Lightning Airplane
with Charger
Model 42619
Set up And OperAting inStruCtiOnS
if damage is caused due to a crash, your warranty is void.
Copyright© 2000 by Harbor Freight Tools®. All rights reserved. No portion of this manual or any artwork
contained herein may be reproduced in any shape or form without the express written consent of
Harbor Freight Tools. Diagrams within this manual may not be drawn proportionally. Due to continuing
improvements, actual product may differ slightly from the product described herein. Tools required for
assembly and service may not be included.
For technical questions or replacement parts, please call 1-800-444-3353.
Manual revised 10a
read the entire iMpOrtAnt
SAFetY inFOrMAtiOn
section at the beginning of this
document including all text under
subheadings therein before set up
or use of this product.
Figure 3 - Landing gear
1. Locate the Main Wing and Fuselage.
Remove the tape covering on the center
of the Fuselage. Adhere the Wing to the
Fuselage making sure that the center of
the Wing lines up with the center of the
Fuselage. Use a small pin or apply slight
pressure to hold the wing in place until
the adhesive is tightly in place.
4. While squeezing the legs of the Landing
Gear together, insert legs into the slot
on the bottom of the Fuselage. After
the Landing Gear is inserted, release
pressure on the Landing Gear Legs so
that they snap into place and are held in
their slot on the Fuselage-see Figure 3.
Figure 4 - propeller to Motor
Figure 1-Wing to Fuselage
5. Plug the Propeller Spinner set on the
Motor. Make certain that the Propeller
fits tightly on the Motor Shaft-see Figure
2. Peel off the cover from the two small
pieces of adhesive tape on the underside
of both wings. Adhere the two Wing
Supports to the Wing-see Figure 1.
1. If the temperature is lower than 55° F,
warm the battery by holding it or bringing
it indoors to a warmer temperature
before charging. Do not heat the battery
with a flame.
Figure 2 -Stabilizer to Fuselage
2. If the battery is hot or warm from
previous use, allow it to cool to room
temperature before charging.
3. Peel off the covering from the adhesive
tape located on the bottom side of the
Fuselage Tail. Making certain that the
mid point of the Stabilizer is lined up with
the midpoint of the Fuselage, attach the
Horizontal Stabilizer to the Fuselage-see
Figure 2.
3. Insert two ‘AA‘ batteries into the charger.
CAutiOn! position batteries in proper
polarity and do not install batteries
of different types, charge levels, or
capacities together.
reV 09k
SKU 42619
For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.
Page 3
4. Turn the plane’s switch off. The
OFF position is the position closer
to the Battery. Plug the Charger into
the Charging hole on the Fuselage.
Charging takes about 30 seconds. The
NiMH battery in the plane is fully charged
when it becomes warm to the touch.
Test the charge by touching the battery
with your finger.
5. To adjust the pattern, bend the rudder
slightly left or right. If the head of the
plane appears too heavy, you can correct
this by slightly bending the Horizontal
Stabilizer upward or downward.
6. Turn the airplane’s switch off after use.
WArning! dO nOt ChArge the
BAtterY LOnger thAn 30
SeCOndS. Allow the battery to
cool down after each charging.
Overcharging can cause overheating,
resulting in perSOnAL inJurY or
property damage.
1. Let the battery cool down between flights
to maximize performance.
2. Do not use polystyrene cement for
repairs, as it may melt parts of the plane.
3. If the Propeller Shaft has been pushed
into the Body after a collision, you can
simply pull the Shaft out. Make certain
that the power is OFF before you do so.
4. Let the battery run out before each
charge to prolong battery life.
1. Choose a day when the wind is light.
Find a wide-open field.
5. Remove batteries if the Airplane is not
nOte: Keep an eye on your Airplane to
avoid losing it. For this reason, a large
area free of obstructions and debris is
ideal for flying your Airplane.
used for a long period of time.
pArtS LiSt
2. Turn the Switch ON. Gently toss the
Airplane into the wind with the Nose
pointing slightly upward. Keep the
Wings level. The Airplane will slowly
begin climbing.
RZ - FF2 - 1
RZ - FF2 - 2
RZ - FF2 - 3
RZ - FF2 - 5
RZ - FF2 - 6
RZ - FF2 - 7
RZ - FF2 - 8
RZ - FF2 - 9
Wing & Stabilizer
Portable Charger
Propeller / Spinner
Landing Gear
Battery Base
3. The airplane will fly in a circle, in a radius
of about 24 to 30 Feet. If the flying
radius is too big or if the Airplane is flying
straight, you can adjust its pattern for the
next flight.
Fuselage / Plane Body
note: Some parts are listed and shown for
illustration purposes only, and are not
available individually as replacement
4. After being fully charged, the airplane will
fly for a period greater than one minute,
and will climb to about 50 feet altitude.
if damage is caused due to a crash, your warranty is void.
reV 01c, 02a; 05c; 05j; 06e; 09a
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For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.
SKU 42619
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