O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
Xerox FreeFlow
Digital Workflow Collection
Product Guide
May, 2004
O p er ation sManage me n t
Gradco, Inc.
39 Parker Avenue
Irvine, CA 92618-1605, USA
Founded in 1973, Gradco is the leading independent supplier of paper handling products
in the office equipment industry, producing a host of peripheral products for copiers, fax
machines, printers, and multifunctional devices. Gradco manufactures a wide variety of
products ranging from sorters and stapler-sorters, to mailboxes, feeders, stackers and
booklet makers.
Phone: 949-206-6100
w w w . g r a d c o . c o m
Partner Level: S t r a t e g i c
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
Horizon International
510 Kuze Ooyabu-cho
Perfect Binders: BQ-340, BQ-270, Bookletmakers: ColorWorks 2000, SPF-20XII
Horizon also makes a variety of other products: Folders, Trimmers, Collators,
Stitcher /Staplers, Coil Binders, Computer Aided Binding System.
Minami-ku, Kyoto 601-8206, Japan
Phone: +81-75-934-6700
Horizon International Inc. was founded over 50 years ago in the time-honored and
tradition-rich city of Kyoto, Japan. Today, Horizon operates a world-class, ISO 9001 and
14001-certified factory in Biwako, Siga, Japan, the largest facility in the world producing
products for the five major paper finishing operations; folding, collating, binding,
stitching, and cutting. Over 400 Horizon employees are dedicated to the design and
manufacture of top-quality, highly-reliable finishing products.
w w w . h o r i z o n . c o . j p / h o m e /
i n d e x _ e . h t m l
Partner Level: S t r a t e g i c
The 1.5 million square-foot automated facility includes all major production processes;
flexible lines for machining large parts, multiple-function lathes, gear shaping and die
molding, sheet metal stamping and forming, metal plating, chip mounting, robotized
warehouse, plastic injection molding, and more. The Horizon facility also has state-of-art
climate and EMC testing chambers.
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
International AB
Collators, booklet makers, trimmers
Tjurhornsgränd 6
Box 100 25
121 26 Stockholm-Globen
Plockmatic is strongly focused on finishing solutions for the digital copier/printers market
as well as the digital duplicator and press markets. Plockmatic products are primarily
aimed for the copy/print rooms, quick printers and copy shops as well as the small to
medium sized commercial printers. Our range has gradually increased and Plockmatic
has, no doubt, the largest friction feed collators, booklet makers, trimmers and since
two years ago the suction feed collating and binding system, DocuVac.
Phone: +46 (0)8 602 50 00
+46 (0)8 722 99 70
In the last few years we have broadened our range of products to also include
mailing/inserting systems. The Plockmatic C4 insert DocuMail has proven to be a
product that opens new possibilities for customers to handle their own direct mail.
w w w . p l o c k m a t i c . c o m
Partner Level: S t r a t e g i c
It has been 20 years already since Plockmatic began their co-operation with their first
OEM partner—the Rank Xerox company. Since then, both distribution channels have
developed and today there is a 50/50 balance between the two categories. With
distributors in more than 50 countries they have a very strong base for future expansion.
This strategy means large volumes which in the end gives competitive pricing to the
benefit of all of us - end users, distributors and partners.
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
Vretensborgsvaegen #9
Stockholm, 126 14, Sweden
Tape Binders, Perfect Binders
Phone: +46-(0)8-709 58 00
+46-(0)8-18 86 52
Bindomatic provides technology and know-how enabling Xerox end users to present
their internal and external documents in a professional manner. The Bindomatic
trademarks are as follows:
w w w . b i n d o m a t i c . c o m
Partner Level: A d v a n c e d
• A Professional Impression—near book like appearance at a fraction of the cost
• Performance—extremely strong and flexible bindings
• Simplicity—no skilled operator required
• Environmentally friendly and cost effective—bind one get one
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
Duplo USA
3050 South Daimler Street
Santa Ana, CA 92705, USA
Duplicating and Finishing Equipment
Phone: 949-752-8222
Phone: 800-255-1933
Fax: (949) 752-7766
Duplo’s extensive product line comprises a selection of innovative and technologically
advanced paper handling equipment. Included are a variety of friction and suction feed
collators, high-speed digital duplicators, folders, inserters, bookletmakers, perfect
binders, cutters, and barcode document readers.
w w w . d u p l o u s a . c o m
Today, Duplo holds the distinction of being the only major manufacturer in the
printing industry to produce a full product line. And, the company is dedicated
to maintaining its leadership role by continuing to introduce the world’s finest
duplicating and finishing equipment.
Partner Level: A d v a n c e d
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
Industry Print
and Finishing Group
712 W. Winthrop Ave.
Automated & Desktop Binding Equipment, Wide Format & Desktop Lamination Equipment,
Binding & Lamination Supplies, Custom Imprinted Products
Addison, IL. 60601, USA
Phone: 800-723-4000
Phone: 630-543-7100
GBC is a world leader in products that bind, laminate and display information.
The company’s products are marketed in over 100 countries under the GBC and Quartet
brands. GBC Industrial and Print Finishing Group is an innovative technology leader in
the manufacturing and marketing of thermal and pressure-sensitive laminating films
and equipment for the commercial and wide format printing markets. GBC also leads
in the creation of professional grade binding solutions that revolutionize the digital
print marketplace.
w w w . g b c c o n n e c t . c o m
Partner Level: A d v a n c e d
Partnership Years: 9
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
Roll Systems
53 Third Avenue
• DocuSheeter DT roll feed systems for Xerox DocuTech 61XX publishers
Burlington, MA 01803, USA
• BookMaster CS roll feed & slitting/stacking systems for
Phone: 781-229-2266
Xerox DocuTech 61XX publishers
• DocuSheeter DP roll feed systems for Xerox DocuPrint 180,
155, 135, 115, and 100 printers
w w w . r o l l s y s t e m s . c o m
Partner Level: A d v a n c e d
Partnership Years: 13
• Feeding and finishing systems for Xerox DocuPrint 350 CF, 425 CF, 500 CF, 700 CFD,
825 CFD, and 1000 CFD continuous form printers:
• AutoLoad System
• BookMaster CF/2 and CF/3 Systems
• Roll-to-Roll System
• Roll-to-Separate/Fold System
• TwoUp System
Roll Systems is the world’s leading producer of automated paper handling, monitoring,
finishing and converting equipment for the electronic printing industry. The company
supports data centers, in-plant and commercial printers with solutions for report delivery,
print-to-mail and print-on-demand applications.
Roll products feed paper from industrial rolls to extend the run time of electronic printers
as well as automate the post-printing process to provide important benefits in throughput
and productivity. Finishing options include folding, cutting, separating, stacking, rewind-
ing and binding. Unequaled in the industry for its product innovation, the company has
been awarded over 50 patents for process automation and design. Roll products are
today sold and supported in over 45 countries.
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
Standard Finishing
10 Connector Road
Standard offers Horizon Collating/Bookletmaking Systems, Saddlestitchers,
Perfect Binders, Three-knife Trimmers, Paper Cutters, Folders, Numberers, SpineTapers,
DocuFeed‚ Automated Off-line Bookletmaker, Digital Duplicators, Hunkeler Sheet
Feeder/Unwinders/Cutters/Stackers/Web Finishing
Andover, MA 01810, USA
Phone: 978-470-1920
w w w . s t a n d a r d f i n i s h i n g . c o m
Partner Level: A d v a n c e d
Partnership Years: 9
Standard is a leading supplier of feeding and finishing solutions for the commercial print,
digital print, in-plant, and trade bindery markets. Standard sells production-oriented
equipment and related supplies through a comprehensive network of authorized dealers.
Standard prides itself on listening and responding to the changing needs of the market,
and supporting only the best available products to satisfy those needs.Standard’s
reputation has been built on feeding and finishing products that offer the ultimate in
quality, performance, and reliability. Standard offers a complete suite of products
designed to meet the digital print on demand markets, including roll-to-sheet feeders,
unwinders and rotary cutters for continuous feed printers, in-line bookletmakers, perfect
binders, three-knife trimmers, and more. Standard also offers a comprehensive line of
heavy-duty off-line collators, perfect binders, bookletmakers, folders, and cutters for the
traditional graphic arts marketplace.
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
Banner American
Products, Inc.
42381 Rio Nedo
Foliant laminator and separator
Temecula, CA 92590, USA
Phone: 909-296-9780
Banner American Products is a leading U.S. manufacturer of thermal laminating machines
for paper products. Banner American’s laminators are used for the lamination of ID cards
and badges, catalogue sheets, diagrams, menus, photographs, digital color copies, etc.
The machines are used by industry, government agencies, schools, print shops, most any
organization which has a need to protect paper items in plastic. Banner American has
received a Xerox validation on the 520HP Foliant Series Laminator and Separator.
The validation is being hailed as an important milestone for those seeking to laminate
graphic output from digital color copiers/presses. Laminating output from digital color
copiers/presses has in the past been difficult due to heavy toner coverage, the use of
fuser oil, and short drying times due to print on demand requirements. With the advent
of new films and new laminators such as the 520HP Foliant Series, output from these
copiers and presses can now be successfully laminated.
w w w . b a n a m . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 2
Baum USA
1660 Campbell Rd.
Sidney, OH 45365, USA
Tabletop and floor model folding machines, paper drills, cutters, bookletmakers,
perfect binders and collators
Phone: 800-543-6107
Baum is a manufacturer and distributor of a wide variety of bindery and finishing
machines to meet the needs of several markets including direct mail, in-plants,
commercial, small and larger printers, government agencies, schools and more.
We have over (86) years experience with these markets. We also provide special
solutions for special applications with our own in house Design Engineering department.
Our complete line of tabletop and floor model folders offers a broad selection of
solutions to meet short to long-run requirements.
w w w . b a u m f o l d e r . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 8
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
Böwe Bell & Howell
Mail and Messaging Technologies
3501 B Tri-Center Blvd.
Durham, NC 27713, USA
Mail solutions and software
Phone: 919-767-7595
Phone: 800-220-3030
Headquartered in Chicago, Ill., Böwe Bell & Howell is a provider of high-performance
automated mailing solutions and leading-edge software for the document production
industry. Böwe Bell & Howell’s portfolio of standalone cutting, packaging, inserting,
plastic card, sorting, integrity and print-on-demand solutions comprises the industry’s
most comprehensive product and service offering for paper-based and electronic
production mail. These solutions are supported by the largest dedicated service
organization in the industry.
w w w . b o w e b e l l h o w e l l . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Challenge Machinery
6125 Norton Center Drive
Trimming, Cutting, Folding, Drilling, Cornering, Jogging, Handling, Padding
Norton Shores, Michigan 49441, USA
Phone: 231-799-8484
The Challenge Machinery Company has been manufacturing graphic arts equipment
since 1870. Challenge is recognized as a global market leader in the design,
w w w . c h a l l e n g e m a c h i n e r y . c o m
manufacture and marketing of specialty equipment for print finishing operations
of graphic communication providers. Challenge distributes its equipment through
a worldwide network of independent dealers and other partnering relationships.
With headquarters in Norton Shores, Michigan, Challenge is an innovator in print
finishing equipment technology.
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 9
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
D&K Group
1795 Commerce Drive
SuperStick® Laminating Film
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, USA
Phone: 847-956-0160
D&K Group is a worldwide manufacturer of thermal laminating films and equipment.
D&K specializes in custom finishes and offers a wide variety of polyester, polypropylene,
Curl-Free® (nylon), and specialty films, as well as a range of both one- and two-sided
thermal laminating equipment. In addition, D&K sells the expression™ line of pressure
sensitive overlaminates, mounting adhesives, heat activated laminates and specialty films.
SuperStick® is a revolutionary new film designed for the digital/on demand market.
SuperStick® will run as well or better than other thermal films. There is less static, less
adhesive transfer, and better handle-ability when laminating. SuperStick® is also user-
friendly—it laminates with exceptional ease at temperatures between 230˚ and 290˚ with
minimal tension and pressure adjustments required. In addition, SuperStick® is cost-
effective—it reduces the total cost to produce by reducing the scrap rate.
w w w . d k g r o u p . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 2
27 Industrial Avenue
Chelmsford, MA 01824, USA
Camera/ scanner based document verification solutions, ADF software,
production workflow modules
Phone: 978-256-6444
With high-speed printing it is difficult, error prone and very expensive to provide these
required verification routines with manual inspection by an operator or supervisor.
Instead, Formscan verification solutions provide this necessary variable data quality
control automatically—and, on every single document for 100% verification.
w w w . f o r m s c a n . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 11
Formscan is the world’s largest document verification solution provider, with the widest
array of scanner and camera based technologies for use on multiple-makes of digital
printers, collators, booklet makers, stitchers, finishing lines and mailing lines. They can
integrate into any document production equipment at this show and provide per-piece
document verification in-line, and at real-time production speeds.
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
12 Inspiration Lane
Chester, CT 06412-1366, USA
GBR Systems Corporation is an “integrated systems solution provider” whose products
range from smart feeder/folders interfacing with conventional inserters to computer-
controlled folding machines interfacing with computer printers. GBR serves the following
industries: direct mailers, letter shops and presort processing companies, binderies,
commercial printers, in-plant mail and document processing centers, financial and
banking institutions and many more.
Phone: 800-833-6167
Phone: 860-526-9561
w w w . g b r . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
6767 Preston Ave
Livermore, Ca. 94550, USA
Gluefolder 504 (Self-Mailer Machine) from plain paper
Phone: 800-344-4517
The Gluefolder takes plain sheets of cut sheet paper, folds, glues, and perforates them to
make selfmailers. The Gluefolder runs at 20,000 cut sheets per hour, cold glue only.
w w w . g l u e f o l d e r . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 11
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
International, Ltd.
One Winnenden Road
Series W, EP-4000, Series III, MS-6000, Remote Monitoring Software (RMS),
Norwich, Ct 06360, USA
LAN Utilities Software, inc.jet In-line Addressing
Phone: 800-864-1490 x138
Gunther International is recognized as the industry’s knowledge leader for its long history
of innovative technologies. Gunther designs and manufactures intelligent mail-processing
systems engineered specifically for its customers needs. Gunther systems are unique in
that they provide 100% accuracy, through patented processing and reading technology,
ensuring that your outgoing mail is accurate and complies with HIPAA regulations.
w w w . g u n t h e r i n t l . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Hunkeler AG
Bahnhofstrasse 31
CH-4806 Wikon, Switzerland
Phone: ++41 62 745 61 61
Digital Pre- and Post Processing Systems, Web Finishing Systems, Paper Waste Disposal
++41 62 745 62 60
w w w . h u n k e l e r . c h
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 16+
Worldwide Hunkeler is considered one of the leading enterprises for the manufacturing
and distribution of systems for paper production, processing, and disposal. More
than 300 highly motivated employees work in this ISO 9001 certified company. Many
enterprises from within the own group, and a dense network of authorized retail sales
agents and service organizations represent Hunkeler worldwide. For over 80 years
Hunkeler has established its lead in the printing industry. Based on its experience
gathered during this time Hunkeler developed its “Digital” business line. In the sector of
high volume digital printing it is generally considered the pioneer with regards to printing
preparation and paper processing. Up to now, Hunkeler has installed more than 3,200
solutions worldwide.
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
IBIS Integrated Bindery Systems Ltd.,
7, York Way, Lancaster Road
Cressex Business Park
IBIS Digi-Stitcher
High Wycombe, Bucks.
IBIS Integrated Bindery Systems, Ltd., manufacturer of digital finishing systems with
operations in Geneva, Illinois and High Wycombe, England, is pleased to offer the in-line
(model DST2) and off-line (model DST2-NL) Digi-Stitcher. This innovative new product is
a digital saddle stitching unit which is capable of producing variable sized, commercial
quality books at rates over 5,000 books per hour.
HP12 3PY, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44 )1494 561950
+(44) 1494 561951
This heavy duty stitcher is specifically designed to interface to all Xerox high speed
continuous printers and operate in the demanding 24 hour-a-day, seven-day-a week
production environment. Additional features include optional cover feeding, 4th/5th
knife trimming, and automatic book reject capabilities.
w w w . i b i s - b i n d e r y . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 3
The Digi-Stitcher DST2-NL includes a high speed pile feeder that may be manually loaded
with sheets from one or more digital printers.
InfoSeal, LLC
1825 Blue Hills Circle
Roanoke, VA 24012, USA
Self-mailer systems, pressure seal forms, pressure seal equipment,
InfoSeal Aquseal forms
Phone: 888-952-4636
InfoSeal provides turn key self mailer systems in two formats. Pressure seal and
Aquaseal. These are envelope free self mailing documents compatible with the complete
range of Xerox monochrome and color digital print devices. In particular we provide self
mailer forms and folding/sealing equipment that is capable of running inline with high
end continuous forms printers from Xerox. Our staff of Regional Sales Managers have
spent many years working closely with Xerox and are unique in the level of support and
technical expertise they can offer regarding self-mailer systems.
w w w . i n f o s e a l . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 2
Contact the InfoSeal staff to be put in touch with our Xerox specialists for help with
your document mailer applications. Pressure seal documents represent an untapped
application that can be used to increase adoption of Xerox digital printing technology.
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
International, Inc.
7200 Alum Creek Dr. Ste C
Columbus, OH 43217, USA
High-speed inserters, pre- and post-processing roll feed equipment,
ADF software solutions.
Phone: 888-KERN INC
Kern is a worldwide provider of inserters, pre and post equipment and ADF software
solutions. The company offers a range of inserting systems including the world’s
fastest inserter as well as a full range of open and modular ADF solutions and innovative
pre- and post-processing technologies.
w w w . k e r n i n c . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 6
Mathias Bäuerle
Mathias Bäuerle GmbH
Gewerbehallestraße 7-11
D-78112 St. Georgen, Germany
MB Bäuerle is known as an innovative manufacturer of folding machines.
Phone: +49 (7724) 882-200
MB’s headquarters are located at St. Georgen in the Black Forest, one of the most
picturesque regions of South West Germany. It has two daughter companies, GBR
Systems Corporations in the United States and PrintFINISH GmbH in Leipzig / Germany.
+49 (7724) 882-201
Service-Line: (07724) 882-250
Service and sales are taken care of by our own subsidiaries and our representatives.
In Germany, MB Bäuerle’s subsidiaries cover the whole country, whereas regional
dealers sell our products in more than 60 countries all over the world.
w w w . m b - b a u e r l e . d e
Partner Level: M e m b e r
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
Moore Wallace
1200 Lakeside Drive
Bannockburn, IL 60015
Forms and Labels, Commercial Printing, Direct Mail, Print and Mail Statement
Outsourcing, Kitting and Distribution, Print Systems Integration, Integrated Print
Management Services
Phone: 800-323-8447
w w w . m o o r e w a l l a c e . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 13
Moore Wallace Incorporated is the leading single source provider of print management
and outsourced communications, delivering to our customers the industry’s widest array
of products and services at the lowest total cost.
Moore Wallace operates in three complementary business segments: Forms and Labels,
Outsourcing and Commercial.
Muller Martini
40 Rabro Drive
AmigoDigital—This short-run automated perfect binding system brings a new level of
PO Box 18020
commercial quality finishing to the shortest of production runs.
Hauppauge, NY 11788, USA
BravoPlus AMRYS—This saddle stitcher’s Automatic Makeready System automates one
of the most time-consuming jobs in the bindery — setting up saddle stitching systems
between jobs.
Phone: 631-582-4343
Presto with Inline Die Cutting—Presto makes saddle stitching affordable for short-run
and mid-range facilities, equipping them with a valuable profit center.
w w w . m u l l e r m a r t i n i u s a . c o m
CombiStack—Designed for use in newspaper mailrooms, the system stacks, labels and
straps in one station a high volume of publications coming off a finishing line or press to
prepare durable bundles for distribution.
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Muller Martini is the top manufacturer of Variable Web Offset Presses, offering
several models of these offset producers.
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
30955 Huntwood Avenue
Hayward, CA 94544, USA
Founded more than 70 years ago, The Neopost Group is the fastest-growing provider of
mailing, addressing, logistics, and document handling products in the world. Neopost is
the only company to have a major presence in the five largest global markets, and invests
more of its resources into R&D than any of its competitors.
Phone: 800-624-7892
Support: 800-636-7678
w w w . n e o p o s t i n c . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
On Demand Machinery
150 Broadway
Elizabeth, NJ 07206, USA
On Demand Hard Cover binding machinery
Phone: 908-351-6906
In 1997, based on numerous customer inquiries, we chose to form a new company
named On Demand Machinery, who’s mission was to design and manufacture a complete
line of on demand hard cover binding machinery. Our first prototypes were unveiled at the
1997 On Demand Digital Printing and Publishing Show. During this show, we met several
representatives from the Xerox Corporation and we have been a Xerox finishing partner
ever since! Our goal from inception was to make a line of equipment that was both
economical and easy to use. I am sure you will find our ODM Casemaking Line, Sticker
Casing In and Smasher Building In Machines an ideal entry level solution for the
production of on demand hard cover books.
w w w . o d m a c h i n e r y . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 6
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
Pitney Bowes
37 Executive Drive
Danbury, CT 06810, USA
Mailing Hardware, Software and Professional Services including Inserters, Sorters,
Data Quality, Mailing Efficiency, Print Manipulation, Shop Floor and Postage Management
and Digital Document Delivery.
Phone: 800-983-9368
w w w . p i t n e y b o w e s . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 14
Pitney Bowes Document Messaging Technologies provides a range of equipment,
software and service solutions to engineer the flow of critical business communications
for high volume mail and digital document output customers for optimizing efficiency
and effectiveness. These solutions empower our clients to use their customer
communications—digital and paper—to further drive profitability by integrating the
document channel with enterprise and CRM solutions.
Powis Parker
775 Heinz Avenue
Berkely, CA 94710, USA
Fastback® Binding Systems, Foilfast® printer, PowisPrinter® spine printer,
Fastback® Hardcover™
Phone: 510-848-2463
w w w . p o w i s . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 8
Powis Parker is the leading manufacturer of innovative desktop binding equipment. With
our Fastback® binder you can produce paperback and hard cover books in your office at
a fraction of the cost of traditional bindery methods. Our Fastback® binding strips let you
create reports and manuals up to three-and-a-half times faster than other office binding
systems. Finish your work with customized spines and covers printed in seven dazzling
colors of foil with our PowisPrinter®, and Foilfast® printer.
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
3010 Woodcreek Drive, Suite H
Downers Grove, IL 60515, USA
LX550 Unwinder, LX560 Cutter, LX565 Stacker
Phone: 630-271-3900
Founded in 1919 in Ljungby, Sweden, Stralfors is one of the leading European
manufacturers and distributors of paper handling equipment, business forms and labels,
w w w . s t r a l f o r s . c o m / l a s e r m a x
electronic print services, gaming products, smart cards and business software with
operations in 12 countries and distributors worldwide.
Stralfors’ Lasermax product lines--the classic CD Series and innovative LX500 series—
provide feeding and finishing solutions for high-speed digital printers and inserters
ideal for direct mailing applications, billing and statements as well as Print On
Demand production.
Partner Level: M e m b e r
1932 Cotner Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90025-5602, USA
High-Speed Lamination and Die Cutting—Vestcom’s GTS 8500 laminates and die-cuts
60 sheets per minute and produces excellent high-speed, low cost cards such as ID,
pre-paid telephone with scratch off strip, wallet marketing, etc. (Can place 8-10 cards
on a single sheet.) It also converts paper into nearly indestructible laminated pressure
sensitive labels, or shelf talkers (grocery industry).
Phone: 310-477-9533
w w w . v e s t c o m r s g - c a . c o m
Partner Level: M e m b e r
Partnership Years: 8
Vestcom is a leading manufacturer of high-speed, laminating, and die-cutting equipment.
Vestcom provides nationwide service in the USA and some other countries. With more
than 30 years of experience in laminating and die-cutting, Vestcom has installed over
250 systems worldwide. The Vestcom patented technology is underwriter’s laboratory
approved, does all laminating and die-cutting in one pass, and has a seven year
guarantee. Some major applications include labels, ID cards, self-posting bulletins,
and procedures.
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
WEKO North America
67 Harned Road
Commack, NY 11725, USA
WEKO RFDi Rotor Damping System for Digital Printers
Phone: 631-543-3597
WEKO North America is the North American branch of Weitmann & Konrad GmbH
KG & Co. (WEKO) in Echterdingen, Germany and has been a supplier of accessory
equipment to the printing industry for 50 years.
w w w . w e k o . n e t
Partner Level: M e m b e r
The WEKO RFDi Rotor Damping System for Digital Printers was specifically designed
to add moisture back into the web after it exits the printer.
O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
800 Long Ridge Road
Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA
Phone: 203-968-3000
Feeders, stackers, tape binders, and stitchers across a wide range of products
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