Dell S2421HN/S2421NX/S2721HN/
Dell Display Manager
User’s Guide
Model: S2421HN/S2421NX/S2721HN/S2721NX
Regulatory model: S2421Ht/S2721Ht
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Using the Quick Settings Dialog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Setting Basic Display Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Assigning Preset Modes to Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Organizing Windows with Easy Arrange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Managing Multiple Video Inputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Restoring Application Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Applying Energy Conservation Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Other Shortcut Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Attach DDM To Active Window (Only Windows 10) . . . . . . . .20
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Dell Display Manager is a Microsoft Windows application used to manage a display or a group of
displays. It enables manual adjustment of the displayed image, assignment of automatic settings,
energy management, window organization, image rotation, and other features on selected Dell
displays. After installed, Dell Display Manager runs each time the system starts and places its
icon in the notification tray. Information about displays connected to the system is available when
hovering over the notification-tray icon.
Dell S2421HN/S2421NX - Standard
Dell S2721HN/S2721NX - Standard
NOTE: Dell Display Manager uses DDC/CI channel to communicate with your
display. Ensure that DDC/CI is enabled in the menu as below.
Dell 24/27 Monitor
Input Source
Display Info
LCD Conditioning
Service Tag
Reset Others
Factory Reset
Using the Quick Settings Dialog
Clicking Dell Display Manager’s notification tray icon to open the Quick Settings dialog box.
When more than one supported Dell displays are connected to the computer, a specific target
display can be selected using the menu. The Quick Settings dialog box enables convenient
adjustment of the display’s brightness, contrast, resolution, window layout, and so on. You can
select Manual Mode or Auto Mode, and the screen resolution can be changed.
Dell S2421HN/S2421NX
Using the Quick Settings Dialog
Dell S2721HN/S2721NX
The Quick Settings dialog box also provides access to Dell Display Manager’s advanced user
interface that is used to adjust basic functions, configure auto mode and access other features.
Quick DDM
Quick key to
call up DDM UI
Use Page Up/Page Down key or click on “>” to flip
through all Easy Arrange layouts.
From dropdown box to select display, selected display
has Dell logo shown.
Perform display self-test feature check.
Move DDM UI to the display to be controlled.
Press Ctrl+Shift+D to bring up the miniUI under the
mouse pointer.
display in
display setup
Using the Quick Settings Dialog
Setting Basic Display Functions
You can select Manual Mode that enables you to manually select a preset mode or select
Auto Mode that applies a preset mode based on the active application. An on-screen message
displays the current preset mode whenever it changes. The selected display’s Brightness and
Contrast can also be directly adjusted from the Basic tab.
Dell S2421HN/S2421NX
Dell S2721HN/S2721NX
NOTE: When multiple Dell displays are connected, select “Enable display matrix
control” to apply brightness, contrast and color presets controls to all displays.
Setting Basic Display Functions
Dell S2421HN/S2421NX
Dell S2721HN/S2721NX
Setting Basic Display Functions
Assigning Preset Modes to Applications
The Auto Mode tab allows you to associate a specific Preset Mode with a specific application,
and apply it automatically. When Auto Mode is enabled, Dell Display Manager automatically
switches to the corresponding Preset Mode whenever the associated application is activated.
The Preset Mode assigned to a particular application may be the same on each connected
display, or it can vary from one display to another.
Dell Display Manager is pre-configured for many popular applications. To add a new application
to the assignment list, simply drag the application from the desktop, Windows Start Menu, or
elsewhere, and drop it onto the current list.
NOTE: Preset Mode assignments for batch files, scripts, loaders, and non-
executable files such as zip archives or packed files, are not supported.
You can also configure the Game preset mode to be used whenever a Direct3D application runs
in full-screen mode. To prevent an application from using mode, assign a different preset mode
to it.
Dell S2421HN/S2421NX
Assigning Preset Modes to Applications
Dell S2721HN/S2721NX
Assigning Preset Modes to Applications
Organizing Windows with Easy Arrange
Easy Arrange helps you to effectively organize your application windows on the desktop. You
first choose a pre-defined layout pattern which suits your work, then you just need to drag the
application windows into the defined zones. Press “>” or use Page Up/Page Down key to find
more layouts. To create a custom layout, arrange the open windows and then click Save.
Dell S2421HN/S2421NX
Dell S2721HN/S2721NX
Organizing Windows with Easy Arrange
For Windows 10, you can apply different window layouts for each of the virtual desktops.
If you often use Windows snap feature, you can select “Hold down the SHIFT key to enable
zone positioning”. This gives Windows snap priority over Easy Arrange. You will then need to
press the Shift key to use Easy Arrange positioning.
Dell S2421HN/S2421NX
Dell S2721HN/S2721NX
Organizing Windows with Easy Arrange
If you are using multiple displays in an array or matrix, Easy Arrange layout can be applied
across to all the displays as one desktop. Select “Span multiple monitors” to enable this
feature. You need to align your displays properly to make it effective.
Dell S2421HN/S2421NX
Dell S2721HN/S2721NX
Organizing Windows with Easy Arrange
There are other advanced ways for the usage of Easy Arrange. Refer to table below.
Easy Arrange
Custom layouts • Save and name 5 customized Easy Arrange patterns.
• Configure x*y patterns.
5 MRU (most-
• Press Ctrl+Shift+Home to cycle among the last 5 MRU
On the fly parti- • Hold down Ctrl while resizing current Easy Arrange
tion resizing
layout to adjust the size and numbers of cells in a
• Newly formed Easy Arrange pattern is saved into the
Easy Arrange icon position.
• Hold down Ctrl while clicking on a modified layout icon
to restore it to default layout.
Easy Arrange
layouts for
• Portrait mode Easy Arrange icons are presented when
display is rotated.
portrait mode
NOTE: Some application requires a minimum effective resolution for its window.
The application may not fit in an Easy Arrange zone if the zone is smaller than the
required window size.
Organizing Windows with Easy Arrange
Managing Multiple Video Inputs
The Input Manager tab provides convenient ways for you to manage multiple video inputs
connected to your Dell display. It makes it very easy to switch between inputs while you work
with multiple computers.
All video input ports available to your display are listed. You can give each input a name as you
like. Please save your changes after editing.
You can define a shortcut key to quickly switch to your favorite input and another shortcut key
to quickly switch between two inputs if you often work between them.
Dell S2421HN/S2421NX
Dell S2721HN/S2721NX
Managing Multiple Video Inputs
You can use the dropdown list to switch to any input source.
Dell S2421HN/S2421NX
Dell S2721HN/S2721NX
NOTE: DDM communicates with your display even when the display is displaying
video from another computer. You can install DDM on the computer you frequently
use and control input switching from it. You may also install DDM on other
computers connected to the display.
Managing Multiple Video Inputs
Restoring Application Positions
DDM can help you restore application windows into their positions when you reconnect your
computer to the display(s). You can quickly access to this feature by right-clicking on DDM icon
in the notification tray.
If you choose “Auto-restore window layout”, your application windows’ positions are tracked
and remembered by DDM. DDM automatically puts the application windows into their original
positions when you reconnect your computer to your display(s).
If you want to go back to a favorite layout after you have moved the application windows
around, you can first “Save current window layout” and later “Restore saved window
You may use displays with different models or resolutions in your daily routine, and you may apply
different window layouts on them. DDM is able to know the display you have reconnected and
restore application positions accordingly.
In case you need to replace a display in a display matrix configuration, you can save the window
layout before replacement and restore the layout after a new display is installed.
NOTE: You should keep your applications running in order to benefit from this
feature. DDM doesn’t launch applications.
Restoring Application Positions
Applying Energy Conservation Features
On supported Dell models, an Options tab is available that provides PowerNap energy
conservation options. You can choose to set the display’s brightness to the minimum level, or to
put the display to sleep when the screensaver is activated.
Dell S2421HN/S2421NX
Dell S2721HN/S2721NX
Applying Energy Conservation Features
Other Shortcut Keys
Shortcut keys can be defined for below operations, you can define the shortcut keys for quick
access to perform these operations:
• Program shortcut key: to quickly open the Quick Settings dialog box.
• Easy Arrange MRU shortcut key: to quickly apply the 5 recently used window layouts.
• Application window shortcut key: to launch a quick menu for options under Auto Mode
and Easy Arrange.
Dell S2421HN/S2421NX
Ctrl + Shift + Num 2
Ctrl + Shift + Num 4
Ctrl + Shift + Num 3
Dell S2721HN/S2721NX
Ctrl + Shift + Num 2
Ctrl + Shift + Num 4
Ctrl + Shift + Num 3
Other Shortcut Keys
Attach DDM To Active Window (Only Windows
DDM icon can be attached to the active window you are working on. Click on the icon for easy
access to below features.
Attach DDM to Change preset or
Active Window snap to different
(only Windows partitions
• DDM icon attached to active window and user can
easily switch windowposition, change color preset
mode, and associate auto preset mode.
Shortcut key trigger • On a running app window, press Ctrl+Shift+Ins also
triggers the attached DDM menu.
Move app window
among Easy Ar-
range cells
• Send the app window to previous/next Easy Ar-
range cell.
Move app window
among displays
• Send the app window to previous/next display.
Attach DDM To Active Window (Only Windows 10)
If DDM does not work with your display, DDM will show below icon in your notification tray.
Click on the icon, DDM shows a more detailed error message.
Please note that DDM only works with Dell branded displays. If you are using displays from other
manufacturers, DDM doesn’t support them.
If DDM is unable to detect and/or communicate with a supported Dell display, please take below
actions to troubleshoot:
1. Make sure the video cable is properly connected to your display and your computer.
especially the connectors should be firmly inserted into position.
2. Check the display OSD to ensure DDC/CI is enabled.
3. Make sure you have the correct and latest display driver from the graphics vendor (Intel,
AMD, NVidia, etc.). Display driver is often the cause of DDM failure.
4. Remove any docking stations or cable extenders or converters between the display and
the graphics port. Some low-cost extenders, hubs or converters may not support DDC/
CI properly and can fail DDM. Update the driver of such device if the latest version is
5. Restart your computer.
DDM may not work with below displays:
Dell display models earlier than year 2013 and D-series of Dell displays. For more
information see
Gaming displays using Nvidia-based G-sync technology
Virtual and wireless displays do not support DDC/CI
Some early models of DP 1.2 displays, it may be necessary to disable MST/DP 1.2 using
the display OSD
If your PC is connected to the Internet, you will be prompted to upgrade to a newer version of
DDM when it is available. It is recommended to download and install the latest DDM application.
You may also check for new version by right clicking on DDM icon while pressing and holding
‘shift’ key.
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