Printer/Scanner Unit
Type 2018
Operating Instructions
Printer Reference 2
Printer Features
Read this manual carefully before you use this machine and keep it handy for future reference. For safe and correct use, be sure to read the Safety
Information in the "Copy Reference" before using the machine.
Manuals for This Machine
The following manuals describe the operational procedures of this machine. For
particular functions, see the relevant parts of the manual.
❒ Manuals provided are specific to machine type.
❒ Adobe Acrobat Reader is necessary to view the manuals as a PDF file.
❒ Three CD-ROMs are provided:
• CD-ROM 1“Operating Instructions for Printer/Scanner”
• CD-ROM 2“Scanner Driver & Document Management Utilities”
• CD-ROM 3“Operating Instructions for General Settings and Facsimile”
❖ General Settings Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM3)
Provides an overview of the machine and describes System Settings (paper
trays, Key Operator Tools, etc.), and troubleshooting.
Refer to this manual for Address Book procedures such as registering fax
numbers, e-mail addresses, and user codes.
❖ Network Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM1)
Describes procedures for configuring the machine and computers in a net-
work environment.
❖ Copy Reference
Describes operations, functions, and troubleshooting for the machine’s copier
❖ Facsimile Reference <Basic Features>
Describes operations, functions, and troubleshooting for the machine’s fac-
simile function.
❖ Facsimile Reference <Advanced Features> (PDF file - CD-ROM3)
Describes advanced functions and settings for key operators.
❖ Printer Reference 1
Describes system settings and operations for the machine’s printer function.
❖ Printer Reference 2 (PDF file - CD-ROM1) (this manual)
Describes operations, functions, and troubleshooting for the machine’s print-
er function.
❖ Scanner Reference (PDF file - CD-ROM1)
Describes operations, functions, and troubleshooting for the machine’s scan-
ner function.
❖ Manuals for DeskTopBinder Lite
DeskTopBinder Lite is a utility included on the CD-ROM labeled “Scanner
Driver & Document Management Utilities”.
• DeskTopBinder Lite Setup Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes installation of, and the operating environment for DeskTop-
Binder Lite in detail. This guide can be displayed from the [Setup] dialog
box when DeskTopBinder Lite is installed.
• DeskTopBinder Lite Introduction Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes operations of DeskTopBinder Lite and provides an overview of
its functions. This guide is added to the [Start] menu when DeskTopBinder
Lite is installed.
• Auto Document Link Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes operations and functions of Auto Document Link installed with
DeskTopBinder Lite. This guide is added to the [Start] menu when Desk-
TopBinder Lite is installed.
❖ Manuals for ScanRouter V2 Lite
ScanRouter V2 Lite is a utility included on the CD-ROM labeled “Scanner
Driver & Document Management Utilities”.
• ScanRouter V2 Lite Setup Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes installation of, settings, and the operating environment for Scan-
Router V2 Lite in detail. This guide can be displayed from the [Setup] dia-
log box when ScanRouter V2 Lite is installed.
• ScanRouter V2 Lite Management Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes delivery server management and operations, and provides an
overview of ScanRouter V2 Lite functions. This guide is added to the [Start]
menu when ScanRouter V2 Lite is installed.
❖ Other manuals
• PostScript 3 Supplement (PDF file - CD-ROM1)
• UNIX Supplement (available from an authorized dealer, or as a PDF file on
our Web site)
Manuals for This Machine......................................................................................i
How to Read This Manual .....................................................................................1
Accessing Printer Properties................................................................................3
Windows 95/98/Me - Accessing Printer Properties....................................................3
Windows NT 4.0 - Accessing Printer Properties ........................................................5
Macintosh - Setting Up for Printing ............................................................................7
Canceling a Print Job ............................................................................................8
Windows - Canceling a Print Job ...............................................................................8
Macintosh - Canceling a Print Job .............................................................................9
2. Troubleshooting
The Machine Does Not Print ...............................................................................15
Other Printing Problems .....................................................................................19
3. Printer Features
Printer Features Menu.........................................................................................23
Adjusting Printer Features..................................................................................25
Printer Features Parameters...............................................................................26
List/Test Print ...........................................................................................................26
Host Interface...........................................................................................................33
PCL Menu ................................................................................................................34
PS Menu ..................................................................................................................35
4. Appendix
Collate and Rotating Collate...............................................................................37
User Defined Pages .............................................................................................38
System Settings (Parallel Connection)..............................................................39
INDEX......................................................................................................... 44
How to Read This Manual
In this manual, the following symbols are used:
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if instructions
are not followed, could result in death or serious injury.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if instructions
are not followed, may result in minor or moderate injury, or damage to proper-
* The statements above are notes for your safety.
If this instruction is not followed, paper might misfeed, originals might be dam-
aged, or data might be lost. Be sure to read this.
This symbol indicates prior knowledge or preparation is required before opera-
This symbol indicates precautions for operation, or actions to take after mal-op-
This symbol indicates numerical limits, functions that cannot be used together,
or conditions in which a particular function cannot be used.
This symbol indicates a reference.
Keys and buttons that appear on the computer's display.
Keys that appear on the machine's display.
Keys built into the machine's control panel.
Keys on the computer's keyboard.
Names of Major Options
Major options of this machine are referred to as follows in this manual:
• IEEE 1394 Interface Board Type B→ IEEE 1394 interface board
• IEEE 802.11b Interface Unit Type D→ IEEE 802.11b interface unit
• IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type A→ IEEE 1284 interface board
• PostScript3 Unit Type 2018→ PostScript 3 unit
• BlueTooth Unit Type 2238→ Bluetooth interface unit
The following software products are referred to using a general name:
• DeskTopBinder Lite and DeskTopBinder Professional*→ DeskTopBinder
• ScanRouter V2 Lite, ScanRouter EX Professional* and ScanRouter EX Enter-
prise*→ the ScanRouter delivery software
1. Setting Up the Printer Driver
and Canceling a Print Job
Accessing Printer Properties
Making settings from an application
Windows 95/98/Me -
Accessing Printer Properties
To make settings for a specific appli-
cation, open the printer properties di-
alog box from that application. The
following example describes how to
make settings for the WordPad appli-
cation that comes with Windows
Changing default settings
A On the [Start] menu, point to [Set-
tings], and then click [Printers].
The [Printers] window appears.
❒ Actual procedures for opening the
printer properties dialog box may
vary depending on the applica-
tion. For more information, see the
operating instructions that come
with the application you are using.
B Click the icon of the machine
whose default you want to change.
C On the [File] menu, click [Proper-
The printer properties dialog box
❒ Any setting you make in the fol-
lowing procedure is valid for the
current application only:
D Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
A On the [File] menu, click [Print].
The [Print] dialog box appears.
❒ With some applications, printer
driver settings are not used, and
the application's own settings
are applied.
B In the [Name] list, select the ma-
chine you want to use, and then
click [Properties].
The printer properties dialog box
C Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
D Click [OK] to start printing.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job
D Make the settings you require,
Windows 2000/XP and
Windows Server 2003 -
Accessing Printer Properties
and then click [OK].
❒ Normally you do not have to
change the “Form to Tray As-
signment” settings on the [De-
vice Settings] tab in the
PostScript 3 printer driver.
Changing default settings - Printer
❒ Settings you make here are used
as default for all applications.
❒ Changing machine settings re-
quires Manage Printers permis-
sion. Members of Administrators
and Power Users groups have
Manage Printers permission by de-
fault. When you set up options, log
on using an account that has Man-
age Printers permission.
Changing default settings - Printing
preferences properties
❒ Changing machine settings re-
quires Manage Printers permis-
A On the [Start] menu, point to [Set-
Administrators and Power Users
groups have Manage Printers per-
mission by default. When you set
up options, log on using an ac-
count that has Manage Printers
tings], and then click [Printers].
The [Printers] window appears.
❒ In Windows XP Professional
and Windows Server 2003, open
the [Printers and Faxes] window
on the [Start] menu.
A On the [Start] menu, point to [Set-
tings], and then click [Printers].
❒ In Windows XP Home Edition,
open the [Printers and Faxes]
window by clicking [Control Pan-
el] from the [Start] button on the
taskbar, click [Printers and Other
Hardware], and then click [Print-
ers and Faxes].
The [Printers] window appears.
❒ In Windows XP Professional
and Windows Server 2003, open
the [Printers and Faxes] window
on the [Start] menu.
❒ In Windows XP Home Edition,
open the [Printers and Faxes]
window by clicking [Control Pan-
el] from the [Start] button on the
taskbar, click [Printers and Other
Hardware], and then click [Print-
ers and Faxes].
B Click the icon of the machine
whose default you want to change.
C On the [File] menu, click [Proper-
The printer properties dialog box
B Click the icon of the machine
whose default you want to change.
Accessing Printer Properties
C On the [File] menu, click [Printing D Click [Print] to start printing.
Under Windows XP and Windows
Server 2003, click [OK], and then
click [Print] to start printing.
The [Printing Preferences] dialog box
D Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
Windows NT 4.0 - Accessing
Printer Properties
❒ Settings you make here are used
as default for all applications.
Changing default settings - Printer
Making settings from an application
To make settings for a specific appli-
cation, open the [Print] dialog box
from that application. The following
example describes how to make set-
tings for the WordPad application
that comes with Windows 2000/XP
and Windows Server 2003.
❒ Changing machine settings re-
quires Full Control access permis-
sion. Members of Administrators,
Server Operators, Print Operators,
and Power Users groups have Full
Control permission by default.
When you set up options, log on
using an account that has Full Con-
trol permission.
❒ Actual procedures for opening the
[Print] dialog box vary depending
on the application. For more infor-
mation, see the operating instruc-
tions that come with the application
you are using.
A On the [Start] menu, point to [Set-
tings], and then click [Printers].
The [Printers] window appears.
B Click the icon of the machine
❒ Any setting you make in the fol-
lowing procedure is valid for the
current application only.
whose default you want to change.
C On the [File] menu, click [Proper-
A On the [File] menu, click [Print...].
The printer properties dialog box
The [Print] dialog box appears.
B In the [Select Printer] list, select the
machine you want to use, and
then click the tab for which you
want to change print settings.
D Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
❒ Normally you do not have to
change the “Form to Tray As-
signment” settings on the [De-
vice Settings] tab in the
PostScript 3 printer driver.
❒ In Windows XP and Windows
Server 2003, click [Preference] to
open the Printing Preferences
dialog box.
❒ Settings you make here are used
as default for all applications.
C Make the settings you require.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job
Changing the default settings - Default
document properties
Making settings from an application
To make settings for a specific appli-
cation, open the printer properties di-
alog box from that application. The
following example describes how to
make settings for the WordPad appli-
cation that come with Windows NT
❒ Changing machine settings requires
Full Control access permission.
Members of the Administrators,
Server Operators, Print Operators,
and Power Users groups have Full
Control permission by default.
When you set up options, log on us-
ing an account that has Full Control
❒ Actual procedures for opening the
printer properties dialog box vary
depending on the application. For
more information, see the operat-
ing instructions that come with the
application you are using.
A On the [Start] menu, point to [Set-
tings], and then click [Printers].
The [Printers] window appears.
❒ Any setting you make in the fol-
lowing procedure is valid for the
current application only.
B Click the icon of the machine
whose default you want to change.
A On the [File] menu, click [Print].
C On the [File] menu, click [Document
The [Print] dialog box appears.
The [Default] dialog box appears.
B In the [Name] list, select the ma-
chine you want to use, and then
click [Properties].
D Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
The printer properties dialog box
❒ Settings you make here are used
C Make the settings you require,
as default for all applications.
and then click [OK].
D Click [OK] to start printing.
Accessing Printer Properties
Setting up for printing from an
Macintosh - Setting Up for
A Open the file you want to print.
Making paper settings from an
B On the [File] menu, click [Print].
The [Printer Features] dialog box ap-
A Open the file you want to print.
C Make sure the machine is selected
B On the [File] menu, click [Page Set-
in the [Printer:] box.
D Make the settings you require,
and then click [Print] to start print-
The [AdobePS Page Setup] dialog
box appears.
C Make sure the machine you want
to use is shown in the [Printer:]
❒ In Mac OS X, this is called [For-
mat for:].
❒ If the machine is not shown in
the [Printer:] box, use the pop-up
menu to display a list of availa-
ble machines.
The actual appearance of Page
Setup depends on the applica-
tion you are using. See the oper-
ating instructions that come
with the Macintosh for more in-
D In the [Paper:] box, select the pa-
per size.
❒ In Mac OS X, this is called [Paper
E Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job
Canceling a Print Job
F Press [Current].
Windows - Canceling a Print
A Double-click the printer icon on
the Windows taskbar.
A window appears, showing all
print jobs currently queued for
printing. Check the current status
of the job you want to cancel.
• [Current]: cancels the print job
currently being processed.
• [Resume]: resumes printing jobs.
A confirmation message appears.
B Select the name of the job you
want to cancel.
G Press [Yes] to cancel the print job.
C On the [Document] menu, click
[Cancel Printing].
❒ In Windows 2000/XP, Windows
Server 2003, and Windows NT,
click [cancel] on the [Document]
❒ Press [No] to return to the previ-
❒ In Windows 95/98/Me/2000/
XP, Windows Server 2003, or
NT 4.0, you can also open the
print job queue window by
double-clicking the machine
icon in the [Printers] machine
window (the [Printers and Faxes]
window under Windows XP
and Windows Server 2003).
ous display.
❒ If the machine is shared by mul-
tiple computers, be careful not
to accidentally cancel someone
else's print job.
❒ You cannot stop printing data
that has already been proc-
essed. For this reason, printing
may continue for a few pages
after you press [JobReset].
D Press the {Printer} key.
E Press [JobReset].
❒ A print job containing a large
volume of data may take con-
siderable time to stop.
Canceling a Print Job
G Press [Yes] to cancel the print job.
Macintosh - Canceling a Print
Mac OS
A Double-click the printer icon on
the desktop.
❒ Press [No] to return to the previ-
A window appears, showing all
print jobs currently queued for
printing. Check the current status
of the job you want to cancel.
ous display.
❒ If the machine is shared by mul-
tiple computers, be careful not
to accidentally cancel someone
else's print job.
B Select the name of the job you
want to cancel.
C Click the pause icon, and then
click the trash icon.
❒ You cannot stop printing data
that has already been proc-
essed. For this reason, printing
may continue for a few pages
after you press [JobReset].
D Press the {Printer} key.
E Press [JobReset].
❒ A print job containing a large
volume of data may take con-
siderable time to stop.
Mac OS X
F Press [Current].
A Start [Print Center].
The [Printer List] window appears.
B Double-Click the machine in use.
The printer dialog appears.
• [Current]: cancels the print job
C Click the print job you want to
currently being processed.
• [Resume]: resumes printing jobs.
D Click [Delete].
A confirmation message appears.
E Press the {Printer} key.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job
F Press [JobReset].
G Press [Current].
• [Current]: cancels the print job
currently being processed.
• [Resume]: resumes printing jobs.
A confirmation message appears.
H Press [Yes] to cancel the print job.
❒ Press [No] to return to the previ-
ous display.
❒ If the machine is shared by mul-
tiple computers, be careful not
to accidentally cancel someone
else's print job.
❒ You cannot stop printing data
that has already been proc-
essed. For this reason, printing
may continue for a few pages
after you press [JobReset].
❒ A print job containing a large
volume of data may take con-
siderable time to stop.
2. Troubleshooting
Error & Status Messages on the Display
This section describes the principal messages that appear on the display. If a
message not described here appears, act according to the message.
Before turning the main power off, see ‘Turning On the Power’, Copy Refer-
❖ Status messages
Hex Dump Mode
In Hex Dump mode, the machine prints received data in hexa-
decimal format. After printing, turn off the machine and then
back on again. Hex Dump mode is used for advanced trouble-
The machine is offline. To start printing, switch the machine
online by pressing {Online} on the control panel.
Please wait.
Wait a while.
The machine is printing. Wait a while.
This is the default ready message. The machine is ready for
use. No action is required.
Resetting job...
The machine is resetting the print job. Wait until “Ready” ap-
pears on the display.
Setting change…
The machine settings are being changed. Wait a while.
The machine is waiting for the next data to print. Wait a while.
❖ Alert messages
Messages/Second messages
Add toner
Toner is running out.
It is time to supply toner.
Out of toner. Follow
instructions inside and
replace toner
Change Tray # to the follow- The settings of the selected pa- Press [JobReset] to change the
ing settings:
per tray are different from
those specified for printing.
paper tray settings, or press
[FormFeed] to print regardless.
xxx yyy
# indicates the tray number.
xxx indicates the tray number.
yyy indicates the paper size.
For details about the paper
tray settings, see General Set-
tings Guide.
Connect failed: IEEE802.11b
Turn power off, check card
The IEEE 802.11b card may
have come off, or an error may switch, and check the card is
have occurred in the IEEE
802.11b card.
Turn off the main power
installed correctly. If the mes-
sage appears again, contact
your sales or service repre-
Collate cancelled.
Collate: Page max
The collate print function has Turn off the main power
been canceled.
switch, and back on again. If
the message appears again,
contact your sales or service
The maximum number of pag- Turn off the main power
es has been exceeded for colla- switch, and back on again. Re-
duce the number of pages to
be printed. Or, increase mem-
ory capacity.
When installing a memory
module in the machine, con-
tact your sales or service rep-
Cover open
The cover indicated on the dis- Close the cover.
play is open.
Cover is open as shown.
Close it.
Duplex cancelled.
Duplex printing has been can- Check the paper used is suita-
ble for duplex printing. Or, in-
crease memory capacity.
When installing a memory
module in the machine, con-
tact your sales or service rep-
Error & Status Messages on the Display
Messages/Second messages
Duplex mode is in off posi-
tion for Tray #
The selected paper tray has
not been configured for du-
plex printing.
Press [JobReset] to change the
paper tray settings or do sin-
gle-sided printing.
# indicates the tray number.
For details about the tray set-
tings, see General Settings
Ethernet Board Error
An error has occurred in the
Ethernet interface.
Turn off the main power
switch, and back on again. If
the message appears again,
contact your sales or service
Exceeded max. print size.
Press FormFeed/JobReset
The page images to be printed Press [JobReset] to change the
exceed the maximum print ar- paper tray settings, or press
[FormFeed] to print regardless.
I/O buffer overflow.
Load paper in Tray #
The maximum size of the I/O Increase the size of the I/O
buffer has been exceeded.
buffer through the Host Inter-
face menu.
There is no paper in the select- Load the tray with paper.
ed paper tray.
# indicates the tray number.
NV-RAM Error
An error has occurred in the
Turn off the main power
switch, and back on again. If
the message appears again,
call your sales or service repre-
Output Tray changed.
The output tray has been
changed because of the paper
size limitation of the selected
Select the correct output tray.
Paper in duplex unit. Open
cover and remove the paper. plex unit.
There is a misfeed in the du-
Open the cover of the duplex
unit, and remove the misfed
Paper size/type mismatch
Change settings to:
xxx yyy
There is no paper tray that
Press [JobReset] to change the
matches the paper settings se- paper tray settings, or press
lected under Auto Tray Select. [FormFeed] to print regardless.
xxx indicates the tray number. For details about the paper
tray settings, see General Set-
tings Guide.
yyy indicates the paper size
and the paper type.
Parallel I/F Error
Printer Font Error
An error has occurred in the
parallel interface board.
Contact your sales or service
An error has occurred in the
font file.
Turn off the main power
switch, and back on again. If
the message appears again,
call your sales or service repre-
Messages/Second messages
Print overrun.
The image data has been
Increase memory capacity.
thinned out due to image com- When installing a memory
module in the machine, con-
tact your sales or service rep-
Problem:IEEE1394 board
Problem:IEEE802.11b card
Problem:IEEE802.11b board
Paper Tray is in use.
An error may have occurred in Turn off the main power
the IEEE 1394 board.
switch, and back on again. If
the message appears again,
contact your sales or service
An error may have occurred in
the IEEE 802.11b card.
An error may have occurred in
the IEEE 802.11b board.
The specified paper tray is in Wait until the other function
use by another function, such has finished using the speci-
as the copier function.
fied paper tray.
Reset paper tray correctly.
The selected paper tray does
not exist or is not set correctly.
Set the paper tray correctly.
DToner is almost empty
The toner has almost run out. Replace the toner cartridge
soon to prevent poor print
Add toner
Tray # Error
An error has occurred with the Press [JobReset] to change the
paper tray.
paper tray settings, or press
[FormFeed] to select another
paper tray and print using
# indicates the tray number.
Unauthorized user access.
USB Error
Print job canceled due to user Check the User Code permis-
sion status.
An error has occurred in the
USB interface.
Turn off the main power
switch, and back on again. If
the message appears again,
contact your sales or service
The Machine Does Not Print
The Machine Does Not Print
Possible Cause
Is the power on?
Check the cable is securely plugged into the power outlet and the
Turn on the main power switch.
Is the machine online?
If not, press {fOnline} on the control panel.
If so, check the error message on the display and take required ac-
Does the Printer key stay
Is there a warning status or If so, check the error message or warning status on the display and
error message on the dis-
take the required action.
Can you print a configura- If you cannot print a configuration page, there maybe a machine
tion page?
malfunction. Contact your sales or service representative.
See p.26 “Printing the configuration page” for printing a configu-
ration page.
Is the interface cable con-
Connect the interface cable securely. If it has a fastener, fasten that
nected securely to the ma- securely as well.
chine and computer?
See “Connecting the Machine”, Printer Reference 1.
Are you using the correct The type of interface cable you should use depends on the compu-
interface cable?
ter. Be sure to use the correct one. If the cable is damaged or worn,
replace it.
See “Connecting the Machine”, Printer Reference 1.
Was the interface cable
connected after the ma-
chine was turned on?
Connect the interface cable before turning on the machine.
Is the signal status satisfac- To check signal status, press the {User Tools/Counter} key, and then
tory when using wireless
LAN in infrastructure
mode ?
select [System Settings] using {U} or {T}. On the [Interface Settings],
select [IEEE802.11b], and then select [Wireless LAN Signal] using
{U}or {T}. If signal quality is poor, remove objects that might
cause interference.
❒ You can check signal status only when using wireless LAN in
infrastructure mode.
When using wireless LAN, Check using the machine's control panel that the SSID is correctly
is the SSID correctly set?
See “Interface Settings/IEEE 802.11b (Option)”, Network Guide.
When using wireless LAN, Check access point settings when in infrastructure mode. Depend-
is the access point correctly ing on the access point, client access may be limited by MAC ad-
Also, check there are no problems in transmission between access
point and wired clients, and between access point and wireless cli-
Possible Cause
When using wireless LAN, Confirm the orange LED is lit, and the green LED is lit or blinks
is the LED on the wireless during transmission.
LAN card lit or blinking?
Is the wireless LAN being Turn the main power off and back on. See “Turning On the Pow-
used in ad hoc mode?
er”, Copy Reference.
Otherwise, configure [IEEE 802.11b] in [Interface Settings] in [System
Settings]. See “Setting Up the Machine on a Network”, Network
Did you change the option When using the RPCS™ printer driver on Windows 2000 and con-
settings on the machine?
necting with IEEE 1394, an error may occur if you change the op-
tion settings on the machine. In this case, follow the procedure
A Unplug the IEEE 1394 interface cables connected to the compu-
B Run the utility tool for the IEEE 1394 interface board, which is
stored in the following path on the CD-ROM “Printer Drivers
and Utilities”.
For more information about using the utility tool for IEEE
1394, see the README file in the same directory on the CD-
C Restart the computer.
D Connect the computer to the machine using the IEEE 1394 in-
terface cables.
The Machine Does Not Print
Is the Data In indicator
blinking or lit after starting
the print job?
If not, data is not being sent to the machine.
❖ When the machine is connected to the computer using
the interface cable
Check the machine port settings are correct. For parallel port
connection, port LPT1 or LPT2 should be set.
Windows 95/98/Me
A Click the [Start] button, point to [Settings], and then click
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click
C Click the [Details] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port:] list, confirm the correct
port is selected.
Windows 2000
A Click the [Start] button, point to [Settings], and then click
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click
C Click the [Ports] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct
port is selected.
Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003
A Click the [Start] button, and then click [Printers and Fax-
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click
C Click the [Ports] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct
port is selected.
Windows XP Home Edition
A Click the [Start] button, click [Control Panel], click [Print-
ers and Other Hardware], and then click [Printers and Faxes].
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click
C Click the [Ports] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct
port is selected.
Windows NT 4.0
A Click the [Start] button, point to [Settings], and then click
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click
C Click the [Ports] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct
port is selected.
Is the Data In indicator
blinking or lit after starting
the print job?
❖ Network connection
Contact your network administrator.
Other Printing Problems
Other Printing Problems
Causes and Solutions
The print on the
If [Toner Saving] is selected on the [Print Quality] tab in the printer driver, the
entire page is fad- entire page will be faded when printed.
❒ In PostScript 3, click [Advanced...] on the [Paper/Quality] tab, and then se-
lect [Toner Saving 1] or [Toner Saving 2] in [Print Mode] in the [Advanced] di-
alog box.
See the printer driver Help.
Smudged print.
When printing
Settings for thick paper have not been made when printing on thick paper.
PCL 6/5e and PostScript 3
Select [Thick] in the [Type:] list on the [Paper] tab.
Select [Thick] in the [Paper type:] list on the [Print Settings] tab.
If the printer driver is configured to use the graphics command, the graph-
graphics, the out- ics command from the machine is used to print.
put and the screen
If you want to print accurately, set the printer driver to print without using
the graphics command.
are different.
See the printer driver Help.
Page layout is not Print areas differ depending on machine used. Information that fits on a
as expected.
single page on one machine may not fit on a single page of another ma-
Adjust the [Printable area:] setting in the [Printer Configuration...] dialog box
on the [Print Settings] tab in the RPCS™ printer driver.
See the printer driver Help.
Duplex printing is
not possible.
Duplex printing cannot be done with paper set in the bypass tray.
When using duplex printing, make settings to use paper from a tray
other than the bypass tray.
Duplex printing cannot be done with thick paper, OHP transparencies,
or labels specified as the paper type. Specify another paper type.
Duplex printing cannot be done using a tray for which [Duplex] is not
selected as the paper type in [Tray Paper Settings] in [System Settings]. Se-
lect [Duplex] as the paper type in [Tray Paper Settings]. See General Settings
Causes and Solutions
When using Win- Make sure the application's paper size and orientation settings match those
dows 95/98/Me, of the printer driver.
2000/XP, or Win-
If a different paper size and orientation are set, select the same size and ori-
dows NT 4.0, ei-
ther combined
printing or book-
let print does not
come out as ex-
When using Win-
dows 95/98/Me,
2000/XP, or Win-
dows NT 4.0,
Auto Reduce/En-
large print does
not come out as
A print instruc-
tion was issued
from the compu-
ter, but printing
did not start.
User code management may have been set. Ask the administrator about
valid user codes. To print, the user code must be entered from the printer
The print job is not Even when the machine is offline, printing is performed when [Job accept-
canceled even ance priority] is selected for [Signal Control] in [Parallel Interface] in [Interface
when the machine Settings] in [System Settings]. Select [Printer priority] for [Signal Control].
is switched to of-
fline status.
See “User Tools (System Settings)”, General Settings Guide.
Photo images are Some applications reduce print resolution.
Images are cut off, You may be using paper smaller than the size selected in the application.
or excess is print- Use the same size paper as that selected in the application. If you cannot
load paper of the correct size, use the reduction function to reduce the im-
age, and then print.
See the printer driver Help.
Other Printing Problems
Causes and Solutions
Photographs and other data intensive pages take a long time for the ma-
It takes a long
time to complete a chine to process, so simply wait when printing such data.
print job.
Changing the following settings with the printer driver may help speed up
PCL 6/5e
Select the lowest value for [Resolution] on the [Print Quality] tab in the
printer properties dialog box.
❒ Under Windows 2000/XP, select the lowest value for [Resolution] on
the [Print Quality] tab in the [Printing Preferences] dialog box.
❒ Under Windows NT 4.0, select the lowest value for [Resolution] on
the [Print Quality] tab in the [Document Defaults...] dialog box.
PostScript 3
Select the lowest value for [Resolution] on the [Print Quality] tab in the
printer properties dialog box.
Select [PostScript (optimize for speed)]for [PostScript output format:] on the
[PostScript] tab in the printer properties dialog box.
❒ Under Windows 2000/XP, click [Advanced...] on the [Paper/Quality]
tab in the [Printing Preferences] dialog box, and then select [PostScript
output options : optimize for speed] for [PostScript Options] in the [Ad-
vanced...] dialog box.
❒ Under Windows NT 4.0, click [Advanced...] in the [Document Defaults]
dialog box, and then select [PostScript output options : optimize for
speed] for [PostScript Options] in the [Advanced...] dialog box.
Click [Change User Settings...] on the [Print Quality] tab in the printer prop-
erties dialog box, and then select the lowest value for [Resolution:] on
the [Image Adjustments] tab in the [Change User Settings...] dialog box.
Select [Fast] in the [Document type] list on the [Print Quality] tab in the
printer properties dialog box.
❒ Under Windows 2000/XP, click [Change User Settings...] on the [Print
Quality] tab in the [Printing Preferences] dialog box, and then select the
lowest value for [Resolution:] on the [Image Adjustments] tab in the
[Change User Settings...] dialog box. Select [Fast] in the [Document type]
area on the [Print Quality] tab in the [Printing Preferences] dialog box.
❒ Under Windows NT 4.0, click [Change User Settings...] on the [Print
Quality] tab in the [Document Defaults] dialog box, and then select the
lowest value for [Resolution:] on the [Image Adjustments] tab in the
[Change User Settings...] dialog box. Select [Fast] in the [Document type]
area on the [Print Quality] tab in the [Document Defaults] dialog box.
See the printer driver Help.
The data is so large or complex that it takes time to process. If the Data In
indicator is blinking, data is being processed. Simply wait until printing
Causes and Solutions
It takes too much The data is so large or complex that it takes time to process. If the Data In
time to resume
indicator is blinking, data is being processed. Simply wait until printing
The machine was in Energy Saver mode. To resume from Energy Saver
mode, it has to warm up, and this takes time. See General Settings Guide.
Paper is not fed
When you are using a Windows operating system, printer driver settings
from the selected override those set using the control panel. Set the desired input tray using
the printer driver.
See the printer driver Help.
Optional compo- You have to configure the option setup in printer properties when bidirec-
nentsconnectedto tional transmission is not enabled.
the machine are
See the printer driver Help.
not recognized
when using Win-
dows 95/98/Me,
2000/XP, and
Windows NT 4.0.
Images are print- The feed orientation you selected and the feed orientation selected in the
ed in the wrong
printer driver's option setup might not be the same. Set the machine's feed
orientation and the printer driver's feed orientation accordingly.
See the printer driver Help.
The printed image With certain functions, such as enlargement and reduction, image layout
is different from
the image on the
computer's dis-
might be different to that on the computer display.
You might have selected to replace True Type fonts with machine fonts in
the printing process.
To print an image similar to that of the computer display, make settings to
print True Type fonts as an image.
See the printer driver Help.
No transmission
when using 1394
interface connec-
Check using the following procedure:
A Confirm the IEEE 1394 interface cable is connected securely.
B Restart the computer.
If the error occurs even after executing the above operation, proceed to
the following steps.
C Unplug the IEEE 1394 interface cable connected to the computer.
D Run the utility tool for the IEEE 1394 interface board, which is stored in
the following path on the CD-ROM “Printer Drivers and Utilities”:
For more information about using the utility tool for IEEE 1394, see
the README file in the same directory on the CD-ROM.
E Restart the computer.
❒ If the problem cannot be solved, contact your sales or service representative.
3. Printer Features
For more information about copier features and system settings, see Copy Ref-
erence and General Settings Guide.
Printer Features Menu
There are seven menu items in the Printer Features menu:
• Paper Input
• List/Test Print
• Maintenance
• System
• Host Interface
• PCL Menu
• PS Menu (optional)
Paper Input
Bypass Paper Size
See p.26 “Paper Input”.
List/Test Print
Multiple Lists
Config. Page
See p.26 “List/Test
Error Log
Menu List
PCL Config./Font Page
PS Config./Font Page *1
Hex Dump
Menu Protect
See p.29 “Maintenance”.
Printer Features
Print Error Report
Auto Continue
Memory Overflow
Memory Usage
Duplex *2
See p.31 “System”.
Edge Smoothing
Toner Saving
Printer Language *1
Sub Paper Size
Page Size
Letterhead Setting
Edge-Edge Print
Default Printer Lang.
I/O Buffer
Host Interface
See p.33 “Host Interface”.
I/O Timeout
PCL Menu
See p.34 “PCL Menu”.
Form Lines
Font Source
Font Number
Point Size
Font Pitch
Symbol Set
Courier Font
Ext. A4 Width
Append CR to LF
PS Menu (optional)
Data Format
See p.35 “PS Menu”.
Appears when the PostScript 3 unit (optional) is installed.
Appears on Type 3 machine only. Check your machine type.
Adjusting Printer Features
Adjusting Printer Features
Printer Features allows basic adjustment of operations when using the machine
as a printer.
Although factory default settings are suitable for most printing jobs, Printer Fea-
tures gives you access to a number of settings that control basic printer opera-
tions. Printer Features settings you make are retained even when you turn off
the machine.
For more information about copier features and system settings, see Copy Refer-
ence and General Settings Guide.
A Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
B Select [Printer Features] using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
C Select the desired item using {U} or {T}, press the {OK} key, and then
change its settings.
❒ [OK]: Press to make new settings and go back to previous menus.
❒ [Cancel]: Press to return to a previous menu without changing any setting.
D After changing the Printer Features settings, press the {User Tools/Counter}
❒ Changes made to functions remain in effect even if the machine is turned
Printer Features
Printer Features Parameters
❖ PS Config./Font Page
You can print the current configu-
ration of installed PostScript fonts.
Paper Input
❖ Bypass Paper Size
The size of the paper set in the by-
pass tray.
❒ This menu can be selected only
when the optional PostScript 3
unit (optional) is installed.
For more information about pa-
per sizes that can be set in the
bypass tray, see General Settings
❖ Hex Dump
You can print the Hex Dump.
Printing the configuration page
For information about setting
paper in the bypass tray, see
Printer Reference 1.
A Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
The User Tools main menu ap-
❒ Default:
B Select [Printer Features] using {U}
or {T}, and then press the {OK}
• Metric version: A4
• Inch version: 11 × 8/
List/Test Print
❖ Multiple Lists
You can print the configuration
page and the error log.
The Printer Features menu ap-
❖ Config. Page
You can print the machine's cur-
rent configuration values.
C Select [List/Test Print] using {U} or
{T}, and then press the {OK} key.
❖ Error Log
You can print the error log.
❖ Menu List
You can print a Menu List showing
the machine's function menus.
❖ PCL Config./Font Page
You can print the current configu-
ration of installed PCL fonts.
Printer Features Parameters
D Select [Config. Page] using {U} or
{T}, and then press the {OK} key.
The configuration page is printed.
Interpreting the configuration page
System Reference
❖ Unit Number
Displays the serial number assigned to the board by its manufacturer.
❖ Total Memory
Displays the total amount of memory (SDRAM) installed on the printer.
❖ Firmware Version
• Printer
Displays the version number of the printer firmware.
• System
Displays the version number of the system firmware.
• Engine
Displays the version number of the printer engine.
Displays the version number of the Network interface.
❖ Controller Option
This item(s) appears when the controller option(s) is installed.
❖ Printer Language
Displays the version number of the printer driver language.
❖ Options
Displays the optional trays installed.
Printer Features
Paper Input
Displays the settings made under the Paper Input menu.
p.26 “Paper Input”
Displays the settings made under the System menu.
p.31 “System”
PCL Menu
Displays the settings made under PCL Menu.
p.34 “PCL Menu”
PS Menu
Displays the settings made under PS Menu.
p.35 “PS Menu”
Host Interface
Displays the settings made under the Host Interface menu.
gateway address appear in parentheses on the configuration page.
p.33 “Host Interface”
Interface Information
Displays the interface information.
Printer Features Parameters
C Select [Maintenance] using {U} or
{T}, and then press the {OK} key.
❖ Menu Protect
This procedure lets you protect
menu settings from accidental
change. It makes it impossible to
change menu settings with normal
procedures unless you perform the
required key operations. In a net-
work environment, only adminis-
trators can make changes to menu
D Press [Menu Protect].
• Level 1
You can protect “Maintenance”,
”System”, “Host Interface” and
“PCL Menu”.
E Enter an access code using the
number keys, and then press the
{OK} key.
• Level 2
You can protect ”Paper Input”,
“Maintenance”, ”System”,
“Host Interface” and “PCL
• Off
❒ Default: Off
F Select a menu protect level, and
❒ You can also protect menu set-
then press the {OK} key.
tings using a Web browser.
Setting Menu Protect
A Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
The User Tools main menu ap-
G Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
B Select [Printer Features] using {U}
or {T}, and then press the {OK}
The Printer Features menu ap-
Printer Features
F Select [Off], and then press the
Canceling Menu Protect
{OK} key.
A Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
B Select [Printer Features] using {U}
or {T}, and then press the {OK}
G Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
Temporarily canceling Menu Protect
When you select protected items in
Printer Features, a screen for entering
the access codes appears. When this
happens, enter the correct access
codes using the number keys, and
then press the {OK} key. Menu Pro-
tect is then temporarily canceled.
C Select [Maintenance] using {U} or
{T}, and then press the {OK} key.
❒ If you enter the correct access
codes, Menu Protect remains can-
celed while the Printer Features
menu is displayed.
A screen for entering the access
codes appears.
D Enter an access code using the
number keys, and then press the
{OK} key.
E Press [Menu Protect].
Printer Features Parameters
• Frame Priority
This setting uses frame memory
for high speed printing.
❖ Print Error Report
Select this to have an error report
printed when a printer or memory
error occurs.
❒ Default: Frame Priority
❖ Duplex
• On
You can select to have print on
both sides of each page.
• Off
• Off
❒ Default: Off
• Long Edge Bind
• Short Edge Bind
❖ Auto Continue
❒ Default: Off
You can select this to enable Auto
Continue. When it is On, printing
continues after a system error oc-
❖ Copies
You can specify the number of
print sets. This setting is disabled if
the number of pages to print has
been specified with the printer
driver or another command.
• Off
• 0 minutes
• 1 minute
• 5 minutes
• 10 minutes
• 15 minutes
• 1 to 999 by 1
❒ Default: 1
❖ Edge Smoothing
Set this to enable Edge Smoothing.
❒ Default: Off
❖ Memory Overflow
Select this to have a memory over-
flow error report printed.
• On
• Off
• Not Print
❒ Default: On
• Error Report
❒ If Toner Saving is set to On,
Edge Smoothing is ignored
even if it is set to On.
❒ Default: Not Print
❖ Memory Usage
❖ Toner Saving
Set this to enable Toner Saving.
You can select the amount of mem-
ory used in Font Priority or Frame
Priority, according to paper size or
• On
• Off
• Font Priority
❒ Default: Off
This setting uses memory for
registering fonts.
Printer Features
• 41/8 × 91/2
• 37/8 × 71/2
• C5 Env.
❖ Printer Language
Normally, the machine should be
set to Auto. If the printer language
cannot be detected in Auto, the
language specified by Default
Printer Lang. is selected.
• C6 Env.
• DL Env.
• Auto
• PS
• Custom Size
❒ Default:
• Metric version: A4
• Inch version: 81/2× 11
❒ Default: Auto
❒ [Printer Language] appears if the
optional PostScript 3 unit is in-
❖ Letterhead Setting
You can select letterhead printing.
If selected, the last sheet of a du-
plex print job is printed on both
sides - if the job has an odd number
of pages.
❖ Sub Paper Size
You can enable the Auto Substitute
Paper Size (A4↔LT) feature.
When printing, original images are
always rotated by 180 degrees.
Therefore, output might not be as
expected when printing onto let-
terhead or preprinted paper re-
quiring orientation. Using this
function, you can specify image ro-
• Auto
• Off
❒ Default: Off
❖ Page Size
You can select the default paper
• Off
• Auto Detect
• On (Always)
• 11 × 17
• 81/2× 14
• 81/2× 11
• 51/2 × 81/2
• 71/4×101/2
• 8×13
❒ Default: Off
❒ When set to Off, original images
are rotated by 180 degrees.
• 81/2×13
• 81/4×13
• A3
❒ When set to Auto Detect, speci-
fying the paper type with the
printer driver allows the ma-
chine to detect letterhead or
preprinted paper automatically,
and print without rotation.
• B4 JIS
• A4
❒ When set to On (Always), the
• B5 JIS
• A5
machine does not rotate.
❒ This function reduces printing
• 8K
• 16K
Printer Features Parameters
❖ Edge-Edge Print
Host Interface
Select this to maximize the printa-
ble area by minimizing the white
space along the edges, to approxi-
mately 0.04 inches (1 mm).
❖ I/O Buffer
You can set the size of the I/O
Buffer. Normally it is not neces-
sary to change this setting.
• Off
• On
• 128 KB
• 256 KB
• 512 KB
❒ Default: Off
❖ Default Printer Lang.
❒ Default: 128 KB
You can set the default printer lan-
guage if the machine cannot find
the printer language automatical-
❖ I/O Timeout
You can set how many seconds the
machine should wait before end-
ing a print job. If data from another
port usually arrives in the middle
of a print job, you should increase
this timeout period.
• PS
❒ Default: PCL
❒ [Default Printer Lang.] appears if
the optional PostScript 3 unit is
• 10 seconds
• 15 seconds
• 20 seconds
• 25 seconds
• 60 seconds
❒ Default: 15 seconds
Printer Features
❖ Point Size
You can set the point size you want
to use for the selected font.
PCL Menu
❖ Orientation
You can set the page orientation.
• 4.00 to 999.75 by 0.25
❒ Default: 12.00
• Portrait
• Landscape
❒ This setting is effective only
with variable-space fonts.
❒ Default: Portrait
❖ Font Pitch
You can set the number of charac-
ters per inch for the selected font.
❖ Form Lines
You can set the number of lines per
• 0.44 to 99.99 by 0.01
• 5 to 128 by 1
❒ Default: 10.00
❒ Default:
❒ This setting is effective only
with fixed-space fonts.
• Metric version: 64
• Inch version: 60
❖ Symbol Set
You can specify the set of print
characters for the selected font.
The available options are as fol-
Roman-8, ISO L1, ISO L2, ISO L5,
PC-8, PC-8 D/N, PC-850, PC-852,
PC8-TK, Win L1, Win L2, Win L5,
Desktop, PS Text, VN Intl, VN US,
MS Publ, Math-8, PS Math, VN
Math, Pifont, Legal, ISO 4, ISO 6,
ISO 11, ISO 15, ISO 17, ISO 21, ISO
60, ISO 69, Win 3.0
❖ Font Source
You can set the storage location of
the default font.
• Resident
• Slot DIMM
❒ Default: Resident
❒ [RAM] can be selected only when
fonts have been downloaded to
the machine.
❒ Default: Roman-8
❒ [Slot DIMM] can be selected only
when the optional slot DIMM is
❖ Courier Font
You can select a courier font type.
❖ Font Number
You can set the ID of the default
font you want to use.
• Regular
• Dark
• 0 to 50 by 1
❒ Default: Regular
❒ Default: 0
Printer Features Parameters
❖ Ext. A4 Width
PS Menu
You can extend the printing area
width (when printing on A4 sheet
with PCL).
❖ Data Format
You can select a data format.
• Binary
• Off
• On
❒ Default: Off
❒ This setting is not effective
when operating the machine
with a parallel, USB, or
EtherTalk connection.
❒ When the setting is On, the
width will be 8/ inches.
❖ Append CR to LF
By connecting to a host operating
system such as UNIX and setting
this to on, a carriage return follows
each line feed: CR=CR, LF=CR-LF,
❒ When operating the machine
with a parallel or USB connec-
tion, if binary data is sent from
the printer driver, the print job
is canceled.
• Off
❒ When operating the machine
with an Ethernet connection,
the print job is canceled under
the following conditions;
• On
❒ Default: Off
• The printer driver data for-
mat is TBCP, and the data
format selected on the dis-
play panel is Binary.
❖ Resolution
You can set the print resolution in
dots per inch.
• The printer driver data for-
mat is binary, and the data
format selected on the dis-
play panel is TBCP.
• 300 dpi
• 600 dpi
❒ Default: 600 dpi
❒ Default: Binary
❖ Resolution
You can set the print resolution in
dots per inch.
• 300 dpi
• 600 dpi
❒ Default: 600 dpi
Printer Features
4. Appendix
Collate and Rotating Collate
If you select the collate function on the printer driver, the machine will store
print data in memory and automatically collate the printouts.
The collate function can be turned on or off from the printer driver. The machine
automatically rotates the printouts under the following conditions:
• When using A4, 81/2×11 or B5 JIS paper
• Paper with the same size and different orientations (e.g., A4K in Tray 1 and
A4L in Tray 2)
• Auto Tray Select is specified for tray setting
❒ You cannot use the bypass tray with this function.
❖ Collate
Outputs can be assembled as sets in sequential order.
❖ Rotating Collate
Every other output set is rotated by 90°K.
❒ Rotating Collate can only be set using the RPCSTM printer driver.
User Defined Pages
Using this function, you can specify the page numbers for each input tray.
For printing methods, see the printer driver Help.
❒ This function is available with the PCL printer driver only.
❒ If [User Defined Pages] in [Paper Selection:] is selected on the [Paper] tab, [Layout:]
cannot be selected.
System Settings (Parallel Connection)
System Settings (Parallel Connection)
Interface Settings/Parallel Interface
❖ Bidirectional Comm.
Specifies, for instance, how a print-
er connected to the parallel inter-
face responds to a status request. If
you experience problems using an-
other manufacturer’s printer, set
this to Off.
❖ Parallel Timing
Specifies the timing for the parallel
interface. Normally, you do not
need to change this setting.
• ACK inside
• ACK outside
• STB down
❒ If set to Off, asynchronous com-
munication will not work.
• On
❒ Default: ACK outside
• Off
❖ Parallel Comm. Speed
❒ Default: On
Specifies the communication
speed of the parallel interface. If
the speed is too high, data may not
be transferred smoothly. If this
happens, change the setting to
❖ Signal Control
Specifies how to handle any errors
that occur when printing from a
computer or sending faxes. Nor-
mally, you do not need to change
this setting.
• High Speed
• Standard
• Job Acceptance Priority
• Printer Priority
❒ Default: High Speed
❖ Selection Signal Status
Specifies the signal level of the par-
allel interface.
❒ Default: Job Acceptance Priority
• High
• Low
❒ Default: High
❖ Input Prime
Specifies whether the prime signal
is active or inactive when an input
prime signal is sent. Normally, you
do not need to change this setting.
• Effective
• Invalid
❒ Default: Invalid
This section contains the machine's electrical and hardware specifications, in-
cluding information about its options.
PCL 6 : 600 dpi
PCL 5e: 300 dpi, 600 dpi
RPCS™ : 300 dpi, 600 dpi
PostScript 3 : 300 dpi, 600 dpi
Printing speed
16 ppm/20 ppm
(A4K, 8/" × 11"K plain paper)
❒ Printing speeds depend on the machine. Check which type of
machine you have. See General Settings Guide.
USB 2.0 interface
Ethernet interface (100BASE-TX/10BASE-T)
IEEE 1394 interface
IEEE 802.11b wireless LAN interface
IEEE 1284 parallel interface
Bluetooth™ interface
Network protocol
Printer language
TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBEUI *1 , AppleTalk
Standard: PCL 6, PCL 5e, RPCS™
Option: PostScript 3
PCL 6/5e :
Agfa Monotype Font Manager 35 Intellifonts, 10 TrueType fonts,
and 1 Bitmap font Font Manager available.
PostScript 3 :
136 fonts (Type 2:24, Type 14:112)
Operating systems sup-
ported by this machine
Windows 95/98/Me
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Server 2003
Windows NT 4.0
Mac OS 8.6 to 9.2
Mac OS X
Required network cable
100BASE-TX/10BASE-T shielded twisted-pair (STP, Catego-
ry/Type5) cable.
To use NetBEUI, use the SmartDeviceMonitor port.
❒ Only one optional interface can be installed in the machine at a time. There-
fore, the optional IEEE 1394 interface board, the optional IEEE 802.11b inter-
face unit (wireless LAN board), the optional IEEE 1284 interface board and
the optional Bluetooth interface unit cannot be installed concurrently.
IEEE 1394 Interface Board Type B
❖ Transmission spec.:
IEEE 1394
❖ Interface:
IEEE std 1394-1995 compliant
IEEE std 1394a-2000 compliant
❖ Device class:
SCSI print (Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003)
IP over 1394 (Windows Me, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003)
❖ Protocol:
SBP-2 (SCSI print)
TCP/IP (IP over 1394)
❖ Interface connector:
IEEE 1394 (6 pin × 2)
❖ Required cable:
1394 interface cable (6 pin x 4 pin, 6 pin x 6 pin)
❒ You cannot plug devices together to create loops.
❒ Do not use cable that is more than 4.5 meters in length.
❖ Data transfer speed:
Maximum 400 Mbps
❖ Connectable number of devices on a bus:
Maximum 63
❖ Allowed cable hops on a bus:
Maximum 16
❖ Power supply:
Non external power supply
Cable Power repeated (IEEE 1394a-2000 compliant)
IEEE 802.11b Interface Unit Type D
❖ Transmission spec.:
Based on IEEE 802.11b (wireless LAN)
❖ Protocol:
❒ SmartDeviceMonitor and Web browser are supported.
❖ Data transfer speed:
Auto select from below speed
1Mbps, 2Mbps, 5.5Mbps, 11Mbps
❖ Frequency range:
• Inch version:
2400-2497 MHz (1-11 channels)
• Metric version:
❖ Transmittable distance:
1Mbps 400 m *1
2Mbps 270 m *1
5.5Mbps 200 m *1
11Mbps 140 m *1
These figures are a guideline for outdoor use. In general, the transmittable dis-
tance indoors is 10-100 m, depending on environment.
❖ Transmission mode:
802.11 ad hoc, ad hoc, and infrastructure mode
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type A
❖ Transmission spec.:
IEEE 1284
❖ Required cable
Standard IEEE 1284 compliant Micro Centronics 36 pin cable
PostScript3 Unit Type 2018
PostScript3 Unit Type 2018 Operating Instructions Supplement
Canceling a job
Macintosh, 9
Windows, 8
Operating system, 40
Options, 41
Configuration page, 26
Control panel
printer features, adjusting, 23
PCL menu, 34
PostScript3 Unit Type 2018, 42
Data In indicator, 17, 21, 22
Printer driver
Printer properties, Windows 2000/XP
error messages, 11
Printer properties, Windows 95/98/Me
setting up, Macintosh, 7
Printer Features
Error messages, 11
adjusting, 25
menu, 23
parameters, 26
Printer Language, 40
Printing speed, 40
Fonts, 40
Host Interface, 33
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type A, 42
IEEE 1394 Interface Board Type B, 41
Interface, 40
System, 31
error messages, 11
List/Test Print, 26
machine does not print, 15
other printing problems, 19
status messages, 11
canceling a job, 9
setting up, printer driver, 7
Maintenance, 29
Memory, 40
canceling a job, 8
Windows 2000/XP and Windows Server 2003
printer properties, printer driver, 4
Windows 95/98/Me
printer properties, printer driver, 3
Windows NT 4.0
printer properties, printer driver, 5
Copyright © 2005
GB GB B263-8518
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