  
a double-byte font. Contrast with single-byte coded font.  
code page. A font component that associates code  
points with character identifiers. A code page also  
identifies how undefined code points are handled.  
download. To transfer data from a processing unit to  
an attached device such as a microcomputer for  
code point. A one-byte code representing one of 256  
potential characters.  
concatenate. (1) To link together. (2) To join two  
character strings.  
duplex printing. Printing on both sides of a sheet of  
paper. Contrast with simplex printing.  
concatenated data set. In iSeries, a group of logically  
connected data sets that are treated as a single data  
set for the duration of a job step. See also data set.  
EBCDIC. Extended binary-coded decimal interchange  
continuous forms. A series of connected forms that  
feed continuously through a printing device. The  
connection between the forms is perforated to enable a  
user to tear them apart. Before printing, the forms are  
stacked, folded along the perforations. Contrast with  
cut-sheet paper.  
electronic overlay. A collection of constant data, such  
as lines, shading, text, boxes, or logos, that is  
electronically composed in the host processor and  
stored in a library, and that can be merged with variable  
data during printing. Contrast with page segment. See  
also overlay.  
control character. A character that starts, changes, or  
stops any operation that affects recording, processing,  
transmitting, or interpreting data (such as carriage  
return, font change, and end of transmission).  
enabled. (1) Pertaining to a state of the processing  
unit that allows certain types of interruption. (2) A  
condition of the printer (physically selected) in which the  
printer is available to the host processor for normal  
work. Contrast with disabled mechanism.  
cut-sheet paper. Paper that is cut into separate  
sheets before it is printed on. Contrast with  
continuous-forms paper.  
end-user interface. A method by which a customer  
can obtain the services of a product, for example,  
coding samples, commands and command lists. Every  
product does not have an end-user interface; some  
products provide their services through programming  
interfaces, some provide services through a command  
line interface, and others provide their services only to  
other products.  
data description specifications. A description of the  
users database or device files that is entered into the  
system in a fixed form. The description is then used to  
create files.  
data set. A named set of records stored and  
processed as a unit. Synonym for file.  
escape character. The control character X'2BD3' in a  
text-control sequence that indicates the beginning of the  
sequence and the end of any preceding text.  
data stream. (1) All information (data and control  
commands) sent over a data link, usually in a single  
read or write operation. (2) A continuous stream of data  
32 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
euro. The monetary unity of the European Monetary  
Union (EMU), introduced alongside national currencies  
on the first of January, 1999.  
duplex printing, text suppression, the position of  
MO:DCA data on the form, and the number of copies  
and modifications of a page.  
EuroReady product. A product is EuroReady if the  
product, when used in accordance with its associated  
documentation, is capable of correctly processing  
monetary data in the euro denomination, respecting the  
euro currency formatting conventions (including the euro  
sign). This assumes that all other products (for example,  
hardware, software, and firmware) that are used with  
this product are also EuroReady. IBM hardware  
GOCA. See Graphic Object Content Architecture.  
Graphic Object Content Architecture (GOCA). An  
architecture that provides a collection of graphics values  
and control structures used to interchange and present  
graphics data.  
products that are EuroReady might or might not have  
an engraved euro sign key on their keyboards.  
group. A named collection of sequential pages that  
form a logical subset of a document.  
exception. A condition that exists when the printer:  
v Detects an invalid or unsupported command, order,  
control, or parameter value from the host  
v Finds a condition of which the host system must be  
hardcopy. (1) A copy of a display image that is  
generated on an output device such as a printer or  
plotter and that can be carried away. (T) (2) A printed  
copy of machine output in a visually readable form, for  
example, printed reports, listings, documents, and  
v Detects a condition that requires the host system to  
re-send data  
exception highlighting. The markings placed on the  
printed page to indicate the location of an error in the  
data stream.  
hexadecimal. Pertaining to a numbering system with  
base of 16; valid numbers use the digits 0 through 9  
and characters A through F, where A represents 10 and  
F represents 15.  
execution. The process of carrying out an instruction  
or instructions of a computer program by a computer. (I)  
extended binary-coded decimal interchange code  
(EBCDIC). A coded character set of 256 eight-bit  
host font. See host resource.  
host processor. The processing unit to which the  
page printers are attached through a data-transfer  
host resource. A resource found in a system library,  
in a user library, or inline in the print data set.  
font. A family or assortment of characters of a given  
size and style; for example, 9-point Bodoni Modern.  
host system. (1) A data processing system that  
prepares programs and operating environments for  
another computer or controller. (2) The data processing  
system to which a network is connected and with which  
the system can communicate.  
font character set. Synonym for character set.  
form. A division of the physical medium; multiple forms  
can exist on a physical medium. For example, a roll of  
paper might be divided by a printer into rectangular  
pieces of paper, each representing a form. An envelope  
is an example of a physical medium that has only one  
form. The IPDS architecture defines 4 types of form:  
cut-sheets, continuous forms, envelopes, and computer  
output on microfilm. Each type of form has a top edge,  
a front side, and a back side. Synonymous with sheet.  
image. A pattern of toned and untoned pels that form  
a picture.  
image data. A pattern of bits, with values of 0 and 1,  
that defines the pels in an image. (A 1-bit is a toned  
format. (1) A specified arrangement of such things as  
characters, fields, and lines, usually used for displays,  
printouts, or files. (2) To arrange such things as  
characters, fields, and lines. (3) To prepare a document  
for printing in a specified format.  
Image Object Content Architecture (IOCA). An  
architected collection of constructs used to interchange  
and present images.  
form definition. A resource that PSF uses to define  
the characteristics of a form; it specifies overlays to be  
used (if any), paper source (for cut-sheet printers),  
Glossary 33  
indexing. In CRTAFPDTA, a process of matching  
reference points within a file and creating structured  
field tags within the MO:DCA document and the  
separate index object file.  
IPDS. See Intelligent Printer Data Stream.  
library. A file or a set of related files, for example, a  
page definition library containing one or more page  
definition files.  
indexing with data values. Adding indexing tags to a  
MO:DCA document using data that is already in the  
document and that is consistently located in the same  
place in each group of pages.  
licensed program. A utility that performs a function for  
the user and usually interacts with and relies upon  
system control programming or some other  
IBM-provided control program. A licensed program  
contains logic related to the users data and is usable or  
adaptable to meet specific requirements.  
indexing with literal values. Adding indexing tags to  
a MO:DCA document by assigning literal values as  
indexing tags, because the document is not organized  
such that common data is located consistently  
throughout the document.  
line data. Data prepared for printing on a line printer  
such as an IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem Model 1. Line  
data is usually characterized by carriage control  
characters and table reference characters. Contrast with  
MO:DCA-P. It is externally formatted with page  
definitions and form definitions.  
index object file. A file created by CRTAFPDTA that  
contains Index Element (IEL) structured fields, which  
identify the location of the tagged groups in the AFP file.  
The indexing tags are contained in the Tagged Logical  
Element (TLE) structured fields.  
Infoprint Manager for iSeries. A software component  
of IBM Infoprint. IBM Infoprint Manager for iSeries  
handles the scheduling, archiving, retrieving, and  
assembly of a PCL, PDF, or PostScript to AFP  
transform job and its related resource files.  
line printer. A device that prints a line of characters as  
a unit. (I) (A) Contrast with page printer.  
logical page. A presentation space. One or more  
object areas or data blocks can be mapped to a logical  
page. A logical page is rectangular and has specifiable  
characteristics such as size, shape, orientation, and  
offset. Orientation and offset are specified relative to a  
coordinate system for the medium.  
IOCA. See Image Object Content Architecture.  
initialize. (1) In programming languages, to give a  
value to a data object at the beginning of its lifetime.  
(I) (2) To set counters, switches, addresses, or the  
contents of storage to zero or other starting values at  
the beginning of, or at prescribed points in the operation  
of, a computer routine. (A) (3) To prepare for use; for  
example, to initialize a diskette.  
logical page origin. (1) The point on the logical page  
from which the positions of images, graphics, page  
overlays, and text with 0-degree inline direction are  
measured. (2) The point on the logical page  
represented by Xp=0, Yp=0 in the Xp coordinate  
inline. The direction of successive characters in a line  
of text. Synonymous with inline direction.  
inline direction. The direction of successive  
characters in a line of text.  
macro. Synonym for macroinstruction.  
inline resource. A resource contained in the print data  
macroinstruction. An instruction that causes the  
execution of a predefined sequence of instructions.  
input/output (I/O). Pertaining to a device whose parts  
can perform an input process and an output process at  
the same time. (I)  
Microfilm device. An output device that presents a  
hardcopy on microfilm.  
migration. Activities that relate to the installation of a  
new version or release of a program to replace an  
earlier level. Completion of these activities ensures that  
the applications and resources on your system will  
function correctly at the new level.  
Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS). (1) The data  
stream generated by PSF to send to an IPDS page  
printer. (2) An all-points-addressable data stream that  
enables users to position text, images, and graphics at  
any defined point on a printed page.  
Mixed Object Document Content Architecture.  
strategic, architected, device-independent data stream  
for interchanging documents.  
interface. A shared boundary. An interface can be a  
hardware component used to link two devices, or it can  
be a portion of storage or registers accessed by two or  
more computer programs.  
MO:DCA. See Mixed Object Document Content  
I/O. Input/output.  
34 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
MO:DCA data. Print data that has been composed  
into pages. Text-formatting programs such as DCF can  
produce composed text data consisting entirely of  
structured fields.  
point. A unit of measurement about 1/72 of an inch;  
used in measuring the height of a font. Contrast with  
point size. The height of a font in points.  
MO:DCA data page. A page of print data consisting  
entirely of structured fields.  
print job. The data that a user submits to PSF for  
MO:DCA print data set. A print data set consisting  
entirely of structured fields.  
Print Services Facility (PSF). PSF is a licensed IBM  
program that manages and controls the input data  
stream and output data stream required by supported  
IBM page printers. PSF manages printer resources such  
as fonts, images, electronic forms, form definitions, and  
page definitions, and provides error recovery for print  
MO:DCA-P. Mixed Object Document Content  
Architecture for Presentation.  
When printing line data, PSF supports external  
formatting using page definitions and form definitions.  
This external formatting extends page printer functions  
such as electronic forms and use of typographic fonts  
without any change to applications programs.  
nested resource. A resource mapped in an overlay.  
OS/400. The iSeries operating system.  
printable area. The area on a sheet of medium on  
which print can be placed.  
outline font. A font technology in which the graphic  
character shapes are represented in digital form by a  
series of mathematical expressions that define the outer  
edges of the strokes. The resulting graphic character  
shapes can be either solid or hollow. Outline fonts can  
be scaled (sized) to any size. The IBM outline font  
character sets have a prefix of CZ. Contrast with raster  
printer. A presentation device that produces hardcopy  
output. See presentation device.  
processor. In a computer, a functional unit that  
interprets and executes instructions. (I) (A)  
PSF. See Print Services Facility.  
overlay. See electronic overlay.  
raster font. A font technology in which the graphic  
characters are defined directly by the raster bit map.  
Contrast with outline font.  
page. A collection of data that can be printed on a  
physical sheet of paper.  
record format line data. A form of line data where  
each record is preceded by a 10byte identifier.  
page segment. A resource containing MO:DCA data  
and images, prepared before formatting and included as  
part of the input for a print job.  
resolution. In computer graphics, a measure of the  
sharpness of an image, expressed as the number of  
lines and columns on the display screen or the number  
of pels per unit of linear measure.  
parameter. (1) A variable that is given a constant  
value for a specified application and that may denote  
the application. (I) (A) (2) An item in a menu for which  
the user specifies a value or for which the system  
provides a value when the menu is interpreted. (3) Data  
passed between programs or procedures.  
resource. (1) A collection of printing instructions used  
by PSF in addition to the print data set to produce  
printed output. PSF resources include coded fonts, font  
character sets, code pages, page segments, overlays,  
form definitions, and page definitions. (2) Any source of  
aid used for performing a task, such as disk storage  
space, computer processing time, and communication  
pel. See picture element.  
physical medium. A physical entity on which  
information is presented. Examples of physical media  
are display screens, paper, foils, microfilm, and labels.  
picture element. An element of a raster pattern about  
which a toned area on the photoconductor might  
appear. See also raster pattern. Synonym for pel.  
resource name. The name under which a resource  
object is stored, the first two characters of which  
indicate the resource type:  
Coded font  
Code page  
Font character set  
Glossary 35  
Page segment  
text. A graphic representation of information on an  
output medium. Text can consist of alphanumeric  
characters and symbols arranged in paragraphs, tables,  
columns, or other shapes.  
Form definition  
Page definition  
Recommended for microfilm  
token ring. A network configuration in which tokens  
are passed in a circuit from node to node. A node that is  
ready to send can capture the token and insert data for  
rotation. The number of degrees a graphic character  
is turned relative to the page coordinates.  
trace. A record of the execution of a computer  
program. It exhibits the sequences in which the  
instructions were executed. (A)  
segment. Synonym for page segment.  
sheet. A division of the physical medium on which  
data is presented. The IPDS architecture defines 4  
types of sheet: cut-sheet forms, continuous forms,  
envelopes, and computer output on microfilm. Each  
sheet has a front side and a back side. Some types of  
media consist of multiple sheets; for example, a roll of  
continuous forms can be divided at the perforations into  
rectangular sheets. Each sheet usually has carrier or  
tractor-feed strips, also. Microfilm is another example of  
a medium comprising multiple sheets, whereas an  
envelope has only one sheet. Synonymous with form.  
TRC. See table reference character.  
trigger. Data values for which CRTAFPDTA searches,  
to delineate the beginning of a new group of pages. The  
first trigger is then the anchor point from which  
CRTAFPDTA locates the defined index values. See  
anchor point.  
upload. (1) To transfer programs or data from a  
connected device, typically a personal computer, to a  
computer with greater resources. (T) (2) To transfer  
data from a device, such as a workstation or a  
simplex printing. Printing on only one side of the  
paper. Contrast with duplex printing.  
single-byte coded font. A font in which the characters  
are defined by a one-byte code point. A single-byte  
coded font contains only one coded font section.  
Contrast with double-byte coded font.  
microcomputer, to a computer. Contrast with download.  
Viewer. See AFP Workbench Viewer.  
spooled file. A file created by an application program  
that contains the actual information to be printed and  
some of the data that controls the format of the printing.  
Spooled files can contain MO:DCA-P data, line data, or  
a combination of MO:DCA-P and line data.  
X-axis. In printing, an axis perpendicular to the  
direction in which the paper moves through the printer.  
See also Y-axis.  
structured field. A self-identifying, variable-length,  
bounded record that can have a content portion that  
provides control information, data, or both.  
X-extent. A measurement along the X-axis.  
syntax. The rules and keywords that govern the use of  
a programming language.  
Y-axis. In printing, an axis parallel to the direction in  
which the paper moves through the printer. See also  
table reference characters (TRC). An optional control  
character in an input record that identifies the font with  
which the record is to be printed. The table reference  
character corresponds to a font number defined in a  
page definition font list or to the order of font names  
listed in the CHARS parameter in the JCL.  
Y-extent. A measurement along the Y-axis.  
tag. A type of structured field used for indexing in an  
AFP document. Tags associate an index attribute -  
value pair with a specific page or group of pages in a  
terminate. (1) To stop the operation of a system or  
device. (2) To stop execution of a program.  
36 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
This bibliography lists the titles of publications containing additional information  
about Infoprint Server for iSeries, the OS/400 operating system, Advanced Function  
Presentation, and related products.  
The titles and order numbers may change from time to time. To verify the current  
title or order number, consult your IBM marketing representative.  
You can obtain many of the publications listed in this bibliography from the Printing  
the Online Publications Website:  
Infoprint Server  
Infoprint Server for iSeries: Users Guide  
Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
Advanced Function Presentation (AFP)  
Guide to Advanced Function Presentation  
Printing and Publishing Cluster Collection CD-ROM  
iSeries Access  
iSeries Access for Windows--Setup  
LPS: AS/400 Client Access Family for Windows  
LPS: Client Access Ultimedia Tools for AS/400  
Infoprint Designer  
Infoprint Designer for iSeries: Getting Started  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002  
AS/400 Guide to Advanced Function Presentation and Print Services  
AS/400 Command Language Reference  
DDS Reference  
Printer Device Programming  
Software Installation  
System API Programming  
IBM Printing Systems: Printer Summary  
IBM PagePrinter 3812 Introduction and Planning Guide  
IBM LaserPrinter 4028 Introduction and Planning Guide  
IOCP and ESCON® Reference  
APU Guide for PrintSuite  
SAP/R3 Guide for PrintSuite  
Page Printer Formatting Aid: Users Guide  
AFP Toolbox for Multiple Operating Systems Users Guide  
IBM AS/400 Printing V  
IBM Eserver iSeries Printing VI: Delivering the Output of e-business  
Internetworking with TCP/IP, Principles, Protocols, and Architecture  
TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Reference  
TCP/IP Configuration and Reference  
38 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
Bibliography 39  
40 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide  
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HP Hewlett Packard Power Supply 16A User Manual
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Husqvarna Snow Blower ST261E User Manual
Hypertec Mouse Z10288ZHY User Manual
iHome Mouse IH M170ZR User Manual