Quick Reference
Service Manual
HP DesignJet 430
HP DesignJet 450C
HP DesignJet 455CA
Always Use the Latest Firmware Revision.
Always check which firmware revision the printer is using and if necessary update it. To
check the firmware revision, Print the Service Configuration Plot.
Perform a Service Test on the Failed Component/Assembly.
Always perform a Service Test on the component/assembly that you are about to replace, just
to make sure that is the component/assembly that has failed. If the test on that
component/assembly passes, you should NOT replace it.
Performthe Accuracy Calibration.
Perform the accuracy calibration whenever the:
D EEROM is erased.
D Electronics module is replaced.
D Drive roller is removed/replaced.
D Media (XĆaxis) motor is removed/replaced.
D DriveĆroller gear is removed/replaced.
D Cartridge carriage is replaced.
D Mark encoder is removed/replaced.
D Optical sensor is removed/replaced.
How to Solve PrintĆQuality Problems.
Whenever a PrintĆQuality problem appears, it is advisable to print the PrintĆQuality Plot to
help diagnose the problem. The PrintĆQuality Print will help you differentiate between
possible Cartridge errors and other problems such as incorrect frontĆpanel selection, driver or
RIP configuration or mechanical problems.
If Line Sensor has Problems Detecting Media.
Clean the driveĆroller. Perform accuracy calibration. Replace the Carriage Assembly.
If the Carriage is Noisy.
Dirty Carriage bushings. Remove dust particles from the Carriage bushings and from the
slider rod along which the Carriage moves. Apply lubricant to the slider rod. Make sure that
the belt is correctly positioned on the YĆaxis motor. Remove dust particles from the Back
Beam and, if necessary, apply grease. Perform Carriage Axis Test.
If the Carriage Assembly has problems parking in the Service
The trailing cable may be preventing the carriage from reaching the leftĆhand stop. Make
sure that the trailing cable is positioned under the plastic tabs at the back of the carriage
cover, and not above them. Check and, if necessary, adjust the Carriage height. The Belt is
not correctly positioned over the idler pulley. Check for a faulty bail lever mechanism because
the Carriage may have trouble passing over it.
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
Quick Reference Service Manual
What can I do if the Printer continuously rejects Cartridges?
If you are in Service Mode 1, the cover sensor is disabled. In order to test a
newCartridge set, the Printer must be powered OF and and ON again.
Remove tape and align cartridges. When nozzle failures occur, clean the flex contacts on the
cartridge and in the Carriage. Remove all cartridges from the Carriage and try installing just
the rejected cartridge. Ifthe cartridge is still rejected then replace the cartridge with a new
one. Ifthe new cartridge is not rejected then check, one by one, ifthe other cartridges are
rejected or not. Replace the black cartridge with one with USE BEFORE date ofMay '96 or
later. Make sure that the springs that hold the Cartridges in the Carriage are not broken or
misplaced. Perform Carriage Test. Replace Trailing Cable or Carriage Assembly.
What can I do if the Media continuously crashes?
Check ifthe media loaded is HP approved. Ifnot, advise the customer to use HP media and
check to see ifthe problem is now solved. Ifthe antiĆstatic brush (located under the entry
platen) is damaged or removed, static charge can build up on the media. A charge can cause
the media to stick to itselfand jam the Printer. Check and ifnecessary adjust the
carriageĆtoĆmedia distance and try to load the media again. The Drive Roller is installed
incorrectly. The overdrive wheels turn free in both directions, creating bubbles in the media.
Make sure that the Clutch assembly is installed correctly and is not faulty. Make sure that all
the starwheels on the bail assembly are correctly installed and turn properly. Make sure that
all the Media deflectors are installed.
What can I do if the Printer does not Power ON?
Check that the power cord is connected correctly. Check that the ROM SIMM (firmware) is
installed correctly in the correct slot (the slot furthest from you) at the back of the Printer.
Try to disconnect all the cables, apart from the Front Panel Cable, from the Electronics Module
and then try to power ON the Printer again. If nothing appears on the frontĆpanel display,
then replace the Electronics Module. Ifthe Printer does Power On with the cables
disconnected, then the problem must be with another component ofthe Printer. To find the
faulty component, power OFF the Printer and connect one of the cables and power ON again.
Once the faulty component is connected, it will not allow the Printer to power ON. This
component should then be replaced.
What can I do if the Printer has problems with the Cutter?
Ifthe Carriage Assembly has problems picking up the Cutter:
D Check that the cable for the FrontĆPanel Assembly is is not loose and is routed correctly
in the cover clips. A loose cable can be trapped by the Cutter, preventing the Cutter from
D Make sure that the Spittoon Assembly is correctly installed and is aligned with the
Overdrive Assembly. Ifthe Spittoon is loose or mispositioned, the cutter will have
problems parking in the right cover.
Ifthe media crashes when moving the Cutter:
D Make sure that there is no media trapped inside the Cutter mechanism. Remove the
Cutter to inspect it correctly.
D Remove the Cutter and make sure that both rotary blades are touching each other by the
flat sides and not the sloping sides. If the rotary blades are touching each other by the
sloping sides, you must reseat them.
D The Printer must be placed as close to the edge as possible to make sure that the media
that is coming out falls correctly, or else the cutter will crash into it.
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
Quick Reference Service Manual
What can I do if the Cover Sensor isn't Working?
Before troubleshooting, make sure that you are not in Service Mode 1 because the Cover sensor
is disabled and Printer will think that the cover is always closed. Power OFF the Printer and
switch it back ON again and check if the Cover sensor works. Check if the cable for frontĆpanel
assembly is connected correctly to the electronics module. Replace the frontĆpanel assembly.
What can I do if the Printer has problems with Media Loading?
Check that the Media Sensor is installed correctly. Check if the cable for Media Sensor is
connected correctly. Check if the Pincharms are down (the Pincharm lever should be up).
Make sure that the Line Sensor is installed correctly. If necessary, perform the Carriage Test.
Perform the Accuracy Calibration. Replace the Media Sensor (part of the overdrive
assembly). Replace the Carriage Assembly.
What can I doif the Bail Mechanism Fails?
Check that there are no obstructions in the way of the Bail Assembly. The cam gear and
engaging gear may not make correct contact with the left driveĆroller gear even though the
carriage is actuating the engaging lever. This can happen due to excessive wearing of parts.
Another problem may be that the bail cable has broken. The carriage may not properly locate
the engagement lever, preventing the gears from engaging. Any problems with the
carriageĆmotor control system (for example, the encoder strip) or associated mechanics could
cause this problem. Also, if the carriage cannot find the true left stop during initialization
(caused by interference), the engaging lever cannot be located. The bail may fall from the up
position. This can happen if the cam is over or underĆrotated. The notch on the cam, used to
engage the left bail bracket, is not properly located for the bail up" condition, and the bail
falls abruptly. Perform a bail cycle test. If the carriage moves over the engaging lever without
raising it, you may need to adjust the carriage angle on the slider rod. However, be careful
not to jeopardize the print quality, which is very sensitive to the carriage angle.
System Error Codes
Only replace one component at a time and check if the error has gone
before replacing another component. Using this procedure you will be
able to determine exactly which component failed.
System Error:
Steady KLM Ć An error which the customer could probably solve, like a
paper jam, minor cartridge problem etc. In order to get more information on the error, the
CANCEL key must be pressed which will display a Subcode. Use the error codes below to
find information on the subcode.
System Error:
Flashing KLM Ć This error code indicates a severe problem which will
require a Service Engineer to troubleshoot. In order to get more information on the error, the
CANCEL key must be pressed which will display a Subcode. Use the error codes below to
find information on the subcode.
System Error: Steady DK Ć RAM SIMM installed is not an original HP supported part.
RAM SIMM badly connected. Faulty RAM SIMM. Faulty electronics module.
System Error: Steady DL Ć Cartridges faulty or badly seated. Faulty or badly connected
trailing cable. Dirty carriage flex circuit. Faulty carriage. Faulty electronics module.
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
Quick Reference Service Manual
System Error: Steady DM Ć Obstacle or friction in XĆaxis. Faulty or badly connected
XĆaxis Encoder Cable. Faulty media motor, or motor cable pinched. Faulty electronics module.
System Error:
Steady DEFK Ć Not enough memory for current plot. Add extra memory.
If this error code appeared while performing the Accuracy Calibration: Check that the quality
of theAccuracy Calibration print is good. If thequality is bad, try to clean theblack cartridge
or replaceit. Makesurethat you load theAccuracy Calibration print in thecorrect position
and orientation, and make sure that you select the correct media type. Make sure that the
line sensor on the carriage is clean. Faulty Trailing Cable. Faulty Carriage Assembly. Faulty
Electronics Module.
System Error:
Steady DFK Ć Check the Bail Assembly. Check the Capping Position in
System Error:
Steady DEFM Ć Check the bailĆlift system to see if it is working
correctly. Use the bail cycle test to help troubleshoot.
System Error:
Steady DLM Ć Is XĆaxis calibration done? Did you load media in correct
orientation? Arethemarks visibleon theplot? If not, check cartridges. Arecartridges
correctly aligned? If so, the problem may be in the electronics module, media motor or
driveĆroller gear; if alignment is incorrect, the problem may be in the carriage.
System Error: Steady FL Ć ThePrinter is using an old Firmwarerevision Ć Install the
latest firmware revision.
System Error:
Steady DEFL Ć Report the problem to your HP Response Center. Note
conditions and actions before error occurred. Include setup sheet and service configuration plot
in report.
System Error:
Steady DEL Ć Incorrect configuration in communications speed/protocol.
Incorrect communications cable. Error in host computer.
System Error:
System Error:
Steady DFL Ć Replace the Electronics Module.
Steady DKL Ć The line on the mark encoder is dirty or missing. Faulty or
badly connected trailing cable. Faulty or badly connected carriage sensor. Faulty or badly
connected XĆaxis Encoder Cable. The drive roller has shifted slightly from the expected position
(mechanics). Check that the carriage sensor lights just over the white mark on the drive roller
when starting. Faulty carriage PCA. Faulty XĆmotor. Faulty YĆmotor. Faulty electronics module.
System Error:
Steady EFL Ć Problems in the Centronics Communications. Probably
dueto thebad contacts of theconnector.
System Error:
Steady FKL Ć Carriage assembly is not present. Faulty or badly
connected trailing cable. Faulty carriage PCA. Faulty electronics module.
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
Quick Reference Service Manual
System Error:
Steady EKL Ć After replacing a new electronics module, it must be
configured either as a DesignJet 430, 450C or 455CA. If a new module does not show this
error, it means that it has been installed previously and was probably calibrated with other
parameters. After configuring the module, Error code Steady DLM will appear which means
the accuracy calibration must be done. After the accuracy calibration is done, all other
calibrations must be done. If configuring the module does not remove the error, even after
switching the Printer OFF and ON, then the EEROM in the main PCA is probably defective.
Before trying to replace the electronics module try clearing the EEROM and perform all the
calibrations again and see if that solves the problem.
System Error:
Steady EK Ć Switch the Printer OFF and ON again and see if the error
remains. If the error appears continuously, replace the Electronics Module. The Calibrations
in the EEROM have been lost. Perform the Accuracy Calibration.
System Error:
Steady FK Ć Fan faulty or badly connected. Faulty ROM SIMM. Faulty
RAM SIMM. Faulty Electronics Module.
System Error:
Steady EM Ć Problems with the Cutter Assembly. Clear any binding due
to a media jam. Turn the Printer off. Manually move the carriage along the carriage axis.
Check for any areas where the carriage may be binding. Ensure that the belt and belt pulley
are in correct working order. Remove dirt from the pulley that could cause the belt to slip.
Perform the carriageĆaxis test and the servo/encoder test to check for problems with the
carriage motor, encoder strip, and electronics module. Remove dirt from the slider rod and
chassis beam. Apply oil (Anderol 4068, HP part number: 6040Ć0858) to the carriage bushings.
At high temperatures, and if the fan is not working correctly, the internal resistance of the
motor driver may increase, causing a decrease in the voltage between the motor contacts,
and a shutdown of the motor. Ensure that the encoder strip is not inverted, damaged or
absent. Reconnect or replace the trailing cable. Replace the carriage assembly.
System Error: Steady DEM Ć Something is causing excessive friction in the YĆaxis
(carriage axis). The carriage touches the bail as it moves.
System Error:
Steady DFM Ć Incorrect routing of the motor cables. Electrical noise in
motors. Faulty motor encoder. Motor received an electrostatic discharge while operating.
System Error:
Steady EFM Ć Damaged or broken encoder strip. Faulty or badly
connected trailing cable. Incorrect routing of the motor cables. Electrical noise in motors.
Faulty motor encoder. Trailing Cable received an electrostatic discharge while the Printer
was operating. Replace the Trailing Cable.
System Error:
Steady EL Ć Faulty Cartridges. Dirty or incorrect media. Faulty Line
Sensor. Faulty Carriage Assembly. Faulty Electronics Module.
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
Quick Reference Service Manual
Service Tests
Entering Service Mode 1
While holdingthe Reprint key down, switch the Printer ON. Once the the LEDs begin to
light up one by one, release the Reprint key.
Entering Service Mode 2
While holdingthe Media Source key down, switch the printer ON. Once the the LEDs begin
to light up one by one, release the Media Source key.
Stopping a Test
The service tests are continuously repeated in Service Mode 1 until you press the Cancel and
Media Source keys. To stop a test in Service Mode 2, press any of the frontĆpanel keys. To
exit any Service Mode, you must power OFF the Printer.
FrontPanel Test
Purpose Ć Verify the operation of the frontĆpanel keys and LEDs.
In service mode 1, press FrontPanel Test (Form Feed Key).
Check that all LEDs are functioningcorrectly when they flash.
Each time a key is pressed, the Coated LED (LED I) will be lit.
If a key fails, the Coated LED (LED I) will remain OFF.
If the test fails: Check that the cable for the Front Panel Assembly is connected to the
Electronics Module. Also make sure that the cable is NOT damaged or twisted. Replace the
Front Panel Assembly. Replace the Electronics Module.
Carriage Axis (YĆaxis) Test
Purpose Ć Verify the operation of the components of the Carriage Axis.
Always make sure that the carriage is parked in the service station before starting
this test.
In service mode 1, press CarriageĆAxis Test (Reprint Key).
If the test passes, the Fast LED (LED A) will light up after the first cycle.
If there is a YĆaxis shutdown, the Fast LED (LED A) will start to flash.
If the test fails: Clear any binding due to a media jam. Turn the Printer off and manually
move the carriage along the carriage axis. Check for any areas where the carriage may be
binding. Ensure that the belt and belt pulley are in correct working order. Remove dirt from
the pulley that could cause the belt to slip. Remove dirt from the slider rod and chassis beam.
Apply oil (Anderol 4068, HP part number: 6040Ć0858) to the carriage bushings. At high
temperatures, and if the fan is not working correctly, the internal resistance of the motor
driver may increase, causing a decrease in the voltage between the motor contacts, and a
shutdown of the motor. Ensure that the encoder strip is not inverted, damaged or absent.
Reconnect or replace the trailing cable. Replace the carriage assembly.
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
Quick Reference Service Manual
Carriage Test
Purpose Ć Verify the operation of the Carriage subsystems, like the Line Sensor andanalog
multiplexer andalso checks the connection between the carriage flex circuit andthe cartridges.
In service mode 1, press Carriage Test (Print Quality Key).
Refer to the following list to check which LED is associatedwith which test. If the test passes,
the following LEDs will be lit (ON). If the test fails, the following LEDs will be flashing:
Cartridge LED Ć Black Cartridge Continuity.
Film LED Ć Magenta Cartridge Continuity.
CoatedLED Ć Cyan Cartridge Continuity.
Glossy LED Ć Yellow Cartridge Continuity.
Align Media LED Ć Analog Multiplexer.
Fast LED Ć Line Sensor.
Cartridge Continuity Test Failure
If any cartridge Continuity test fails: Remove the failing Cartridge and clean the flex contacts
on the Carriage and the Cartridge. Reseat the Cartridge and try the test again. Replace the
Cartridge of the relevant failing color and perform this test again. Check and if necessary
replace the Trailing Cable. Replace the Carriage Assembly. Replace the Electronics Module.
Line Sensor Test Failure
If the Line Sensor test fails: Performing the accuracy calibration. Check and if necessary
replace the Trailing Cable. Replace the Carriage Assembly. Replace the Electronics Module.
Analog Multiplexer Test Failure
If the Analog Multiplexer test fails: Check and if necessary replace the Trailing Cable. Replace
the Carriage Assembly. Replace the Electronics Module.
Sensors Test
Purpose - Checks the operation of the cover sensor, pincharm sensor andmedia sensor.
In service mode 1, press Sensors Test (Media Type Key).
Activate the necessary sensor andcheck that the relevant LED status changes (ON/OFF). Refer
to the following list to check which LED is associatedwith which sensor:
Media LED Ć Media Sensor.
Sheet LED Ć Pinchwheel Sensor.
Film LED Ć Cover Sensor.
If the cover sensor fails, check that the frontĆpanel assembly is correctly connected to the electronics
module orelse replace the frontĆpanel assembly. If the Pincharm sensor fails, check that the
sensor cable is correctly connected to the electronics module or else replace the pincharm
sensor. If the Media sensor fails, check that the sensor cable is correctly connected to the
electronics module or else replace the overdrive assembly (the media sensor is included as part
of the overdrive assembly). As a last resort replace the Electronics Module.
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
Quick Reference Service Manual
MediaĆAxis (XĆAxis) Test
Purpose Ć Verify the operation of the components of the Media Axis.
In service mode 1, press MediaĆAxis Test (Media Load Button).
If the test passes, the Glossy LED (LED J) will light up after the first cycle.
If there is a shutdown, the Glossy LED (LED J) will start to flash after the first cycle.
If the test fails: Switch OFF the Printer and manually moving the carriage along the slider
rod, check for obstacle or friction in the XĆaxis. Check for a faulty or badly connected XĆaxis
Encoder Cable. Replace media motor. Replace electronics module.
Bench Run
The way to enter into Bench Run is to press the Media Source and Form Feed keys in
Service Mode 1. If these keys are accidently pressed, you must immediately EXIT the
Bench Run by switching OFF the Printer andpowering ON again while pressing
the Print Quality andMedia Source keys .
Modular Test
This test has been created to check the interaction between various components of the
Printer. It combines the CarriageĆaxis, Carriage, MediaĆaxis, frontĆpanel and sensors tests:
Always make sure that the carriage is parked in the service station before starting
this test.
In service mode 1, press Modular Test (Media Source Key).
The printer first performs the FrontĆpanel Test and once it is fully completed (once all the
keys are pressed) then continues with the rest of the above tests in parallel.
Refer to the following list to check which LED is associated with which test. If the testpasses,
the following LEDs will be lit (ON). If the test fails, the following LEDs will be flashing:
Cartridge LED Ć Cartridge Continuity (all).
Align Media LED Ć Analog Multiplexer.
Fast LED Ć CarriageĆaxis.
Best LED Ć Line Sensor.
Media LED Ć Media Sensor.
Sheet LED Ć Pinchwheel Sensor.
Film LED Ć Cover Sensor.
Coated LED Ć FrontĆPanel Sensor.
Glossy LED Ć XĆaxis .
The result of the Encoder sensor test is only reported via the serial output and not via the
frontĆpanel. To perform the encoder sensor test, move the carriage slightly sothat the encoder
sensor can detect the change in status. If the carriage is not moved at all, the Encoder Sensor
test will always fail. If the carriage is moved and ONLY the Encoder Sensor test fails, then you
need toreplace the Carriage Assembly.
If any of the tests fail, refer to the individual test documented in this chapter.
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
Quick Reference Service Manual
Electronics Test
Purpose Ć Verify the operation of the FIBIS Column address and the shuffler.
In service mode 1, press Electronics Test (Media Source and Reprint Keys).
Ifthe test passes, the Sheet LED ( LED O) will light up.
If the test fails, the Sheet LED (LED O) will start to flash.
Ifthe test fails, replace the Electronics Module.
Bail Test
Purpose Ć Tests the operation ofthe bail system, Service Station and the YĆaxis by engaging
and disengaging the bailĆlift mechanism and capping/uncapping the cartridges.
In service mode 2, press Bail Test (Setup Key).
Ifthe Printer does not raise the Bail Assembly then the test has failed.
If the bail fails the test, replace the BailĆlift mechanism.
Electrical Test
This tests the operation ofsome ofthe electrical components ofthe electronics module.
In service mode 2, press Electrical Test (Form Feed Key).
If the test fails, an error code will appear on the frontĆpanel. Refer to System Error Codes
section in order to correctly troubleshoot the failure.
Servo/Encoder Test
The servo/encoder test performs the MediaĆaxis and CarriageĆaxis encoder test and also
records the maximum friction detected in the EEROM, which can viewed on the service
configuration plot.
In service mode 2, press Servo/Encoder Test (Media Type Key).
To view the results ofthe test, you must print the Service Configuration Plot (Print Quality
and Media Type keys).
If the test fails, an error code will appear on the frontĆpanel. Refer to System Error Codes
section in order to correctly troubleshoot the failure.
Service Monitor (Data Display)
The service monitor is useful to find out why the Printer is not plotting what you expect it to
plot. Instead ofplotting the drawing that you send, the Printer prints the beginning and end
ofthe code that would otherwise have been used to plot the drawing.
In service mode 2, load a sheet ofmedia (A3 size or B size minimum) in portrait orientation
and press Service Monitor (Media Type and Media Source Keys).
Send the file from the computer through the serial or parallel ports (Ready LED flashes).
Wait until the computer has indicated that it has sent the file (Ready LED continues to flash).
While the Ready LED is flashing, press Service Monitor (Media Type and Media Source
Keys) again.
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
Quick Reference Service Manual
EEROM Model ID Configuration Procedure
The EEROM model ID configuration procedure only needs to be carried out if:
D A preĆconfigured board is being reused.
D The current board is incorrectly configured to the wrong model ID.
D The Printer shows an unconfigured model ID system error (Steady EKL).
1 Remove the rightĆend cover.
2 Disconnect the media motor encoder cable from the main PCA (connector ENC X).
3 Turn the Printer ON while holding the Reprint key down.
4 Press the Media Source and Media Type keys together to enter the deconfiguration
mode. The Fast, Normal and Best LEDs (LEDs ABC) will light up.
5 Using a suitable tool, shortĆcircuit pins 1 and 2 (the first two pins on the right) of the
media motor encoder connector (ENC X). The Cartridges, Data and Media LEDs (LEDs
KLM) should light up as you shortĆcircuit the two pins.
6 Once you have shortĆcircuited the two pins, the Fast, Normal and Best LEDs (LEDs
ABC) should light up again.
7 Press the Cancel and Media Source keys together to exit the deconfiguration mode.
8 Configure the Printer with the correct model ID as follows:
Only one opportunity is given to perform this procedure and there is no indication that
itwas successful.
If the Printer is to be configured as a DesignJet 450C (Color) Printer, hold the Media
Source key down and press the two Color Configuration (Print Quality + Media
Type) keys at the same time.
If the Printer is to be configured as a DesignJet 430 (Monochrome)Printer, hold the Media
Source key down and press the two Mono Configuration (Print Quality + Setup)
keys at the same time.
If the Printer is to be configured as a DesignJet 455CA (LFP) Printer, hold the Media
Source key down and press the two LFP Configuration (Print Quality + Reprint)
keys at the same time.
9 Turn the Printer OFF.
10 Reconnect the media motor encoder cable to the main PCA (connector ENC X).
11 Turn the Printer ON. After initializing, error code DLM" will appear because the
Accuracy Calibration must still be performed.
12 Press the Cancel key and print the Demo Plot to check if the Printer has been correctly
configured as a DesignJet 430, 450C or 455CA.
If the Printer is still incorrectly configured then Error Code EKL" will be displayed
on the front panel. Turn the Printer OFF and perform the EEROM Model ID
configuration procedure again from step 2.
13 Perform the accuracy calibration.
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
10 Quick Reference Service Manual
Printing the Service Configuration Plot
1 In service mode 2, load a sheet in portrait orientation.
2 When the Ready LED lights up, press the Print Quality and Media Type keys.
Clearing the EEROM
If you clear the calibration parameters, you will then need to perform
the Printer calibrations. Clearing the EEROM also resets the factory
spittoon value to 0% used. Keep in mind that the value printed on the
service configuration plot may greatly underestimate the amount of
ink in the spittoon.
Clearing Just the Benchrun and Calibration Parameters
1 Switch the Printer OFF.
2 While holding down the Form Feed, Cancel and Media Type keys down, switch the
Printer ON.
3 Once the the LEDs begin to light up one by one, release the keys.
Clearing Just the UserĆDefined Setup Parameters
1 Switch the Printer OFF.
2 While holding down the Reprint, Cancel, Media Type and Media Source keys down,
switch the Printer ON.
3 Once the the LEDs begin to light up one by one, release the keys.
Clearing All Parameters
1 Switch the Printer OFF.
2 While holding down the Setup, Form Feed, Reprint, Print Quality and Media Type
keys down, switch the Printer ON.
3 Once the the LEDs begin to light up one by one, release the keys
Performing the Accuracy Calibration
1 Place a sheet of HP Matte Film over the top of the Printer for 10 minutes to let the sheet
stabilize to the environmental conditions.
Use a sheet of approximate size A1 or D.
You must use HP Matte Film. Otherwise the optical sensor on the
carriage will be calibrated incorrectly, and the Printer will have
problems loading some types of media.
2 Enter into Service Mode 2, by powering ON the Printer while holding down the Media
Source key.
3 Set the Media Type on the front panelto Coated Paper.
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
Quick Reference Service Manual 11
4 Load the film, with the matte (dull) side down, in portrait orientation into the Printer.
5 When the Ready LED lights up, press Reprint key.
The Ready LED begins to flash and the Printer takes several minutes to plot the
calibration plot. The Printer ejects the sheet, and the Load Media LED lights up.
6 Unload the sheet.
7 Wait until the ink on the sheet is dry.
8 Cut the sheet along the dotted line and reload the sheet facedown into the Printer, in
the direction indicated by the arrows on the calibration plot.
The Ready LED begins to flash. The Printer takes less than 10 minutes to: read the
calibration sheet; calculate the calibration data; save the data in the EEROM; and
eject the sheet.
9 Unload the sheet.
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
12 Quick Reference Service Manual
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