440 Rutherford St. P.O. Box 847 Goleta, CA 93117
Installation Instructions
‘99-’00 Mazda Miata 1.8L
999-200 w/ power steering, w/ AC
999-205 w/ power steering, w/ out AC
999-210 w/ out power steering, w/ out AC
999-215 w/ out power steering, w/ AC
Follow the instructions STEP-BY-STEP, and your
installation will be trouble free. If in doubt, CALL 1-
888-888-4079. We suggest that as you proceed
through the installation, you should read a few steps
ahead in the instructions so you are certain to catch
all notes and warnings.
17mm, 14mm, 13mm, 12mm, 10mm, & 8mm sockets
10mm, 12mm, and 17mm open end wrenches
Deep sockets (14mm or 9/16”, 10mm)
Phillips and Standard screwdriver
5mm Allen wrench
Paper clip
Timing light
proceeding with the installation, it is important to
know that to validate the 2 year, 100K warranty on
your new J/R supercharger, you must completely fill
out the Moss Motors / Jackson Racing warranty card
WARNING: Once the installation is complete,
CHECK AND RECHECK ALL fuel system connec-
tions for possible leaks before operating the vehicle.
91-octane gasoline (or higher) is required when run-
that comes in every kit, including serial number which ning a supercharger.
is on a small white ‘bar code’ label on the body of the
supercharger. Write down all of the numbers which
appear on that label in the appropriate space on the
warranty card. Be certain to do this now because
once your supercharger is installed, it may be almost
impossible to retrieve that serial number.
During this installation process, you will reuse some
parts or hardware and not reinstall others. It is rec-
ommended that you make space for those that you
will reuse, and a separate space for those that you
will not reinstall. In addition, you should save the
parts that will not get reused in case you ever have
reason to convert the engine back to stock.
Enclosed is a set of labels that we suggest you use
to label the electrical connectors that you will be
SPECIAL NOTE: Jackson Racing Supercharger
Systems are designed to be installed by individuals
with good mechanical sense and with the proper
tools. Use your discretion--if you are not a competent
mechanic, do not attempt this installation.
NOTE: Will not work with factory strut tower
Revised 1/07
front and side of the dummy throttle body.
2.5 Do not connect the ICS electrical connection
ALL THREE TANGS AT ONCE AND COMPRESS until after the next step.
WITH THE THROTTLE BODY ALREADY LOOSE 2.6 Wiring Harness Modifications:
Locate the main engine wiring harness on the left
coolant hoses with a screwdriver, golf tee, or pen- side of the engine (as viewed from the front of the
cil to prevent the leakage of coolant (OR - keep
engine) where it runs between the intake manifold
the hose ends above the radiator cap level to pre- and cam cover. Cut the strap of the white plastic
vent leakage). Release the throttle cable from the harness anchor at the front and release the fire-
throttle shaft spool. Release the Throttle Position
Switch harness by lifting the small wire clip that
runs around the rectangular base of the connec-
tor. If the throttle body gasket tears as you
wall end of the harness by gently prying the
release tab on the securing clamp located near
the rear engine lifting eye. Starting at the forward
point where the four black/yellow wires come out
remove it (even though it is made of metal, it can of the harness, cut the black tape binding the
tear), you will need to clean off the old gasket
from both surfaces, the throttle body and the
intake manifold. Carefully use a knife or the back- ICS valve connector and follow the wires to the
plastic corrugated tubing so that you can access
the wires within. Locate the wiring branch of the
side of a hacksaw blade to scrape the mounting
surfaces clean. DO NOT SCRATCH OR MAR
Immediately below and behind the throttle body
on the intake manifold is a steel support brace in
the shape of an inverted “L” attached by four
12mm headed dolts. Remove the brace and re-
secure the wiring harness ground wire attached
at that point with one of the 12mm headed bolts.
main harness. Pull these two wires (purple and
orange) back free from the main harness about 4-
5 inches so that you have enough slack to plug
the connector in the repositioned ICS valve. Cut a
length of the small diameter corrugated tubing
supplied in the kit to cover the wires on the ICS
branch from the plug to the main harness with an
additional inch of tubing to protrude into the main
harness tubing. Locate the wiring harness branch
for the Throttle Position Switch (TPS) that origi-
nally connected at the throttle body connector.
2.2 Moving to a worktable, remove the idle air
control (ICS) valve from the bottom of the throttle Pull these wires back to about 4 inches from the
body by removing the two
Phillips head screws. Use a
good quality screwdriver and
be careful not to strip the
Phillips head screw. If you
cannot loosen a screw with
the screwdriver, use a small
set of pliers from the side.
Carefully separate the two
units making sure not to tear
the gasket. The gasket will want to stay with the
Mazda ICS valve.
firewall. If the construction of your particular har-
ness is such that you cannot free all three wires
(light green/red, green/black and black/pink) all
the way back, cut the offending wire (usually light
green/red) and pull the wires with the connector
back free. Then strip about 1/4 inch of insulation
of each end of the cut wire and using the Crimp
connector supplied; insert a stripped end into
each end of the connector. Crimp (collapse) each
end of the connector onto stripped ends, making
sure that the connection is secure. With the crimp
connector installed on the wire, shrink seal the
ends of the Crimp connector by heating it with a
heat gun or a hair blow dryer. Using some of the
small diameter corrugated tubing provided, cover
the TPS harness branch. Wrap the main harness
and branches with the roll of tape supplied in the
kit, in the same manner as the factory had.
2.3 Take the Dummy Throttle body from your
supercharger kit and install the Mazda Idle Air
Control Valve (ICS) from step 2.2 on the bottom,
rotating the ICS valve 180 degrees so that the
electrical connector now points to the rear of the
engine. Use the Mazda original ICS to Throttle
body gasket.
Reattach the harness at the rear harness clamp
by snapping it back in place and at the front by
using a new Ty-Wrap strap through the base of
the white plastic anchor. You can now plug in the
ICS valve connector by routing the harness
2.4 Install the Dummy Throttle Body and ICS
valve assembly back onto the intake manifold in
the same position as the standard Mazda throttle branch under and around the intake manifold to
body. Use the original gasket or the1104 adhesive the ICS valve. The TPS connector will be plugged
on the mating surfaces and the two new 8mm x
40mm long bolts provided in the lower two holes
on the dummy throttle body. Reconnect the
coolant hoses to the brass coolant barbs on the
in after installation of the supercharger and throt-
tle body assembly.
Figure 3.1
2.7 Locate the ICS blanking plate and take it over
to your Mazda throttle body. Use the 1104 sealant
between the blanking plate and the Mazda throttle
body. Install the blanking plate onto your Mazda
throttle body using the two new Phillips head
screws supplied in the kit. Insert the shaft of a
Phillips or cross head screwdriver into the ends of
the coolant connections. Gently twist the connec-
tions 90 degrees counter clockwise to their stan-
dard position so that they point in the same direc-
tion as the throttle body inlet. Do not worry if you
kink the coolant connections, you are only moving
them out of the way and they will not be reused.
will be re-arranging your power steering bracket
components per figure 3.2. Located above the
power steering pump on the black plastic timing
cover, remove the 10mm headed bolt that secures
room for the flat idler pulley bracket. The upper
support for the repositioned long bolt “D” comes
from a new adjustment bracket included in the kit.
the small bracket for the Crank Angle Sensor cable. The new adjustment bracket is attached to the
Remove the bracket and reinstall the 10mm-head-
ed bolt. Referring to figure 3.1, remove the slot
bracket and pillow block by removing bolts “A”, “C”, sure to point this bolt with its head nearest the alu-
stamped steel power steering bracket using a new
bolt/washer/nut assembly supplied in your kit. Make
and “D”. Take the flat idler pulley bracket from your
kit and trial fit it to the assembly per figure 3.2. You
will be moving the pillow block and bolt “D” to
behind the power steering stamped steel bracket
(pillow block’s dome facing upward). This makes
minum idler pulley and that this bolt goes through
the hole. The rearward hole is now used for the
relocated “D” bolt, which will be used to tighten your
drive belt. Note: The power steering pump must
be in its lowest position for this procedure.
3.2 When you are done with your trial fit-
ting of the flat idler pulley bracket, take
this flat bracket to a workbench and
install the two nylon idler pulleys using
the bolts and Nylock nuts provided. Make
sure that the bolt heads point towards the
rear of the car.
Figure 3.4
3.3 Secure the idler pulleys firmly to the
flat bracket. Proceed to install the idler
pulley assembly onto the car per the pro-
cedure practiced during the trial fitting.
The final assembly (minus the pulleys)
should look like figure 3.3.
Check the clearance between the small
coolant hose that runs from the base of
the thermostat housing and the passen-
ger side idler pulley. If the clearance is
less than ? inch between the hose and the pulley,
trim three quarters of an inch of length off of the
thermostat end of the small hose. Reinstall the
hose, reusing the spring clamp. By removing a
small piece of the hose end, the hose will be
pulled away from the idler pulley, avoiding any
damage during operation. This is a critical area
for attention since a hose failure could cause
severe engine damage. Not all cars need this
3.5 Pick the flat steel supercharger bracket from
the kit and slip the non-slotted end over the
power steering bolt. Reinstall the power steering
pump nut with the flat bracket pinched between
the nut and the cast power steering pump bracket
that is on the engine. When finished, rotate the
power steering pump as far down as possible
(the pulley will touch the AC compressor pulley if
so equipped). This will allow room for the super-
charger to be installed and for the
belt to slip over the pulleys.
CARS: Locate your lower bracket
assembly from the kit. The end
with the small 90 degree bracket
mounts to the idler bracket (stan-
dard on AC equipped cars) or to
new idler bracket (supplied with kit
for non-AC, non-PS cars). Use the
new, longer 10mm bolt provided to
attach this bracket to the engine
(Review figure 3.4 for bolt loca-
Figure 3.3
3.4 POWER STEERING CARS: Spin the power
steering pump pulley until the nut on the main
pump mounting bolt is visible. Insert a socket
wrench (deep 14mm) here and hold the rear hex
head with a 14mm box wrench. Remove the nut.
(item “B” in figure 3.1). VERY IMPORTANT:
the thick washer under the bolt’s head). TEST
Figure 3.5
PowerCard in the interior. To route the hard plastic
vacuum pipe to the engine compartment, you will
need a long narrow rod or screwdriver shaft approxi-
mately 24+” long. On the driver side of the engine
compartment you will find a rubber grommet where
the main wiring harness goes through the firewall.
From inside the engine compartment, carefully push
your long tool through the grommet. Have someone
watch from the interior so that you don’t drive the
tool through any vital parts other than insulation.
Once through, you can tape the hard plastic vacu-
um pipe to the tool and carefully pull it back through
the firewall. You should end up with a good weather
tight seal and your vacuum pipe tucked cleanly
away under the dash.
4.1From the kit,
locate Jackson
Racing “PowerCard”
Digital Fuel
Management Module
(DFMM), it will
appear as a small
black plastic box with
6 wires coming out of
it. Using Velcro pro-
vided, you will be
attaching the
Jackson Racing
PowerCard to the
side of the factory
Engine Computer
Unit (ECU). The ECU is located directly above
the brake/clutch pedals.
4.2 Locate the plug closest to the clutch/brake
pedal. There is a White/Red wire on this plug that
will serve as your 12volt power source. Clamp a T-
Tap on this wire.
4.3 Locate the plug furthest from the clutch/brake
pedals. It is home to the 5 remaining wires used for
the Powercard installation. Find the Black/Blue wire
which is your ground wire and clamp on a T-Tap.
Next you will be locating the 4 injector wires. They
are colored as follows: Yellow/Black, Violet/Green,
Yellow/Red and a Yellow/Green. Clamp a “T” Tap
onto each of these 4 wires. Now plug the red wire
from the Jackson Racing PowerCard into the
4.5. Route the hard plastic pipe across the back of
the engine and across the valve cover. Connect this
hard plastic pipe to the vacuum fitting on the intake
manifold with the small, 90-degree adapter hose.
Connect the other end to the Jackson Racing
PowerCard by sliding the hard plastic pipe into the
silicone hose of the PowerCard.
4.6. Using the “Hook and Loop” material supplied
with the kit, attach the PowerCard to the side of the
ECU once the vacuum hose is connected.
White/Red wire. This will be your system 12v power.
Plug the black wire from your Jackson Racing
PowerCard into the Black/Blue wire. This will be
your system ground. Plug the 3 grey wires and 1
blue wire into the 4 remaining injector wires. It does-
n’t matter in what order.
5.1 Working on a table or bench, set the super-
charger in a position easy to work with. Be careful
not to bump the supercharger pulley in any way as it
can easily damage the front bearing. Install your
Mazda throttle body with the ICS blanking plate as
installed in step #2.7 and mount it to the super-
charger using the new gasket or 1104 adhesive and
the two new 8mm x 35mm long bolts supplied in the
4.4 You will need to route a hard plastic pipe from
the intake manifold to the Jackson Racing
5.2 Locate your throttle cable bracket that is bolted
to your standard intake manifold and remove the
throttle cable by loosening the pinch nuts surround-
ing the cable end on either side of the bracket.
Once the nuts are loose, you can pull the cable out
of the bracket - the grommet will deform and let you
do this. Remove the throttle cable bracket by remov-
ing the two 10mm headed bolts. Unclip the throttle
cable from the firewall anchors. Begin rerouting the
throttle cable by looping the end behind the brake
master cylinder and laying its length along the dri-
ver’s side fender well.
6.1 Remove the engine lift eyelet at the front of
the engine, just above the exhaust manifold by
removing the bolt using a 14mm socket. Install
the new flanged headed bolt supplied with your
kit into the boss on the side of your cylinder head.
Leave at least 1/2” of thread exposed on the bolt.
Remove the heat shield from the exhaust mani-
fold. Make sure to spray the small bolts with WD
40 or such and let them soak for a bit to make
sure that they do not shear off during removal.
Spray your exhaust manifold nuts with
WD 40 or equivalent and let soak for ten
minutes, reapplying at the five minute
point. Remove the nuts from the two top
center exhaust manifold studs (#2 and
#3, counting from the front). Install the
exhaust manifold to supercharger bracket
over the two exposed studs. The third
hole on the bracket should be offset
upwards and away from the engine.
Reinstall and tighten the two nuts. Mount
rear bracket on the exhaust studs #2 &
#3 Reusing Mazda Exhaust Nuts.
Remove the counter sunk bolt and nut
which hold the main supercharger brack-
et to the small L-bracket attached to the
supercharger unit. Discard the nut, it is
for shipping purposes only. Locate the
jam nut from the appropriate hardware
bag (self locking prevailing torque nut:
5.3 Locate the black plastic Roto-mold elbow
from your kit. Check inside the elbow for any
debris and clean it out if necessary. You will be
placing the assembly into the position shown (Fig.
5.3) prior to installing the supercharger. Make
sure to install the 2.50” to 2.750” reducer hose to
the airflow meter end of this elbow prior to setting
it in place. This will greatly assist in air flow meter
installation. Also, install the 2.50” diameter hump
hose to the throttle body end of this plastic elbow.
Use the clamps provided to secure the hoses to
the elbow.
6.2 Bring the supercharger
over to the engine. Feed the
throttle body end into the
hump hose already installed on the plastic Air
flow meter to throttle body elbow (make sure to
slip a fully opened hose clamp over the hose
first). Orient the supercharger so that you can slip
the forward large “keyhole” in the bracket
attached to the supercharger over the bolt head
installed in step #6.1. Make sure that the bolt
moves up the respective vertical slot and seats
against the upper edge of the horizontal slot in
the bracket. Slide the supercharger towards the
firewall as far as it will go. Reinsert the counter-
using an open-end wrench. If you find that the
bracket/supercharger assembly collides with
your cam cover vent tube during initial installa-
tion, it means you did not leave enough threads
exposed on the main mounting bolt installed in
step #6.1. Retry it with the bolt further out.
6.3 Swing the flat lower bracket up into place in
front of the supercharger boss. Locate the small
stamped throttle cable bracket from your kit and
thread the new bolt through the throttle cable
bracket hole, through the spacer, through the
supercharger boss and through the flat steel
lower bracket. Secure with the locking nut and
bolt supplied. Make sure that the head of the
bolt is on the throttle bracket side of the assem-
6.4 Route your throttle cable so that it is looped
back toward the firewall, routing the cable just
behind the driver’s side headlamp. Install the
cable’s threaded end into the small bracket
attached to the underside of the supercharger.
Make certain that the cable/grommet is fully
nested within the slot (this may require some
muscle – we made it tight so your throttle cable
won’t ever fall out). Open the throttle by hand
and insert the cable end into the throttle spool.
Make sure that the cable runs in the center of
the groove of the throttle spool. If it does not,
adjust the throttle cable bracket left or right until
it is centered in the spool’s groove. Have an
Lower Hole is slotted for adjustment of
supercharger mounting angle
sunk bolt removed earlier through the L-bracket,
through the main S/C bracket, and through the
hole in the exhaust manifold to S/C bracket. The
jam nut that goes on this bolt fits tightly between
the rear support bracket and the engine’s cam
cover. Use an open-end wrench and some
masking tape to hold the nut to the wrench while
you feed it into place. Start the countersunk-
head bolt with your other hand and run the pair
down tight. Tighten down the front pinch bolt
assistant operate the gas pedal multiple times
to confirm that the action is free and easy with-
out binding or interference. Make sure that the
cable has a bit of “sloppy” slack with the gas
pedal released and that full throttle is available
when the gas pedal is fully depressed. If it does
not “flop” in the idle position, you will have trou-
ble setting your idle speed. Make sure that the
cable is run in such a way as to allow for engine
movement from side to side. Make very certain
that all throttle cable mounting points are
secure - this installation area is critical for
safe operation of your car. This bracketry
has been carefully designed for correct
operation. It is your responsibility as the
installer to insure that it is bolted together
successfully without binding or interference.
rubber grommet that you earlier removed from
the stock Mazda air filter box into the 3/4” hole in
the base of the new Air Filter. Insert the grommet
from the backside so that the grommet’s flange is
on the outside of the filter base. The small hole
and boss in the air filter base will line up with the
horizontal hole you just removed the 6mm body
colored bolt from. Using the longer bolt provided
(M6 x 30mm, Allen head), attach the air filter
base/air flow meter assembly to the car using this
bolt (it mounts horizontally, through the air filter
base, the flying buttress, and into the Mazda cap-
tive nut on the flying buttress). Use thread-locking
compound. Make sure that the electrical connec-
tor on the air flow meter is still accessible for the
main wiring harness connector to be installed.
7.4 Make sure that there is no chaffing or rubbing
anywhere along the plastic elbow assembly, even
though it is a very tight fit. Gently reposition any
brake lines that are pressing against the elbow.
Make sure all joints and clamps are secure - a
leak in this area will keep your car from idling
correctly. However, never over tighten your
clamps, they may break somewhere down the
road. Install the small piece of vacuum line sup-
plied from the bypass block vacant nipple to the
‘small’ nipple on the plastic elbow. Use the small
length of rubber hose (1/4” dia.) that is slit along
its length to cover the brake line running just
above the plastic elbow. This will prevent any
contact at this point, which may result in noise
during operation.
7.1 Locate the new air filter base from your kit
and install it to the air flow meter intake port
using the reducer hose and clamps. Note the
“Arrow” cast into the side of the air flow meter, it
denotes the direction of airflow through the
meter. It should point away from the air filter
base, towards the firewall of the car. The correct
orientation of the air flow meter will be such that
the electrical plug connection will be facing the
LEFT side near the bottom, when looking in the
inlet port of the air filter base.
7.2 Locate the driver’s side shock tower support
and notice the Mazda air filter box mounting
bracket (painted body color) on the forward edge.
This vertical bracket is held in place by a horizon-
tal bolt (also painted body color). Remove the
bolt using a 10mm socket and store the bracket.
7.5 Locate the 3/4” diameter idle air hose (5’
length) from your kit. Attach one end to the ‘large’
outside fitting on the plastic elbow downstream of
the airflow meter (just below the brake master
cylinder once the elbow is in place). Use a clamp
to secure the hose to the short 3/4” nipple. Run
the hose toward the front of the engine compart-
ment, at approximately 15” from the elbow cut
the hose and install the silver Check Valve in the
hose with the clamps provided. Install the check
valve with the large flanged end towards the
elbow, so that air can flow from the elbow, and
7.3 Bring the air flow meter with the air filter base
installed over to the engine bay. Tilting the
assembly at an angle, feed the air flow meter
outlet into the rubber reducer sleeve already in
place on the plastic elbow (install loose hose
clamp first). The air flow meter assembly fits into
the space just inside the shock tower. Install the
Figure 7.2
not back towards it. Continue the hose across the Locate the 3/8” internal diameter hose from your
engine side of the radiator and under the upper
radiator hose. Using the Ty-Wrapp straps provid-
ed, attach the rubber hose securely to the fan
shroud supports near the fan motor(s). Attach the
end of the hose to the Brass Elbow fitting attached
to the bottom of the new Dummy Throttle Body.
Make sure that the hose is attached in a way that
will not interfere with either fan operation or with
the engine belts. The hose supplied is a bit longer
than it needs to be, feel free to trim its length if
you prefer. Be careful not to pinch the hose at any
point, doing so will affect your idle stability. On
some cars, there might be a slight kink in the hose
where it attaches to the plastic elbow nipple. This
is acceptable, orient the hose so it remains open.
kit and press the restrictor into this hose at least
one inch. Attach this hose from the ‘medium’ fit-
ting on the plastic elbow (near the throttle body,
pointing to the engine). Cut to length and attach
the other end to the camshaft cover fitting on the
exhaust side. Make sure the hose does not kink
at any point and that the restrictor is not left out.
If you leave the small restrictor out, the engine
will not idle correctly. The diagram in figure #7.5
shows the bypass actuator signal line being
attached to the engine side nipple on the bypass
manifold. It may be connected to the fender side
nipple - either is acceptable.
Figure 7.6
Figure 7.5
7.9 Reconnect the electrical connector to the air
flow meter. Make sure the harness is not pinched
at any point.
7.6 Install the air filter element over the air filter
base. Install the waffle patterned air filter cap and
secure using the nuts provided. Use the Ty-
Wrapps provided to secure all components and
keep them clear from the belt runs, exhaust
manifolds and throttle cables.
8.1 Install the new 4-rib drive belt. This new belt
will run counter-clockwise from the crankshaft,
around the air conditioning compressor, up to the
power steering pump, over to the right idler pul-
ley, up and over the supercharger pulley, just
under the left idler pulley, and back down to the
crankshaft. NOTE: Cars without air condition-
ing - your belt run will be similar, but the belt will
simply run from the crankshaft to the power
steering pump. A shorter belt has been provided.
7.7 Take the throttle body wiring harness as left
in step #2.6 and route the harness along the
back of the engine. Route the branch of the har-
ness, which has the Air Flow Meter and Air Temp
Sensor connectors, along the front of the engine
and under the supercharger, so that you can
plug in these connectors. Tie-wrap the harness in
at least two places. Connect the plug to the throt-
tle position sensor and push the Air Temperature
sensor into the grommet in the back of the air
cleaner base.
To install the supercharger belt drive in your par-
ticular situation, follow the instructions as out-
lined in the installation manual except for section
3.0 on Belt Drives. Since you do not have a
7.8 Find the internal restrictor taken out of your
PCV hose in step #1.4 or in the hose bag.
power steering bracket to attach your lower bracket tension on the belt. You should have less than
to, you will use special bracketry that we have
included with your kit. Turn to figure 3.4 in the
3/8inch deflection on the longest run of the belt. If
you find the belt to fit too tightly, gently rock the car in
installation manual and find the note describing the fourth gear while pressing the belt onto the pulley.
bolt that will be used for the non-power steering
car’s lower strap bracket anchor. The Mazda idler
pulley set-up for your 4-rib belt has a cast iron
bracket that is bolted to the engine block. This
bracket is held on by three large bolts. The lower
bolt of the triangle pattern will be the one you
Watch out for your fingers. UNDER NO CIRCUM-
attach our “L” bracket to. It is in the position noted DANGEROUS. Loosen the pinch bolts on your relo-
in figure 3.4. This is where you will attach the small cated power steering adjustment assembly (12mm
“L” bracket to the engine block using the new
head on pillow block pinch bolt, 14mm head on
Ml0x50 fine thread bolt we provide. The lower strap lower front bolt). Tighten the long bolt “D” per figure
bracket can then be attached to this “L” bracket,
3.4 to achieve correct belt tension. The longest run of
supporting the outside of the supercharger. For the the belt should not deflect more than 3/8 of an inch
belt drive, please remove all the adjustment hard- when pressed down with around 22 pounds of
ware from the cast iron Mazda idler bracket (the idler thumb pressure. The tension specification is 90
pulley, the special mounting bolt, the vertical adjust-
ment bolt, etc.). You will be left with just the naked
iron bracket on the engine. Using the 2.5” diameter
idler we provide, and the Ml0x50 bolt, washer and
nyloc nut, mount the nylon idler to the front of the
pounds. Re-tighten the pillow block pinch bolt, idler
bracket bolt, and the power steering pivot bolt. An
easy check for proper belt tension is done by listen-
ing to your belts during warm up. If turning the steer-
ing wheel with the air conditioning on creates a
Mazda cast iron bracket. Make sure to put the Mazda squeal, then the tension is far too loose. In general,
Cast Iron washer under the bolt’s head and to aim the only a slight amount of black dust should appear
bolt toward the radiator (see diagram). Run the belt
over the crank pulley the supercharger and around
around the supercharger nose when the tension is
correct. Heavy dusting indicates excessive belt wear
the air conditioning compressor. Push the idler down- from a loose belt. Check your tension again after the
ward and tighten its center bolt to properly tension the first 500 miles - it will loosen slightly as the belt wears
4-rib belt. If you are careful, a screwdriver can be
placed in the cast iron Bracket’s vertical slot to lever
WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING! Re-tighten all bolts
the pulley downward. This will help you get the proper and double-check your work.
9.1 Locate the rubber sleeves and the front cross
over pipe. Check inside the cross over pipe for
debris and clean it out if necessary. Install the cross
over tube between the idle air manifold (dummy
throttle body now on the intake manifold) and the
supercharger manifold. If you find the outlet rubber
sleeves hard to slip over their respective landings,
use some spray light oil such as WD40 which dries
off to lubricate the situation. Do not use gasoline
products or pure silicone products. The best tech-
nique for installing the cross over tube involves put-
ting the 2.75” diameter rubber sleeve on the super-
charger manifold and the 2.5” diameter sleeve on
the cross over tube, and attach both with clamps.
Then install the cross over tube, starting at the
supercharger end first. Note that the cross over pipe
goes over the radiator hose.
the supercharger assembly slightly forward or rear-
ward to correctly align the drive pulleys. The slots
in the supercharger mounting bracket will allow
you to find the perfect alignment for the belt run.
NOTE: Do not attempt to move the supercharg-
er with your hands with the engine running.
Use an appropriate tool. The best tool to use is a
flat blade screwdriver placed between the forward
bracket bolt and the front inside edge of the brack-
et. Move the supercharger assembly while watch-
ing the belt run the idler pulley. If you have the two
bracket bolts too loose, the supercharger will be
out of alignment from side to side. Make sure the
two bolts are snug enough to just allow some
leveraged movement. Once you have the belt run-
ning true in the center of the idler pulleys, tighten
the rear bolt to secure the position. Shut off the
engine and tighten the other bracket bolt securely.
Recheck all mounting bolts for tightness.
9.2 Once the cross over pipe is installed correctly,
double-check all your hose and tube connections.
There should be no loose ends or connections. Do
not overtighten any hose clamps, but eisure that
they are snug. Double check your power steering
belt and supercharger belt for correct tension.
9.6. For trouble shooting and testing prior to driving
your newly supercharged Miata follow these proce-
dures. Unscrew the back of the “Jackson Racing
PowerCard” box. You will see 3 LED lights in a
row. The Yellow, Red and Green lights are fuel
enrichment lights and MIL (Malfunction Indicator
Lights) lights. Read the lights and refer to the fol-
lowing table to find the source of the MIL problem.
9.3 You are now ready to start your engine.
CRITICAL - The engine “rocks” strongly to the dri-
ver’s side upon deceleration. If clearance is too
tight, your brake lines can be gently deformed
away from the supercharger bypass actuator by
If the box has been wired for power and ground
correctly you will see the Green light is illuminated
and flashing with the ignition switch in the “On”
position and the engine off. Start the car and check
that the Green light is illuminated continuously and
not flashing. There should be no other lights illumi-
nated. If you have no lights when you power up
the vehicle, you either have a power (Red wire) or
ground (Black wire) problem. Double-check your
connections at these two wires until they test prop-
If the Green light is flashing after the vehicle is
started, the Blue wire is not connected to an injec-
tor wire or the connection is not complete. If the
yellow light is flashing one of the Gray wires has a
bad connection or is not connected to an injector
wire. The Yellow MIL light will not function if the
Green light is also flashing. In this case you must
fix the Blue wire problem first.
Start your engine and observe your belt drive. The
belt should line up with itself as it passes between
the two aluminum idlers. To put it a different way,
the portion of the belt running up to the super-
charger should lay directly over the portion leaving
the supercharger and heading toward the power
steering pulley. If the upward run is more forward or
rearward than the downward run, you need to
move your supercharger slightly forward or back-
ward with respect to the crankshaft pulley.
Remember the two bolts attaching the supercharg-
ers bracket to the cylinder head from step 6.1? You
can now access these two bolts with an open-end
wrench. Loosen each bolt slightly to allow for
adjustment. Start the engine. You can now move
Inside the box is one more LED located away from
the other three LED’s. This is your “Boost
Activation” LED. Once the engine is warmed up,
push the throttle hard so that the engine gains
RPM quickly (creates Boost) and then let it come
back to idle. During this process this LED should
become illuminated temporarily. It only comes on
when the Pressure Transducer in the box reads
boost from the
does not use any engine oil for its lubrication,
your engine will be working a little harder with the
addition of a supercharger. The synthetic oil pro-
vides an extra measure of protection, but is not
necessary for safe and reliable operation.
Restart your engine. Using the idle air screw on
your throttle body (now on the back of the super-
charger), adjust your idle speed to 950 rpm after
the engine is warm. This is done by backing the
adjustment screw out a half turn at a time until the
correct speed is achieved (counter-clockwise rota-
tion increases idle speed). Next, turn your head-
lights on BRIGHT and put your heater fan on
HIGH. Leave the air conditioning off. Rev the
engine briskly in neutral to at least 2500 rpm and
release. Notice if the idle stops at 900 rpm. If it dips
below this level and feels like it will stall, then recov-
ers to 950 rpm, open the idle airscrew (counter-
clockwise rotation) one tenth of a turn at a time until
most of this “droop” disappears. A slight droop of
100 rpm or so is acceptable and normal. More than
that may create a stalling problem during driving.
Turn off the lights and heater fan and double check
that your idle speed is 950 rpm.
9.9.1 Breaking-in: Your supercharger will work
perfectly from the first time you fire it up.
However, it does need about 500 miles to fully
seat the rotors. Up to that time, you may notice a
slight noise coming from the supercharger at idle.
This is normal.
10.0 Performance: You will notice that your
engine runs stronger during cold days than on
very hot ones. This is due to the nature of the
internal combustion engine. When the air is cold,
the engine receives a denser charge of air, thus
more power can be produced. While this is true
with any engine, the supercharger amplifies this
cold air benefit.
It is recommended that unleaded gasoline of 91
octane rating or better should be used when your
Miata is supercharged.
10.1 BELTS
The only item to watch with your supercharger
system will be the belt tension for the supercharg-
er drive. If you have a tension gauge for a poly-
vee belt, the tension is to be 90 pounds. Without
a gauge, look for less than 1/2” deflection on the
long run of the belt. If you see a large accumula-
tion of belt dust on your supercharger, it is an
indication that your belt is slipping. A slight
amount of belt dust is normal.
If you should find yourself in a situation where
you cannot find high-octane fuel, you can bypass
the supercharger temporarily. Note the position
the bypass actuator arm is in during idle. This is
the position that bypasses the boost air back into
the supercharger inlet. As you blip the throttle, the
actuator arm will move and close a butterfly valve
inside the bypass manifold. Using a short piece of
wire, fix the bypass actuator arm in the “bypass”
position that it holds at idle. This will prevent
boost from being developed and thus, detonation
will not occur. Of course, your engine will now run
like a stock Miata’s, but will be quite operable for
as long as you need. When you find higher-
octane fuel, simply remove the wire to release the
actuator arm and the bypass will function normal-
ly, closing during acceleration, bypassing during
idle and cruise. Try to run the low octane fuel out
of your tank before filling up. Mixing fuels of differ-
ent octane will lower the overall rating and deto-
nation could still be a problem.
wears, small cracks will form in each of the ribs
on the inside run of the belt. Replace your belt
when you can count six cracks within one inch of
length (six cracks total from all ribs combined).
10.2 Every six months or so, check your hose
clamps for correct tension. The rubber hoses will
take a set and the clamps may not be holding as
tight. Also check all mounting bolts and nuts, par-
ticularly the throttle cable anchor bracket.
10.3 Your air filter is a long-life unit needing serv-
ice only every 15,000 miles. To clean, you can
wash the filter element in soap and water. Use a
dish detergent soap such as Dawn, etc. Rinse
thoroughly and allow to dry. Wet the filter element
with a light application of ATF (automatic trans-
mission fluid). Alternatively, a special cleaning kit
is available (901-970)
9.8 Starting procedure: Start your engine as you
would a standard Miata. Remember to bring the
engine up to operating temperature (as indicated
by your water temperature gauge) before running
it hard. Full boost on a cold engine will greatly
increase your engine wear.
10.4 At every oil change, lubricate the bypass
actuator arm contact point and shaft bushing with
light grease to insure long life - these parts are
exposed to underhood dirt and grime.
9.9 Oil changes: we suggest you use synthetic oil
such as Mobil 1 and change it regularly (5000
miles maximum). If you use a mineral oil, change
it every 2500 miles. While your supercharger
SYMPTOM: Engine cranks but will not start.
PROBABLE CAUSES: Airflow meter disconnect-
ed; Idle air line open; Low battery voltage.
CURE: Double check that the connector to air-
flow meter is well connected. Re-check the 3/4”
ICS line and the PCV line to see that they are
not leaking. Use a known good battery to “jump”
the Miata’s battery. It is possible to have enough
voltage to crank a Miata but not enough to cor-
rectly run the engines control computer.
SYMPTOM: No power during boost.
PROBABLE CAUSES: Cross over tube loose.
CURE: Check the cross over tube to see that it is
well connected at both ends. Check electrical
SYMPTOM: Unstable Idle.
PROBABLE CAUSE: Idle airscrew set incorrect-
ly; Restrictor left out in step #7.8; air leak in
intake track.
The supercharger unit itself carries a 2 year or
100,000 mile warranty (for the original purchaser
of the kit) against defects in material and work-
manship. No other warranties apply. This warran-
ty is void if the subject vehicle is used in any rac-
ing activities of any sort.
CURE: Re-check restrictor. Check idle adjust-
ment procedure in step 8.1 above. Check for air
leaks - vacuum at idle should be at least 17.7 in
If you experience any problems with your kit dur-
ing installation or operation, contact your retailer
or Moss Motors at 888-888-4079.
Now that your Miata has a stronger engine, there
are a few changes you might want to make to
the rest of the car to improve its performance.
The following are not required for your super-
charged Miata, but are presented as tuning hints
for a better all-around car. When it comes time to
put in a new clutch, we recommend the Jackson
Racing Stage 1 clutch kit. While your new super-
charger and the standard Mazda clutch work well
together, it is a good idea to step up to the
Jackson Racing unit when you are changing your
clutch. Now is the time to upgrade your suspen-
sion. Jackson Racing sway bars will tighten your
steering response. A set of Jackson Racing Sport
lowering springs will lower the car 25mm and
make for better handling without the harsh ride of
competition springs. Have your car aligned after-
ward (driver’s equivalent weight in the driver’s
seat) to factory specifications after any suspen-
sion changes. A performance muffler will make
your supercharged Miata that much faster. Since
you are now flowing 300 cubic feet per minute
through a muffler designed for 177 cfm, an
improvement can be made.
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